There are so many plants in our world! Some grow into trees, flowers, fruit, or vegetables!
Let's take a look at how
beans grow!
Beans grow through a life
cycle of four stages.
1. Seed
2. Germination
3. Seedling
4. Flower
Let's watch our bean grow
through each stage.
The life cycle begins when a seed
is planted in soil. The seed needs
sunlight, water, and nurtients to
help it grow.
Next, the seed goes through the
process of germination. This is
when the seed begins to grow from
the ground.
The seed becomes a seedling in
the third stage. The seedling has
roots in the soil and has a short
stem. This stem supports the
leaves as they grow.
The seedling needs water and
sunlight to continue to grow!
The seedling becomes a flower
in the final stage of the life
cycle. The flower produces
beans that we can eat.
The flower also produces new
seeds, and the cycle begins
flower - stage of a plant that produces seeds
germination - the procress of a seed
beginning to grow
roots - part of plant that attaches to the
ground for support and nutrients
seed - a small object produced by a plant
seedling - a young plant
soil - top layer of Earth's surface where plants
stem - supports the plant
There are so many plants in our world! Some grow into trees, flowers, fruit, or vegetables!
Let's take a look at how
beans grow!