Zebras Books

  • The Zebra and the Giraffe
    A zebra and a giraffe are best friends but they are showing off to each other because one can do something that the other can't. Then they remember that they are two differen…
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  • Leo & Zoey
    Let's see how the lion will celebrate his best friend zebra's birthday.
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  • How the Zebra Found His Stripes
    A zebra loses his stripes and goes on a search to find them, asking various animals for help along the way.
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  • Zebras
    A brief introduction to zebras, their behavior, and their role in the ecosystem.
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  • If I Had a Zebra
    A child imagines what it would be like to have various animals as pets, including a zebra, elephant, turtle, parrot, and axolotl.
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  • Doofy the Hippo?
    Doofy does not want to be a hippo any longer. Does he change or accept himself? Maybe both.
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  • Zebras Are People Too
    This is a story of a young girl navigating through life with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS), a genetic disorder causing joint pain and migraines. She experiences the challenges…
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  • All About Zebras
    A description of zebras, their social behavior, population numbers, and mating habits.
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