After having done a collective essay with their Portuguese teacher, Carla Pereia (share on page page 2- in Portuguese language and page 3 in English), students wrote a composition for the English test which consisted in writing their personal comment on Dalai Lama's quote that we share here.
“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”
Dalai Lama XIV, The Art of Happiness
Introdução: Escreve o que a citação significa para ti nas tuas próprias palavras.
- Dá um exemplo do que a citação significa para ti, exemplificando com uma experiência que tiveste ou um exemplo que observaste.
- Concordas ou discordas? Justifica a tua posição, argumentando com exemplos da tua experiência ou de exemplos que observaste.
Conclusão: Termina com uma paráfrase da citação, reforçando a ideia principal ou uma mensagem pessoal com base na citação.
O conceito da compaixão
A citação de Dalai Lama na obra The Art of Happiness mostra-nos que a compaixão é um sentimento que deve ser praticado para que as outras pessoas sejam felizes e, consequentemente, nós também.
A compaixão pode ser descrita como a partilha do sofrimento dos outros ou o impulso altruísta e solidário para com quem sofre.
Na nossa perspetiva, a compaixão consiste em ajudar quem se encontra de uma forma ou de outra fragilizado, sem esperar algo em troca, sendo esta uma forma privilegiada para se alcançar o bem-estar e a felicidade. No nosso dia a dia, podemos destacar atos tais como ajudar um sem abrigo ou conversar com idosos que se encontrem isolados, como formas simples de colocar em prática a empatia e a compaixão. De facto, concordamos com a mensagem que Dalai Lama pretende transmitir, pois um pequeno gesto de compaixão pode fazer toda a diferença e alterar completamente o dia e a vida de alguém, com consequências claramente positivas também para o nosso bem-estar.
Já experienciamos uma situação em que um colega na escola se isolou por estar a sofrer e fomos conversar com ele, mostrando-lhe que podia contar connosco, com a nossa companhia e compreensão. Noutra ocasião, um amigo não tinha trazido o lanche, dadas as dificuldades económicas que enfrentava, pelo que sentimos necessidade de partilhar o nosso lanche com ele, disponibilizando-nos também para o ouvirmos. Esta vontade de ajudar e de partilhar o sofrimento do outro, demonstrada nas situações descritas, permitiram-nos atingir um estado de gratificação sem par.
Concluindo, o conceito de compaixão gira à volta da noção de praticar o bem de forma altruísta, com o objetivo de tornar o mundo um lugar melhor, por isso deve ser praticado por todos nós, todos os dias, de forma consistente.
Portuguese lesson, 19th November 2022
Agrupamento de Escolas de Sátão
Rodrigo's comment on Dalai Lama’s quote
This quote intends to send an important message of the word “compassion”. Dalai explicits that compassion is a feeling and an action that makes everyone happy. I totally agree with him and think that showing compassion and kindness is a free action that takes no effort but can make a huge positive change to someone.
A past experience I’ve had is when someone actually practiced this action on me. When I played for my school's football team in England, I would always get muddy and wet. Thankfully, one of my friends lent me their towel and fresh clothes at the expense of him risking getting ill because of the rain. Even though he felt happy, I felt guilty for accepting this kind action.
As I’ve said, I agree with this quote, but not all people may feel happy on either end of the table. Take my example, I don’t feel entirely happy but more ashamed with myself. It really depends on the circumstance.
Finally, I think more people in the world should take a look at this quote and practice compassion as it’s for free. The world would be a much better place.
Matilde's comment on Dalai Lama's quote about compassion
For me Dalai Lama’s quote means that to make others happy, we need to have compassion and the same, if we want to be happy.
An example of compassion that I practiced was helping an old lady, by carrying her bags to her car in a supermarket, and I had a friend who forgets her snack at home so I gave her some of mine. She thanked me a lot. And another example, I saw a girl alone at school and she looked sad so I went to talk to her, we talked about what she would like to do in the future and why she was alone.
I agree with the Dalai Lama’s quote, because when I practiced these actions, they were so happy and grateful that I was also very happy.
In my opinion, we need to be happy first and to have self-compassion, by treating ourselves warmly, gently, and fairly. If we are sad and feeling alone we need someone to talk about our problems, just like if we see someone sad we need to listen to their problems, so they can feel better.
So we need to practice compassion, so that others can be happy, but we also need to practice compassion so we can be happy.
Mafalda's comment:
Compassion is a word that not many seem to understand, unfortunately. The word, we could say, stands for the people who are the most selfless creatures, who are willing to help others without wanting to receive anything in return. The concept itself is extremely similar to the definition of a hero. A hero must have compassion otherwise, he couldn´t be classified as one. That is what Dalai Lama wants people to know.
For me, the quote means not to turn your back on other people's suffering, and be prepared to offer your help. I witnessed a situation, where an old lady, who was actually a widow, was really sad because she was alone, which was something unusual. Since I'm a good person, I approached her and I offered her my company and then we just sat there, the two of us, talking about her long lost husband and the memories they shared.
