Ovu knjigu posvećujemo našoj dragoj učiteljici Tatjani Maršić, koja nas je na maštovit i čudesan način upoznala sa svijetom mnogih legendi.
Jedna je od takvih legendi bila i legenda o Ružici gradu.
Učenici 3. razreda

We dedicate this book to our dear teacher Tatjana Maršić, who introduced us into the world of legends in an imaginative and miraculous manner. One of those legends was the legend of Ružica town.
Third graders
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Iza jedanaest brda i sedam gora, na točno trećem vrhu roga jednog uspavanog diva, stajala je prekrasna kamenita palača.
Sagradiše ju još u davna vremena preci naših predaka, snažnu i romantičnu, grmovima ruža okruženu.

Beyond the eleven mountains and the seven hills, on exactly the third peak of a sleeping giant's horn, there stood a magnificent stone palace. That powerful, romantic palace, surrounded by rose bushes, was built a long time ago by the ancestors of our ancestors.
Ilustrirala: Gabrijela Behin
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