It was a wonderful morning in 2050. Students were entering their classrooms in turn. Each student who entered the class was sitting next to his artificial intelligence robot friend.
Mustafa, who had just started school, was silently waiting on the side, not knowing what to do.
And the trip started from where they sat. First of all, project friends appeared in Turkey in Hatay and Antakya, who were very eager to meet Mustafa.
Kerem, Mehmet Ali, İrem, Mithat and İnci from Hatay took turns to meet with Mustafa. Each of them gave information about the city they live in and talked about their school. Each also introduced their own robot friend. Mustafa and AI-5 were very happy to have made new friends. And they activated the hologram for the next city.
The students arrived in Macedonia, MakedonskiBrod. At the school of Peter, Anastasia, Victoria and Angela, the students were in their desks creating programs at Scratch. What Mustafa adored. Besides programming, students from Macedonia loved to talk about the beauties of their city.
The programming languages were very fun and useful for them. They discussed and thought together how to create something that everyone would like. They were wondering if they could create a program - Everyone to be happy. How to create a program that will always make us happy? So they wanted other friends to hear their ideas and creations. So they went to Ali Hikmet Pasha Secondary School
Mustafa arrived in the city of Velika Gorica. In front of the big green building, he was greeted by Lana, Ivana, Lorena, Nikolina and Tena - 5 girls from Croatian team who just finished decorating the school yard with the help of their artificially intelligent robots. Everyone ran in front of Mustafa and greeted him warmly. They all headed to the school building together.
At the entrance, Mustafa noticed a large display with the inscription AI School. The girls explained to him that their school was one of the first AI schools in Croatia. They took Mustafa to the computer room and showed him the chatbot they were working on. Mustafa was very surprised and decided to stay with the girls for a few more days so that he too could make his own chatbot and teach his new friends in the next partner country.
Mustafa and his friend AI-5 arrived in Portugal and were looking forward to meeting their friends from Coimbra. After traveling to Coimbra, all the friends got together and were very happy, there was a lot to share and get to know.
After a very lively conversation, the friends decided to show the city of Coimbra to Mustafa and AI-5. During the tour, a new idea came up. Create a mobile App that would take a photo of a monument and, through artificial intelligence, the application would provide a little historical information about the place. Everyone was very excited and eager to tell their friends in Istanbul about the new project.
After a small trip around city, they said that they want to design an artificial intelligence application that recognizes endemic plants in each region. After searching endemic plants in Istanbul, they wanted to go to Trabzon, one of the cities rich with endemic plant species. Maybe the firends from Trabzon could help them.
Mustafa and his friends who came to Trabzon were amazed by the natural beauties of the city. Each shade of green would help with the artificial intelligence application they would design. As part of biodiversity, they went to Uzungöl in Trabzon. They researched plant species.
Mustafa aims to increase productivity, quality and variety in production by eliminating the difficulties caused by climate and geographical conditions with the artificial intelligence application they will develop. It's time for the Mustafa team, who gathered a lot of information in Trabzon, to return to the classroom and turn them into design.
Mustafa turned back to his classroom.He was very excited to share his adventures with classmates.His classmates: Ata,Berensu,Minel,Civan,Utku,Ayaz,Tuana, Leman,İdilsu were still creating some applications for their A.I. friends.Mustafa told his travelling experiences and shared the ideas of friends who belong to different cities and countries.
Friends from Macedonia suggested creating a programme that always makes people happy.
Friends from Portugal suggested to make application which provides historical information about tourist attractions like castles,temples,monuments..
Lastly friends from Istanbul and Trabzon shared the idea of developing application for increasing productivity,quality, and variety of plant species.
Mustafa and his friends from Tekirdag decided to choose one of these ideas and work on it soon with their friends from Bilecik,Antakya,Macedonia,Balıkesir, Crotia, Portugal, Istanbul and Trabzon.With new ideas they started a new journey..
It was a wonderful morning in 2050. Students were entering their classrooms in turn. Each student who entered the class was sitting next to his artificial intelligence robot friend.
Mustafa, who had just started school, was silently waiting on the side, not knowing what to do.