In a morning, a cock crowed.It was getting lightened.Over the mountains,while the sun was rising animals'sounds were started to be heard.People of the village who asleep the whole night,woke up in the early hours of the day.
In a morning, a cock crowed.It was getting lightened.Over the mountains,while the sun was rising animals'sounds were started to be heard.People of the village who asleep the whole night,woke up in the early hours of the day.
Student's Name : Arda Ş.
Teacher's Name: Müfide ERTEKİN
School: Muğla Menteşe Turgutreis Anatolian High School / TURKEY
Teacher: Ayfer DÖNMEZ GÜNGÖR
Student: Hande M.
School: Muğla Menteşe Turgutreis Anatolian High School / TURKEY
This forest was their secret sanctuary. they would disappear into a fairy tale world. There was a stream in the forest. They used to swim in that creek in the summer. There were fish in the creek. There were all kinds of creatures hiding among the willow trees that washed their hair in the creek: turtles, otters, birds, insects...
Teacher: Emine SERDAR
Student: Mükremin
School: Muğla Menteşe Turgutreis Anatolian High School / TURKEY
I will plant grapes in the vineyards around the village. I will introduce our village to the world with honey, grapes, and IGS.
Caesar looks at Ali sadly. "Unfortunately, others have plans for our village," he says.
Teacher: Hümeyra Manavoğlu
Student: Can A.
School: Muğla Menteşe Turgutreis Anatolian High School / TURKEY
Student: Meltem M
Teacher :Gülsüm ŞANLI
School :Muğla Şehit Altuğ Pek
Anatolian High School/Turkey
Great idea to plant grapes in the vineyards around the village
Ali told sezer that there is no problem, I will act
sezer said, What are you going to do?
Ali said to sezer , I will tell you tomorrow, God willing
Ok Ali I will See you Tomorrow At the same Restaurant
Ahmed A. Semra Ayata
The Next Day
Good Morning Ali Good Morning sezer
sezer : you didn't tell me what you will do
Ali : We wıll choose three governors from the vıllage
To see my project and hıs project to choose the best
sezer : Are you sure that you will win
Ali : I attended a project that will not be notified
The Next Day
At morning
Then both Ali and mehmet presented his design to the governor
it was the decisive moment
The governor spoke to each other and took the decisive decision
that both of Ali and mehmet win the will make the project with each other to make the village
more prettier
Teacher : Semra Ayata
Student : Ahmed A.
school : Menteşe şehit
Mehmet çetin Anadolu imam Hatip Lisesi
( Be Forest )
The two friends came up with a project plan that included developing agriculture as well as cultivating the forest shoreline. Alim and Cesar decided to cultivate vineyards, grow vegetables, cultivate fruits, cultivate irrigation canals and thus help create organic products, the village will have natural food, water and fresh air.
This was further facilitated by the expansion of the forest shoreline, which provided fresh air. The polluted places would be cleaned and the village would be beautified.
Student: Mariam Lomidze
Khatia Nozadze
Teacher: Khatuna Khachapuridze
Khashuri Public School N1
Be Forest
Ali woke up early in the morning , he was very excited. he had his breakfast and called Sezer. Sezer said that things were not going well and told Ali to come to the village cafe. Ali hastily left the house and came to the cafe to meet Sezer.
Ali: 'What happened? Let's get down the bussiness.
- I'm afraid Ali, last night a few man came to the headman and talked about building a factory in our fields.
- the worst thing was, they said they were going to start to build this factory as soon as possible.
When Ali heard this news, all of Ali's excitement had faded away. Ali thought that there must be a way to prevent this illegal factory from being built in our beautiful forests.
After thinking for a while, they decided to go to villager's houses one by one and convince the villagers so that if they protested together, they could protect their forests.
They went around the houses until the evening convinced people that if a factory is built, the dirty water will mix with the canals so their crops will not grow healthy, the animals will not find a clean area to graze and the polluted air coming out of the chimneys will harm people's health.
