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Life Cycles ABC Book
Table of Contents
Page 6-7: Aa is for Animals. Page 39-40: Qq is for Quail.
Page 8-9: Bb is for Bird. Page 41-42: Rr is for Rat.
Page 10-11: Cc is for Cat. Page 43-44: Ss is for snail.
Page 12-13: Dd is for Dolphin. Page 45-46: Tt is for Turtle.
Page 14-15: Ee is for Elephant. Page 47-48: Uu is for Ulysses Butterfly
Page 16-17: Ff is for Frog. Page 49-50: Vv is for Vampire Bat
Page 18-19: Gg is for Grasshopper. Page 51-52: Ww is for Walrus
Page 20-21: Hh is for Honeybee. Page 53-54: Xx is for X
Page 22-23: Ii is for Iguana. Page 55-56: Yy is for Yak
Page 24-25: Jj is for Jellyfish. Page 56-57: Zz is for Zebra
Page 26-27: Kk is for Kangaroo. Page 57-58: Conclusion
Page 28-29: Ll is for Lemur. Page 59-60: Index
Page 30-32 Mm is for Monkey. Page 61-62: Glossary
Page 33-34 Nn is for Neut.
Page 35-36: Oo is for Ostrich.
Page 37-38: Pp is for Platypus.
Aa is for Animals.
After animals are born they change
and grow.
This is called a life cycle.
Lets watch them grow!
Bb is for Bird.
The bird begins as an egg.
Next, it becomes a chick.
Then, it becomes a young parrot.
Last, it becomes an adult parrot.
Cc is for Cat.
The cat begins as a kitten. They are very playful but still
Then, it grows and becomes an adolescent. The cat starts
to scratch and pee on the furniture.
Next, it becomes an adult cat. It learns that it needs to
use the litter and does not always have to play.
Last, it becomes a senior cat. It is old and sometimes
likes to be alone.
Dd is for Dolphin.
Dolphin's are called calf's when they are born and need
their mom to feed them. Baby dolphins or calf's can't
hold their breath for long.
Then, they become teens and don't need their mom to
eat. They can also hold their breath for longer.
Last, dolphin's become an adult and can do everything
all by themselves.
But, they still love to be with their families.
Ee is for Elephant.
The elephant starts as a baby. The Mom elephant
teaches them how to use their trunks for eating,
playing, and cleaning.
Then, the elephant becomes an adolescent just like
the cat and starts to move away from the herd
(family)of elephants. The adolescents want to start
their own herd.
Last, they become adults and create their own
Ff is for Frog.
They start as eggs.
Then, it becomes a tadpole that uses its gills to
breathe. After, six weeks they lose their gills and start
growing legs.
Last, it loses its tail and becomes a frog-let. It leaves
the water and is now a grown up frog.
Gg is for Grasshopper.
The grasshopper starts as an egg like a baby bird
and then it hatches. When it hatches it becomes a
nymph. Nymph's look like tiny grasshoppers and
every day it grows and grows and becomes an
adult grasshopper.
Hh is for Honeybee.
The life cycle of a honeybee is a little different.
It takes teamwork to get the job done. The
queen lays an egg in a little cell. Then, a worker
feeds it. It grows and grows and then the
worker covers the cell. As we get closer to the
end it becomes a pupa. The pupa gets too big to
fit the cell and pops its way out and into the
world as a honeybee.
Ii is for iguana.
Iguana's start as an egg. Sometimes there
are 40 to 50 eggs! They grow in the egg for 8
to 10 weeks and it takes them time to scratch
out of the egg.
It is now a baby and needs food to live.
Last, it becomes an adult and can live up to
30 years!
Jj is for Jellyfish.
The Jellyfish has a really awesome life
cycle! They come out of the Mommy
jellyfish's mouth and start as
something called planula larva. They
float on the top of the ocean for a
couple of days and when they are ready
to hit the bottom they become polyps.
Polyps start to have wavy like parts and
become jellyfish!
Kk is for Kangaroo.
When a kangaroo is born it is the size of a jellybean
and the mother can't even touch it because she can hurt
it. The baby has to stay in the mothers pouch until it is
big enough.
Then it becomes a joey and pops out of its mom's
pouch. During this time the joey is trying to get used to
being out of it's mothers pouch.
Last, the joey becomes independent and can leave its
mother completely. It becomes an adult and can jump
8 feet high!
Ll is for Lemur.
When lemurs are born they are called offspring.
That is just another name for baby.
The mother lemur never leaves their side and cares
for them.
She only leaves them on a branch when she goes to
find food.
Then when they reach a year old they are adults.
Then they can go eat and find their own food.
Mm is for Monkey.
When monkey's are born they depend
on their mothers milk for food and for
Then after about five months they start to
be able to eat on their own.
Finally when they reach about two years
old they are ready to jump from tree to
tree all by there selves.
Nn is for Neut.
A neut starts as a soft egg. Then, like frogs
they become tadpoles. During this time
they need to find places with shade like a
rock or a leaf. That's because they are
amphibians during this time.
Last, they become adults that can walk on
land and swim in water.
Oo is for Ostrich.
An ostrich's life cycle starts as an egg. But
this egg is a big egg! They can weigh up to 4
Then they begin to grow taller and taller
until they reach from 7 to 9 feet.
