In this ebook we want to invite you to taste an international EASTER LUNCH, made with all the most deliciuos Easter dishes of the project members: ITALY, POLAND and SPAIN.
The project members
Special guests to the EASTER LUNCH:
Hi, my name is Gaia and I’m from Italy!
My name is Meritxell and I'm from Spain!
My name is Basia and I'm from Poland!
Today is Easter Day and I have a special lunch with my friends from Poland and Spain!
Mmm…. I would like to prepare something delicious for them… some traditional Easter meals in Italy….
What about ……. I'VE GOT IT!
For Easter lunch we usually have boiled eggs, roasted lamb and we eat colomba and chocolate Easter eggs as desserts
the boiled egg is the symbol of eternal life, because it has no start and no end
the lamb is the symbol of Jesus Christ
Colomba and Easter eggs are typical Easter cakes; they symbolize peace and eternity! There is always a surprise inside the eggs!
Hi. My name is Meritxell and I am from Catalonia, a region in Spain. I am very happy to celebrate Easter with you.
In Catalonia, we have lunch outdoors on Easter Monday. We normally have barbecue but we want to share with you our special dessert: A cake called MONA!
This is a traditional mona
On Easter Monday we eat some food with the family and the godfather or godmother gives the mona as a present to the children.
Nowadays, the Mona is a big cake with lots of decorations.
The best decorations are the chocolate figures on top of the cake.
Food shops are full of MONAs and chocolate figures.
Here is our dessert! We hope you like it!
Hi, I'm from Rybnik, Poland. I would like to tell you about Polish Easter traditions and invite you to taste our traditional Easter dishes.
ZSP 12 Rybnik, Poland
In Poland the whole families gather together to celebrate Easter. On Holy Saturday they prepare special Easter baskets. The baskets contain eggs, bread, meat, salt, horseradish and a figure of lamb made of sugar or cake, which represent the Lamb of God – Jesus Christ. The baskets are decorated with white cloth and sprigs of boxwood.
Once a basket is ready, it is taken to a local church where a priest blesses it with holy water.
On Holy Sunday a great Easter breakfast takes place. During the breakfast family share the special blessed eggs with one another and eat some special Polish dishes, like white sausages, rye flour soup, stuffed eggs, terrine or vegetable salad.
What follows is a frenzy of Easter cakes: sweet yeast cake with a hole in the middle (babka); mazurek - a cake with a fat layer of icing, decorated with dried fruit, walnuts, almonds, roasted seeds or sernik - a classic Polish cheesecake.
cheese cake
sernik - pascha
In this ebook we want to invite you to taste an international EASTER LUNCH, made with all the most deliciuos Easter dishes of the project members: ITALY, POLAND and SPAIN.
The project members
Special guests to the EASTER LUNCH:
Hi, my name is Gaia and I’m from Italy!
My name is Meritxell and I'm from Spain!
My name is Basia and I'm from Poland!
Today is Easter Day and I have a special lunch with my friends from Poland and Spain!
Mmm…. I would like to prepare something delicious for them… some traditional Easter meals in Italy….
What about ……. I'VE GOT IT!