front cover
A - B :Sema Yaylaçeme Dİken-Yatağan ŞEhit Engin Yalçın Vocational High School

C-D:Elvan Temel-Mustafa Kemal Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School

E -  F :Maria Vlachopoulou- 13rd Senior High School of Peristeri

G - H :Ayşegül Ürün - Fethiye Anatolian Religious Vocational High School 

 I  -  J :Özlem Uslan Onaran- Fethiye Belediye Science High School

K -  L : Sandra Dinis - AEMGN / Escola Secundária Pinhal do Rei

M - N :Deniz Yıldız - Fethiye Anatolian Religious Vocational High School

O - P : Jekaterina Budo - ISMA Secondary School "Premjers"

Q - R :Kadem Köksal - Fethiye Mehmet Erdogan Anatolian Hıgh School

S - T : Güzin Bozkurt -Sırrı Yırcalı Anatolian High School

U - V- W : Özlem Salt - Fethiye Anatolian Religious Vocational High School

X- Y - Z :Ebru ZEREN - Fethiye Belediye Science High School

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