This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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I am the first stage of the pumpkin life
cycle. You might have seen me before.
Sometimes people eat me. I am a
cream color and have an oval shape. I
come from the inside of old pumpkins.
I am planted in the ground and with the
right care I will begin to grow. I am the
I come after the seed and am the
second stage of the pumpkin's life cycle.
I am small but important. I am usually
a light great color. I have small leaves
and a small stem. I push my way
through the dirt and begin to grow in
the sunshine. I am the SPROUT.
I am the third stage of the pumpkin life
cycle. I am much larger and stronger
than the sprout. I am green and begin
to spread myself across the ground. I
grow taller and longer until I am ready
to grow a flower. I am the VINE.
I am the fourth stage of the pumpkin
life cycle. I grow from the vine and am
colored yellow. I am very pretty. I
have friends that look just like me
growing from the same vine. I am the
I am the fifth stage of the pumpkin life
cycle. I start our small and green. I
begin to grow and can be all different
shapes and sizes. I am the GREEN
I am the last stage of the pumpkin life
cycle. I am orange and can be all
different shapes and sizes. I am
smooth and have a strong stem, which
attaches me to the vine. People come
and pick me to use as Halloween
decorations. I can also be baked into
pies and other treats. I am the
All of our parts together make up the
life cycle of a Pumpkin. At the end, the
cycle begins again, starting with the
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:
I am the first stage of the pumpkin life
cycle. You might have seen me before.
Sometimes people eat me. I am a
cream color and have an oval shape. I
come from the inside of old pumpkins.
I am planted in the ground and with the
right care I will begin to grow. I am the