'' Cinema or Theater That is the Question ' eTwinning Project
Our Patners and Students
What is in it our e-book?
1-Dedication Page 2-Our Partners and Teams
3-What is in Our e-Book? 4-What is in Our e-Book
5-Project aims 6-Projects aims
7-Project Process 8-Expected Results
9-Expected Results 10-Information about Activities
11-Winner Logo-Poster-Slogan 12-Cinema Films Watched
13-Harry Potter Analysis 14-Green Book and Analysis
15-Theater Plays to Watch 16-Hamlet and Analysis
17-The Importance of Being Earnest
18-Information about Webinars
19-E-Safety Webinar with Tolga BAŞBAY
20-Webinar on Theater with Victor LALMANACH
21-Media Literacy Webinar with Prof.Dr. Nezih ORHON
-22-Theater Webinar with Cristina TARNADAFIR
23-Web2 tools Webinar with Ceyda ÇELİK
24- Events we celebrated 25- 23rd April Children's Day
26-9 the of May eTwinning Day - 27-19 the of May Youth And Sports Day
28--Information About Rap Song 29-Final Product: Rap Song
30-Mixed Teams 31--Cinema Team's Works
32-Theater Team's Works
33- -Virtual Museum
19-Teachers' Evaluation Videos
About Our Project
Our students will improve criticize that they read and watch. They will get the message in a recorded text and recorded videos.
They will learn how authors convey their feelings and give life to words. So, they will improve their speaking and discussion ability and They will affirm their own personality and become more self-confident. They will develop their improvising skills.
They will find information, have the information, and share it with their peers and others. They will improve their self-expression skills and develop their aesthetic and artistic perception and their creativity and imagination.
Project Aims
Speaking, listening, reading, writing, observing skills. students’ verbal and non-verbal communication skills will be improved.
Students will experience teambuilding and learn teamwork. They will widen their social sensitivity and increase their capacity to collaborate with their European peers.
Students will open their minds to new cultures and broaden their friend environs. Discovering similarities and differences with others will help them grow into open-minded and balanced adults.
They will learn how to be more efficient to acquire new knowledge and will be more successful in their lessons.
Project Process
We aim to start our project in the first week of April and finish it on the 10th of June in this Academic Year. In this period we are planning to work in groups consists of different school students and from different countries. Each group of students and teachers will choose their teams willingly and students will work cooperatively with the help of each team's leader teachers. Teachers and students should be active in every phase of the project.
Expected Results
Thanks to our project, our students will
-discover the elements of cinema and theatre world,
-learn more about cinema and the theatre world more closely
-improve their writing ability throughout the scriptwriting process
-gain and improve acting ability by watching films, plays and meeting actors and actresses
-improve their English thanks to our webinars, speaking sessions, and debate event
-make new friends from different countries and set up cultural bridges
-gain critical thinking and problem solving,
-discover and learn new web2 tools and use them also in their lessons.
-become more self-confident individuals
At the end of the project
- short script is going to be written about friendship in Cinema Team and eco- friendly script in Theater Team and prepared using animated presentation tool as a final product
- a debate event is planned between cinema team and theater team students and they will defend their ideas and discuss with other team members
- e-books will be at the end of each month
- a virtual museum will be created as a memory of our project
- Final e-magazine is going to be prepared as a summary of the Project.
At the end of the project
- short script is going to be written about friendship in Cinema Team and eco- friendly script in Theater Team and prepared using animated presentation tool as a final product
- a debate event is planned between cinema team and theater team students and they will defend their ideas and discuss with other team members
- e-books will be at the end of each month
- a virtual museum will be created as a memory of our project
- Final e-magazine is going to be prepared as a summary of the Project.
First of all, we want to say that we have done each activity collaboratively and decided in our meeting from writing project plan to webinars to have, from films and theater plays to watch to common products.
We have always keep in touch with partners and our students and got ideas from everybody
before activities and events.
We have asked our students which films do you want to watch via survey and these were most voted films by students .
Our students have watched the first episode of the Harry Potter movie and analyzed it with preferred application and answered the question we asked before watching it and their thought about it on Forum Discussion topics, too
The second film was Green Book that our students watched and analyzed: They also have written their thought on the forum about it.
