Wwi Books

  • WWI Scrapbook
    Harrison Wells shares his experiences and insights from World War I, including battles, life in the trenches, and the impact on the home front.
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  • WWI ABC Book
    World War I Vocab
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  • WWI
    A brief overview of the events leading up to and during World War I, including alliances, battles, and the aftermath.
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  • Life in WW1
    A first-person account of life in the trenches during WWI, including the challenges, dangers, and strategies used by soldiers.
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  • WWI Storybook
    A soldier's account of his experiences in WWI, including battles, hardships, and the impact on Russia.
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  • WWI, Let's Get Out Of Here!
    This book is about a young man that has to suffer walking in the trenches that are soggy and wet.
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  • Reasons for USA entry in WWI
    A historical fiction story about the events leading to the US entry into World War I, including the sinking of ships and the Zimmerman Telegram.
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  • Pokémon!
    A battle between powerful Pokémon ends in a peaceful resolution after reinforcements arrive.
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