That is taller than the average basketball
Last, an ostrich can live up to 35 years
Pp is for Platypus.
The platypus lays eggs in a nest just
like a bird.
Then, when they are born they are very
tiny and can fit in your hand.
As they grow they learn to swim.
Then, they lay their own eggs.
That's when they are adults.
Qq is for Quail.
A quail is a bird that starts as an egg.
Once they hatch they are taken care of by
the parents. They come out with no
feathers but, after a couple of weeks they
begin to grow feathers. Quail's like to stay
close to their parents until they grow adult
Last, they grow their adult feathers and
still stick together.
Rr is for Rat.
Rat's are not very popular pets. They start
as pups . They are born with no hair and
are very tiny. They are fed by the mother
for only 2 weeks. Last, they are adults in
just a couple of months.
That is because rats don't live long.
Ss is for Snail.
A snail starts in a shell as a little egg. Then
it hatches but you can't see its color until it
starts to eat. Then its shell starts to grow
layers of spirals. This makes the shell grow
as big as it can.
Once you can see the color of the snail and
a nice round shell it is an adult.
Tt is for Turtle.
Sea turtles start as eggs buried in the
sand. They hatch after 50 days and follow
the light of the moon to reach the ocean.
After 5 years in the ocean they are in the
nursery stage. That means that are still
kids and need to follow a crowd. After 20
years in the ocean they are then adults.
Last, they are ready to lay their own eggs.
Uu is for Ulysses Butterfly.
The Ulysses Butterfly is a type of
butterfly that needs to be protected. The
butterfly begins life as a tiny egg. Then it
becomes a caterpillar that as it grows sheds
its skin. Next, it becomes a chrysalis which
looks like a covering over the caterpillar.
Last, it comes out of the chrysalis and
spreads its wings to fly.
Vv is for Vampire bat.
Vampire bats begin as pups. They are
born one at a time. The first month they
drink the mothers milk. But, the next month
the mother bat starts to feed the pup blood.
After a couple of months they begin to hunt
and are considered juveniles.
Last, they grow sharp teeth and they change
from dark black to a gray color. This is when
they are adults.
Ww is for Walrus.
Walrus's begin as newborns or calf's. These
newborns weigh as much as a human adult.
They drink their mothers milk for a year and
then start to learn to hunt. They swim behind
the mother and continue growing every day.
After five years of training to be on their own a
walrus becomes an adult.
Xx is for Xantus hummingbird.
The Xantus hummingbird starts as a
jellybean sized egg in a small nest. Then
once they hatch, the mother starts to feed it
insects. As they grow they start to feel too
big for the little nest and will try to get out.
The mother will keep feeding them until
they learn to stand up.
Last, they spread their wings and fly away.
Yy is for Yak.
The Yak begins as a calf. The calf is very
independent and wants to do things on its
own. They don't really need their mom and
dads. But, they sure do grow! When they
become adults they can weigh up to 2,000
By the time they are 7 they are finally
adults and can live up to 20 years old.
Zz is for zebra.
A zebra starts as a baby and needs its mom to feed. It
has trouble walking and stumbles. Then, it becomes a
yearling. This is when they start to learn to become
This is when they reach adulthood and are ready to
start their own family.
You, yourself, are changing and growing. As you read,
your life cycle is going. You will one day become an
adult, and still be learning nonstop.
Now you know your animal life
cycles. Next time won't you share
this book with a friend.
egg....8, 16, 18, 22, 32,
34, 36, 38, 42, 44, 46,
frog....16, 32
hatch....18, 38, 42, 44
milk....30, 48, 50
ulysses butterfly...46
vampire bat...48
Look for your
favorite animal!
Maybe it is here.
Learning is FUN!
adolescent: the stage where you are changing from a child
to an adult.
hatching:when something is opening.
herd:a large group of animals.
independent:free from being controlled.
layers:more than one thing on top of each other.
life cycle:the changes in the life of a living thing.
pouch:a small pocket.
protected: kept safe from harm.
pupa:the adolescent stage for an insect.
tadpole:a tailed amphibian.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Life Cycles ABC Book
Table of Contents
Page 6-7: Aa is for Animals. Page 39-40: Qq is for Quail.
Page 8-9: Bb is for Bird. Page 41-42: Rr is for Rat.
Page 10-11: Cc is for Cat. Page 43-44: Ss is for snail.
Page 12-13: Dd is for Dolphin. Page 45-46: Tt is for Turtle.
Page 14-15: Ee is for Elephant. Page 47-48: Uu is for Ulysses Butterfly
Page 16-17: Ff is for Frog. Page 49-50: Vv is for Vampire Bat
Page 18-19: Gg is for Grasshopper. Page 51-52: Ww is for Walrus
Page 20-21: Hh is for Honeybee. Page 53-54: Xx is for X
Page 22-23: Ii is for Iguana. Page 55-56: Yy is for Yak
Page 24-25: Jj is for Jellyfish. Page 56-57: Zz is for Zebra
Page 26-27: Kk is for Kangaroo. Page 57-58: Conclusion
Page 28-29: Ll is for Lemur. Page 59-60: Index
Page 30-32 Mm is for Monkey. Page 61-62: Glossary
Page 33-34 Nn is for Neut.
Page 35-36: Oo is for Ostrich.
Page 37-38: Pp is for Platypus.