Writing Styles Books

  • N.B. Youth Poet Contest
    A collection of children's poems, each with its unique theme and style. The poems encourage self-love, appreciation of nature, hope, and creativity. They are beautifully illu…
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  • Jungle Animals
    A collection of facts about various animals, from bears to zebras, with some inaccuracies and inconsistent writing style.
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  • Our  Important Book
    In our recent study of nouns, students looked to Margaret Wise Brown's, The Important Book, for inspiration. They each chose a noun to describe, and practiced her writing sty…
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  • The Tree
    Read this amazing story about a tree, a lonely guy, and a town coming together in the unique, distinct, style of Evan Kirby's Writing.
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    A group of students research and write about Egyptian gods, mythology, and the afterlife, presenting their findings in different writing styles.
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  • Charles Dickens
    This book provides an introduction to the life and literary success of Charles Dickens, highlighting his impact on social change and his unique writing style.
  • Persuasive writing
    A composition explaining persuasive writing styles, formats, language techniques, and examples.
  • An interview with Charles Dickens
    A conversation between Damian and Mr. Dickens about the author's inspiration, favorite characters, childhood, writing style, serialization, time-travel, and advice for young …
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