This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Narrator: first Jamie and Jason say goodbye
to each other.
Jamie: Bye Jason i will see you in the
Jason: Bye Jamie i will miss you too!!
Narrator: As Jamie left something happened
to Jason! Something terribly funny!!
Narrator: The moose want revenge!! After
what jason tried to do to there brother. Jack
the Moose.
Jason: Aaahhhhhh!!!!!
Narrator: Then as Jamie heads her way to
the first show. She runs into a depoarble
problem. Just as they are leaving the fjord.
There is a huge storm out on the ocean the
way they have to go!!
Narrator: As Jamie reaches the end of the
storm they run into a huge rock and she and
her dad gets thrown over board. With no food
or nothing except on island 1 mile away. But
the island is behind them so they have to head
back into the storm. They were so brave the
are braver than a lion.
Narrator: As Jamie and her dad reach the
island they see a beach so they head for
that.When they got on to the island. They head
to get wood for shelter. When there shelter
was all done they made a fire and slept.
Next Day: They wake up to someone in there
face. It was one of the mounties. They said he
say the ship and went looking for them.The
mountie took them back to Dawson city.
Where she met Jason again.
Narrator: 2 Years Later..... Jason and Jamie
are still together. Instead of Jamie going all
around the world she stays right there in town.
Now Dawson is just covered in dust and dirt.
10 Years Later....Jason and Jamie are now
married and they lived happily ever after.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:
Narrator: first Jamie and Jason say goodbye
to each other.
Jamie: Bye Jason i will see you in the
Jason: Bye Jamie i will miss you too!!
Narrator: As Jamie left something happened
to Jason! Something terribly funny!!