Xcaret Park Books

  • My honeymoon and 10 years after
    A couple's wedding and subsequent trips to Cancun are described, including visits to Chichén Itzá and Xcaret Park.
  • Countries
    A collection of short descriptions about different countries, including their geography, history, and culture.
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  • My vacation with my family
    A child's travel diary of their vacation in Mexico, visiting various parks and attractions.
  • Project 2: Storyjumper
    A child excitedly plans their trip to Cancun, including visits to various parks and a nightclub.
  • The Three Amigos: Planning for Vacation.
    A group of friends plans a vacation to Mexico, discussing various attractions and activities in Mexico City and Cancun.
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  • All About me By Carlos Moreno
    The story follows the daily routine, important moments, and upcoming vacation plans of the narrator.
  • the wonders of Cancún Lourdes Roa, Santiago Ramos, Daniela Sánchez and Maria Paula Munera
    A travel guide to Cancun, Mexico, including information on its location, transportation, activities, tourist places, food, culture, and ethical tourism advice.
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