Yellowstone Books

  • Yellowstone National Park
    This is an informative and engaging story about Yellowstone National Park, its wildlife, and the role of a park ranger. It includes interactive math problems for children to …
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  • Wildfire in Yellowstone National Park
    A description of the process of forest succession after a fire in Yellowstone National Park.
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  • Why Wolves Matter
    The story explains the important role of wolves in maintaining ecosystem balance, using the example of Yellowstone National Park.
  • National Parks and Mountains
    This Includes Yellowstone National Park
    , Grand Teton National Park and Glacier National Park.
    The story explores the positive impact of reintroducing wolves to Yellowstone National Park, leading to a balanced ecosystem and environmental benefits.
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  • All About Yellowstone National Park
    Yellowstone National Park, the first national park in the US, is home to diverse wildlife and offers various activities for visitors.
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  • Yellowstone Caldera
    The story introduces the Yellowstone Caldera, a supervolcano that could potentially cause catastrophic consequences if it erupts. It discusses the park's attractions and the …
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  • Old, Older, Oldest
    Have you ever been to Yellowstone National Park? Did you know it was the very first national park in the world? Go along with the Grammar Gang to learn about the park. You…
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