Ali also asked some of his engineer friends for help. His friends said that they would do research on the subject and send the results to the district. Thus the villagers would continue their agricultural activities with the help of Ali.
Student: Rabia GÜDER
Teacher: Fatma YILDIRIM
School: Milas Kız Anadolu İmam Hatip High School
Student: Filip Ponikiewski
Teacher: Beata Bury
School: Liceum Ogólnokształcące
Towarzystwa Szkolnego im. Mikołaja Reja w Bielsku-Białej
One Thursday afternoon, my older sister and I went on a bike trip. Everything was perfect. Weather was good. The sun was warm. The birds chirped merrily. The forest was full of life. We drove around and admired and talked. Suddenly I glanced at my dear gold watch on my left wrist. It was nearly 11:00, and we promised my parents that we'd be sixteen. They must have been very worried about us now. I told Paulina (that was my sister's name) about it and we turned back. Out of this rush, we decided to take an unknown mysterious shortcut, that is, go off the path and go between the trees. After about half an hour of driving, I realized we were lost. So we did not go any further.
We got off our bikes and sat on the grass. I was very stressed out, it was hard to get away from the madness. My beloved sister called my parents and said that we were lost and that I did not know where we were. dad promised to look for us with the forester. We sat there, not knowing what to do, to get them to find us, so we started screaming. Two hours after making the call, we were found. We were very cold because it was freezing outside and we were dressed in light sweatshirts. We drove home and our parents told us to go to bed. We fell asleep quickly.
The next day we had a tough conversation. We explained ourselves extensively. Unfortunately, no effect. We got a barrier for 15 months and from now on I can't go to the forest by myself. We have been given the punishment we deserved. We acted irresponsibly and we have already served one sentence. The punishment was fear and anxiety. It overwhelmed us still in the forest.
my mom never let us go out on our own again.Now my mom and I could go out once a week. It was already lush as a forest in the garden of our house.our flowersiour trees.our animals... we couldn't see our friends the way we used to. They were the only ones who could come to us.
student:irem su k.
teacher:Sinan İŞVAROĞLU
We understood my mother's decision. He was very worried for us. We waited a while. One evening we asked our father to buy flowers and saplings for us. Our father brought it right away. We invited our friends and had a picnic in our garden. after eating snacks. We were ready to plant the saplings our father had bought into the ground. We gently returned the seedlings to their nests. My mother's anger was gone. Slowly he began to take us out. What do you think we will see when we go out one day?
TEACHER: Sinan İşvaroğlu
STUDENT: Beydanur Ka.
It was morning .. around 10:00 .. the punishment was over and I could go out. We were thinking what to do .. Paulina came up with an idea ...
-Let's go to the forest to plant seedlings and shrubs. Good idea Paulina. We took everything we needed and went to the nearest forest.
Students: Niță Gabriela& Ciobanu Cristina
Teacher-Drăguț Violeta
Technological High School Costesti-Romania
Once there, I took all the tools out of my backpack to be able to plant several types of conifers: fir, spruce, pine, cedar, larch. The forest area in Romania is suitable for this type of tree, because the soil is fertile. We headed for the right place and started digging. Thus, we gladly helped nature by planting trees for a better air.
Students: Stoica Bianca&Serban Mădălina
Teacher-Drăguț Violeta
Technological High School Costesti-Romania
While planting seedlings I heard a noise from the bush. Frightened but in time and curious we approached, there was a scared and lost lamb. We looked around, and then we realized that a flock of sheep had passed by. I took the lamb and set out to follow the flock to his family.
Teacher: Drăguț Violeta
Students: Neagoe Delia & Saulea Roberta
Technological High School Costesti
Going further through the forest I came across 5 sheep, including the mother of the lost lamb.
Next to them were two shepherds, who thanked us and we walked with them through the forest.
