Collaborative Book about Deciduous Trees
In a forest there was a small tree
with beautiful large green leaves
Vasiliki Malea , 2nd Kindergarten of Kastoria, Greece
Anna Stamatelou, 1st Kindergarten of Makrohori, Greece
Evangelia Pitsavou, 145th Kindergarten of Athens, Greece
The little tree was very happy because it had other trees near it and a squirrel climbed up every day to play hide and seek with it. What other friend was visiting our little tree in the green leaves?
Margarida Paim, EBI da Praia da Vitória(JIFOC), PORTUGAL
A woodpecker also went to visit the small tree with large green leaves, he was also her friend and loved to peck at its trunk.
Barbara Trivelli, Sc Inf San Michele Terni, Italy
A family of robins decided to build their nest among the branches of the small tree, and every day they sang for him a sweet song to make him happy
Evanthia Siomou, 2nd Kindergarten of Kastoria,Greece
The little tree had a dear friend, the owl. It often rested on its branches with its beautiful green leaves. The owl told him stories about everything he saw happening in the forest. Our little tree felt happy and lucky to have such a wonderful friend.
Dianellou Glykeria, 26th Kindergarten of Volos, Greece.
It was the wise old owl who calmed our tree during its first autumn. The little tree was so worried seeing its leaves change color and fall. 'Everything is fine,' the owl hooted. 'This happens every autumn. You give your leaves to the hedgehogs so they can make their winter nests. You're a deciduous tree!
Angelaki Christine, 26th Kindergarten of Volos, Greece.
Every winter, the owl would call a meeting of all the forest friends. Together, they'd decorate the bare tree with special ornaments and have a cozy party around it. Everyone was so happy!
26th Kindergarten of Volos - Greece - Ritsa Simou
When spring came the tree expirienced a miracle!New leaves and blossoms adorned its branches, the birds nested and the animals that woke up from hibernation came and praised it. It felt like the happiest tree in the world.!
Florești Kindergarten, Cluj County, Romania -Dorina Topan
The little tree also looked at the other trees around (chestnuts and firs) and, seeing the changes and miracles that were happening in his life, he began to be curious and ask questions to his little forest friends.
-Why aren't all trees the same? he asked the wise owl.
Stamou Ioanna, 6th Kindergarten of Egaleo-Greece
Suddenly, dark clouds appeared in the sky and it started to rain. The wise owl quickly flew to its nest for shelter, so quickly that it did not have time to answer the little tree's question.
Gkasdogka Evangelia, 11th Kindergarten of Kalamaria- Greece
Foteini Tsirli, 7th Kindergarten Thessaloniki, Greece
The little tree then understood what his new friend meant.
He thought of his friends, the forest animals, the fox, the hedgehog, the woodpecker and the owl. Everything is different! The fox has a bushy tail, the owl is wise, and the hedgehog has sharp thorns! But why did he continue to feel this way?
Indrė Mažeikienė, Lithuania. Kindergarten „Pumpurėlis"
Anna Bębenek/Public Kindergarten No 18/Jastrzębie-Zdrój/Poland
The little tree thought to itself: "Maybe if I'm not so small, I'll find friends faster?" It started drinking more water to grow faster. It grew and grew. It grew big, up to the clouds. Now the mushrooms seemed very small to it.
Maria Petrou - Kindergarten Arediou, Cyprus
Even though the tree grew, the questions and the insecurity came back in its mind over and over again:
Why do my leaves fall? What makes my leaves change color? Why me?
Vasileiou Konstantina, 21st Kindergarten of Evosmos, Greece
Suddenly, the wind blew through its branches, causing some leaves to fall. Then, it heard a soft voice. It was a butterfly with wings in all the colors of the rainbow. “Why are you sad?” she asked.
The tree explained that it didn’t understand why its leaves were falling. The butterfly approached its trunk to comfort it and said: “Don’t be sad! I wasn’t always like this either...” The tree looked at her closely and asked, “Really?”
Anthoula Zissi, 1st kindergarten of Makrochori, Greece
"I'm telling you the truth! Don't worry! Animals and plants change... some in a few days, others in longer!" she told him and flew off with her friends!
The little tree was left alone again and had so many questions!
Scuola dell'Infanzia Rodari-Italy Grugliasco IC DI NANNI-TO
A little mouse looking for food under the leaves said to the tree " I’ll tell you a secret, you are not an evergreen tree, because you..."
Susi Cameletti
Fiorella Voglino ICS Di Nanni Italy
The little mouse told the small tree :"You are a tree who loses its leaves during winter , you are not an evergreen , but look , there is someone else up in the sky .....
Mariam Vasiliadou, 1st Kindergarten of Trachoni Cyprus
It is the sun. The source of life. The sun gives light and energy. So you should always know that when the sun is bright you will start to grow leaves. In Autumn and Winter the sun will be further away and so you will start to lose your leaves. In Spring and Summer your friend the sun will be warmer and you will have leaves again. Don't forget you have a very important friend.
Giorgiana Cristina Türkmen- Özel Ege Lisesi, İzmir/Türkiye
The little tree falls asleep, and dreams that he is on a different planet, where trees don't have animal friends because all trees have spikes on them. On this planet the sun is purple and red and the flowers can fly.There is also magic potion in a big bottle.
Giorgiana Cristina Türkmen- Özel Ege Lisesi, İzmir/Türkiye
The magic potion falls down, the trees lose their spikes and they go to another planet. On this planet there are two suns, a yellow sun and a red sun.Here you can see a rainbow and rain at the same time. The tree is happy because his animal friends are back.
Ramutė Adomavičė, Kindergarten "Smalsutis", Panevėžys, Lithuania
Suddenly the tree woke up, looked around and saw that it was in its forest, among other trees and animal friends. And he realized...
Božena Sinkevičienė, Mickunu nursery kindergarten, Lithuania
That it was just a dream, and that he still is on the right place where he should be, because he know, that all the friends and other trees are kind to him, and love him with leaves or without leaves.
And so, the trees in the forest rooted themselves peacefully in the earth, the birds sang joyfully, and the animals lived in harmony. Nature revived with the love it was shown, and the forest became the eternal home of whispering winds filled with happiness.
Collaborative Book about Deciduous Trees
In a forest there was a small tree
with beautiful large green leaves
Vasiliki Malea , 2nd Kindergarten of Kastoria, Greece
Anna Stamatelou, 1st Kindergarten of Makrohori, Greece
Evangelia Pitsavou, 145th Kindergarten of Athens, Greece
The little tree was very happy because it had other trees near it and a squirrel climbed up every day to play hide and seek with it. What other friend was visiting our little tree in the green leaves?