World Tour Books

  • Fifi's First World Tour By: Jake Hipp
    Jake and his family buy baby chicks, name them, and take Fifi on a tour of the world. They return home and realize it's August, meaning Spirit Halloween is open! To be contin…
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  • The World Tour
    Lilly and her cat Whiskers go on a world tour, visiting the Eiffel Tower, Pyramids of Egypt, Grand Canyon, and White House.
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  • Wildlife World Tour
    A group of little explorers go on a trip around the world, visiting South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia, and learning about the wildlife and culture in each place.
  • Let's Travel eTwinning Project
    A group of friends goes on a world tour, visiting Madagascar, Australia, Holland, Egypt, and Barcelona.
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  • Flat Stanley Visits Ms. Natasha in Seattle
    My cousin sent me a "Flat Stanley" from Pittsburgh - I took it, had fun with it, and created this little tour of Seattle!

    Hope you enjoy it!

    - Ms. Natasha
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  • The ABCs of Taylor Swift
    An alphabetical list of facts and trivia about Taylor Swift, covering her life, career, and achievements.
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  • The Rock's World Tour
    The story follows the journey of a rock named Ryan as he falls from the Grand Canyon, travels through different environments, and transforms into different types of rocks.
  • The World Famoues Frog Singer
    A frog named Kermit, a world-class singer, goes on a world tour but loses his voice. With the help of medicine, he recovers and becomes a star.
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