Students: Mira Raluca and Pancu Elena
Teacher:Drăguț Violeta
Technological High School Costesti/Romania
We walked with them through the forest until we got back to planting of the remaining trees and they offered to give us a helping hand as a thank you for finding the lamb. Then after we finished we said our goodbyes to the two shepreds and continued on our way.
Students:Ilie Valentin Iulian & Ţărcuş Flavia Nicola
Technological High School Costeşti/Romania
Teacher:Drăguț Violeta
On the way home we realized that we were lost in the woods again and in the meantime it started to rain. Looking for a way out of the forest, we met a dog, who showed us the way home. When we arrived the rain stopped and a rainbow appeared in the sky.
Students: Leța Ioana Georgiana& Ilinca Elisabeta Georgiana
Teacher-Drăguț Violeta
Technological High School Costesti-Romania
Because they arrived safely, they went to take pictures of the rainbow to remember this day. They asked the parents to adopt our new friend. The next day we went to pick mushrooms.
Students: Dragomir Silviu &Dumitru Melissa
Professor: Dragut Violeta
Liceul Tehnologic Costesti/Romania
After that I noticed that she was injured in the leg, so I decided to call a veterinarian to help her. For
she was very injured. I decided with my sister and the doctor to take her to a special center. The hardest part was deciding how to transport it.
Student: Enache Bogdan Andrei & Marin Bogdan
Teacher: Drăguț Violeta
Technological High School Costesti-Romania
After that I noticed that she was injured in the leg, so Paulina decided to call a veterinarian to help her. Because she was very injured, your sister and your doctor and she decided to take her to a special center.
The next day when Paulina went through the forest for mushrooms found blackberries. Picking them up, Paulina a heard a rustle of bushes. Another deer came out that was very scared and ran away from Paulina, she followed her in the distance, then got lost in the beech forest. When she got home, Paulina told her everything, she was excited, she had decided to return to the place in the forest.
Sudents:Nan Marian Ilie & Manea Mihai Iulian
Teacher: Drăguț Violeta
Technological High School Costesti-Romania
Ela Bulut
Student's Name :
Ela Bulut
Teacher's Name:
Ayşen Atalan Sözbilir
School: Muğla/Menteşe Turgutreis Anatolian High School / TURKEY
Hafize she thought while reading this story in front of the computer. Students like me from both Muğla and all over the world came together and what we said was both very familiar and very different.
Here, our forests were cut down for mining or for settlement, or they could be burned for miles in a fire. Whereas honey flowed from our pine trees, oil from our olives and honey from our figs.
I know for myself that the duties that many of my friends at my school have taken on protecting forests will not remain here and will continue until the end of our lives.
Student's Name : Hafize Yılmaz
Teacher's Name: Ayşen Atalan Sözbilir
School: Muğla Menteşe Turgutreis Anatolian High School / TURKEY
Student:Fatmanur T.
Teacher:Emine Aslıyüce
sisters were truly surprised. they got closer to the villagers. they wanted to ask them some questions but they were using a different language. villagers were confused either. sisters started to run away to where they come from. but there were no beehives or anything.
there was a large river in front of them. which means there is no passing to the other side. but the hope came. the deer was coming to them. girls started to get happy because they were going to get out .they hopped onto the deer. the deer took them to their house.they greeted each other and everyone went to their own home. it was a unforgetable memory for all of them.
In a morning, a cock crowed.It was getting lightened.Over the mountains,while the sun was rising animals'sounds were started to be heard.People of the village who asleep the whole night,woke up in the early hours of the day.
In a morning, a cock crowed.It was getting lightened.Over the mountains,while the sun was rising animals'sounds were started to be heard.People of the village who asleep the whole night,woke up in the early hours of the day.
Student's Name : Arda Ş.
Teacher's Name: Müfide ERTEKİN
School: Muğla Menteşe Turgutreis Anatolian High School / TURKEY