I actually agree with the quote. I believe that if we are a better person to the other individual we can be happier as human beings, because being a good person is good for our heart and our health.
In my opinion everyone should follow this thought that is stated in the Dalai Lama's quote. I speak for myself here, but ever since I started making efforts to be a good person I´ve been way happier and I felt relieved and proud, since I knew I was contributing to make the world a better place, and you should think the same way.
Zé's comment on Dalai Lama's quote
Dalai Lama is known all around the world for his quotes, but the one quote that inspires me the most is “ If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion”.
I believe that with this quote he means that, in order for the world to be a better place, we not only need to make other people happy, we also need to be happy and find the best version of ourselves.
As an example, I gave away clothes that no longer fit me, and when I gave away those clothes, I felt a lot better knowing that some other kid would wear those clothes, and give it some use.
After doing this, I now believe that we should learn, not only to give away, but we should also learn how to receive, because in the end when you are giving away food, or clothes, heaven money, you always end up receiving happiness.
There is a saying that says treat people the way that you would like to be treated, because if we generate love and happiness towards other people, we will end up receiving it back.
Beatriz's comment
This Dalai Lama's quote intends to spread the message that, by practicing compassion we are making others happy but we are getting happier too because seeing the smile on others faces makes us feel complete as well.
For example two weeks ago I saw a little girl alone at school while waiting for classes to start. I decided to go talk with her. I'm not very good at starting a conversation but we started talking about the class. She was clearly happier and I felt so good by helping someone with such a simple act.
So, I obviously agree with this Dalai Lama's quote, because as he said “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.”, with such a simple act, the girl was really happy and “If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”, after seeing the smile on the face of the girl, my day got a lot better!
If you have the oppurtunity to spread kindness and compassion, just do it!
Gonçalo's comment
In my own words, that quote means sharing happiness will make you happy. When we do an act of kindness, it usually gives us a feeling of happiness, like giving your seat to someone who needs it more on the bus, so now you have to stand up. But that doesn't make you upset. It gives you a feeling of happiness and joy knowing that you made someone happy.
I think everyone has had an experience similar to that, I once saw an elderly lady that accidentally dropped her bag, and I helped her, and that made her happy, and it made me happy.
I've made it obvious that I agree with the quote. My own experience convinced me. I practiced compassion, and made the other person and myself happy.
Everyone should start practicing more compassion in their lives, it's very important for our happiness, and of course, you make someone's day better. What more could you ask for?
After having done a collective essay with their Portuguese teacher, Carla Pereia (share on page page 2- in Portuguese language and page 3 in English), students wrote a composition for the English test which consisted in writing their personal comment on Dalai Lama's quote that we share here.
“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”
Dalai Lama XIV, The Art of Happiness
Introdução: Escreve o que a citação significa para ti nas tuas próprias palavras.
- Dá um exemplo do que a citação significa para ti, exemplificando com uma experiência que tiveste ou um exemplo que observaste.
- Concordas ou discordas? Justifica a tua posição, argumentando com exemplos da tua experiência ou de exemplos que observaste.
Conclusão: Termina com uma paráfrase da citação, reforçando a ideia principal ou uma mensagem pessoal com base na citação.
O conceito da compaixão
A citação de Dalai Lama na obra The Art of Happiness mostra-nos que a compaixão é um sentimento que deve ser praticado para que as outras pessoas sejam felizes e, consequentemente, nós também.
A compaixão pode ser descrita como a partilha do sofrimento dos outros ou o impulso altruísta e solidário para com quem sofre.
Na nossa perspetiva, a compaixão consiste em ajudar quem se encontra de uma forma ou de outra fragilizado, sem esperar algo em troca, sendo esta uma forma privilegiada para se alcançar o bem-estar e a felicidade. No nosso dia a dia, podemos destacar atos tais como ajudar um sem abrigo ou conversar com idosos que se encontrem isolados, como formas simples de colocar em prática a empatia e a compaixão. De facto, concordamos com a mensagem que Dalai Lama pretende transmitir, pois um pequeno gesto de compaixão pode fazer toda a diferença e alterar completamente o dia e a vida de alguém, com consequências claramente positivas também para o nosso bem-estar.
Já experienciamos uma situação em que um colega na escola se isolou por estar a sofrer e fomos conversar com ele, mostrando-lhe que podia contar connosco, com a nossa companhia e compreensão. Noutra ocasião, um amigo não tinha trazido o lanche, dadas as dificuldades económicas que enfrentava, pelo que sentimos necessidade de partilhar o nosso lanche com ele, disponibilizando-nos também para o ouvirmos. Esta vontade de ajudar e de partilhar o sofrimento do outro, demonstrada nas situações descritas, permitiram-nos atingir um estado de gratificação sem par.
Concluindo, o conceito de compaixão gira à volta da noção de praticar o bem de forma altruísta, com o objetivo de tornar o mundo um lugar melhor, por isso deve ser praticado por todos nós, todos os dias, de forma consistente.
Portuguese lesson, 19th November 2022
Agrupamento de Escolas de Sátão