Project partners:
Arsakeio Primary School of Ioannina, Greece
St Ignatius College Siggiewi Primary, Malta
30 Ağustos İmam Hatip Ortaokulu, Turkey
Zespół Szkół w Orzechówce, Poland
St Ignatius College Siggiewi Primary, Malta
Once upon a time there were two siblings called Mary and John. They lived with their parents in a beautiful house in the countryside. At night, before going to sleep, they used to go on the roof and watch the shooting stars.
Although mum told them not to, one day they took their Nintendo Switch with them. They were playing Super Mario Bros and wanted to finish the level.
All of a sudden a huge shooting star lit the black sky and caught their attention. When the children looked up they saw tiny golden drops falling from the sky. As soon as the drops touched their heads, the children started to shrink and found themselves standing on a slippery, gigantic pipe.
Feeling confused, the children looked around and started walking cautiously. As soon as they turned the corner they saw a gigantic and scary dragon running towards them. “ OH NO! That is Bowser the Dragon from the game!” said John. “ We are in the game!” replied Mary.
They ran for their lives as the dragon chased them and threw fireballs at them.
Beeping sounds caught their attention and soon they realised that the Nintendo Switch was running out of charge. Mary started to cry and said, “ We will never get out of here if the battery goes flat!” Their path was covered with deep holes. As they looked back to check were the dragon was, they slipped into one of the dark holes. “AHHHHHHHHH!”, they both screamed.
They fell on the ground with a Bang! They found themselves lying on boiling hot sand and they started to feel extremely hot. When they looked around them they saw huge, erupting volcanoes.
Primary School of Ioannina, Greece
Suddenly Super Mario showed up and rescued them with an airplane. He asked them if they were ok.
Mary replied that they were very tired and needed some rest. She mentioned that they had also the problem with the battery that was running flat and they faced the danger of remaining forever in that terrible place!
Super Mario told them a Luigi’s trick to make a wish and leave from Nintendo Switch. Mary and John closed their eyes and wished to go home.
All of a sudden, they left the game and went back to their beds. They slept peacefully!
Next day, they get up from bed very happy and went to the playground. Their favourite game was to swing and play the teeter. They wondered how they were swinging. Alex, a friend of theirs but a bit older than them, explained that the movement of their feet gives the strength that they needed in order to move on. But the gravity still pushes us back. Mary also couldn’t understand how the game teeter works. So Alex explained her too, that the gravity pulls us down to earth and we are using the strength of our feet to rise up again! How magnificent were all that!
The kids were fascinated about the nature and how it works, but this was until they heard about the incredible adventure John and Mary lived! All of them wished to experience something similar!
Primary School of Orzechówka
Suddenly Mary and John saw a small bird flying in the sky. It dropped several seeds on the ground. Some of them dropped on the fertile soil, some on sand and some into a dark hole in the tree. Mary and John didn't notice them and went home. Next day they came back and saw a little plant growing . They started watering it. After a year of taking care of it, it grew into a beautiful apple tree. Mary and John had a plan to hang a swing on it. They took care of it every day. Soon it grew into a beautiful apple tree and they could taste delicious apples every summer amd they could swing there.
Project partners:
Arsakeio Primary School of Ioannina, Greece
St Ignatius College Siggiewi Primary, Malta
30 Ağustos İmam Hatip Ortaokulu, Turkey
Zespół Szkół w Orzechówce, Poland
St Ignatius College Siggiewi Primary, Malta
Once upon a time there were two siblings called Mary and John. They lived with their parents in a beautiful house in the countryside. At night, before going to sleep, they used to go on the roof and watch the shooting stars.
Although mum told them not to, one day they took their Nintendo Switch with them. They were playing Super Mario Bros and wanted to finish the level.