Our students decided which theater plays they watch by a survey and these are the most voted ones.
They watched 2 theater plays and analyzed it and answered that are on the tickets.They are really good videos prepared by our students.
First theater play they watched and made videos about Hamlet . It was the first time for our students to watch a theater play and analyzed it. They have uploaded their videos on Twinspace and wrote their comments on the forum about it.
The second theater play was 'The Importance of Being Earnest. The results we can see in our students are awesome. They got the message in the play and analyzed it perfectly. They have written their videos and write great comments about it on the forum as they in their previous works.
We had great Webinars
1-E-safety Webinar with Tolga teacher and learned how to be safe on the Net and learned a lot about Internet Safety.
2-We got the idea of thought and the long journey of Victor's and Cristina's being theater actors.
3-Thanks to Prof.Dr. Nezih Orhon we have learned a lot about Media Literacy and Disinformation. I believe we are more aware and responsible about being digital citizens on the Net.
4-Ceyda Çelik teacher sincerely presented new Web2 tools to us and we used it for the animated acting of our script
Ersin Tolga Teacher gave us a webinar on e-safety and now we are more careful about being safe on the Net such as strong passwords, what are viruses and how to protect our computer, and so on.
We have met a young theater actor Victor and learned more about the theater world. He was so sincere and kindly tried to answer all questions . Our students have also enjoyed his journey and impressed by his journey.
Dear Prof.Dr. Nezih ORHON kindly accepted being with us and gave a lot of useful information about media Literacy and Disinformation; which is a crucial issue we should talk
We have met a Romanian actress who tried to her to do her best and we enjoyed hearing her being a musical theater actress journey. She is so natural and answered all questions.
Our English teacher guest Ceyda ÇELİK has given us a webinar on 2 web2 tools Mentimeter and Plotagon . Thanks to her pure, detailed presentations we could prepare our students' script into an animated presentation and we really liked it. We can also use these tools while teaching.
We celebrated the 23rd of April Children's and National Sovereignty Day with a joint poem, we celebrated eTwinning Day with our students 'video and made a video with all of our students 'video on the 9th of May.
the third event we celebrated with a joint poem is the 19th of May Youth and Sports Day . These activities are great examples of joint and collaborative works
Infprmation About Rap Song
We wanted our students to write a rap song using the web2 tool and we brought them together. Then we divided the song to each school student, they sang and we applied in using autorap and look the result is fruitful.
We all liked the song . We hope you will also like it.
You must really listen to our final product; our rap song. It's awesome
Mixed Teams
It's time to show you our team works, we as students and teachers chose our teams and were responsible for guiding students in each phase of their work. We took their thoughts about cinema and theater we wanted them to act their favorite scene in cinema and catchwords in the theater team. As final products, our students wrote eco-friendly scripts in the theater team and a script about friendship in the cinema team and we presented in by using Plotagon in an animated video. Let's turn the page see the teamwork.
We created a Virtual Museum as a memory of our project. .It's a nice piece of artwork.
'' Cinema or Theater That is the Question ' eTwinning Project
Our Patners and Students
What is in it our e-book?
1-Dedication Page 2-Our Partners and Teams
3-What is in Our e-Book? 4-What is in Our e-Book
5-Project aims 6-Projects aims
7-Project Process 8-Expected Results
9-Expected Results 10-Information about Activities
11-Winner Logo-Poster-Slogan 12-Cinema Films Watched
13-Harry Potter Analysis 14-Green Book and Analysis
15-Theater Plays to Watch 16-Hamlet and Analysis
17-The Importance of Being Earnest
18-Information about Webinars
19-E-Safety Webinar with Tolga BAŞBAY
20-Webinar on Theater with Victor LALMANACH
21-Media Literacy Webinar with Prof.Dr. Nezih ORHON
-22-Theater Webinar with Cristina TARNADAFIR
23-Web2 tools Webinar with Ceyda ÇELİK
24- Events we celebrated 25- 23rd April Children's Day
26-9 the of May eTwinning Day - 27-19 the of May Youth And Sports Day
28--Information About Rap Song 29-Final Product: Rap Song
30-Mixed Teams 31--Cinema Team's Works
32-Theater Team's Works
33- -Virtual Museum
19-Teachers' Evaluation Videos