For UOWTV Multimedia
500BC: Spartans carry out first instance of chemical warfare.
1865: Napolean III declares chemical warfare against the "law of nations".
August 1914: WWI starts, France employs chemical warfare against Germans.
April 22, 1915: German usage of chemical warfare with pressurised chlorine.
September 25, 1915: Failing of British chemical counterattack.
September 1917: Germans use mustard gas against Russian troops, burning through even gas masks.
1925: Geneva Protocol bans the use of chemical and biological agents in war.
November 1961: JFK authorises use of 'Agent Orange' in Vietnam War.
March 1988: Saddam Hussein's military forces unleash chemical assault on Iraqis killing and injuring thousands.
TODAY, April 5th, 2017: 69 are confirmed dead from a chemical attack on a Syrian hospital.
Is chemical warfare returning?
For UOWTV Multimedia
500BC: Spartans carry out first instance of chemical warfare.
1865: Napolean III declares chemical warfare against the "law of nations".
August 1914: WWI starts, France employs chemical warfare against Germans.