Dedicated to all the children of the World
Experiencing emotion is a human privilege, and learning to express their emotions will help our kids get closer to those they love.
eTwinning project 2017/2018
Be happy ...
Hello Meg, Where are you going?
I'm looking
for the
Happiness recipe!
The Happiness
Yes, I'm sad in this time.
Hi guys, I am Gatto Cat I'm from Spain.
I'm a very special cat. If you want I will come with you
Some years ago I found a recipe for happiness and I'm glad to share it with you ! If you want, I will come with you looking for the ingredients of happiness
Recipe for happiness
1 large smile
a jar of kisses
lots of hugs
3 cups of kindness
and dash of love
lots of friends
a heart full of peace
a bag of positive ideas
Dear Meg,
I do a large smile
when I meet people, and people give me lots of smiles too! I'm so happy !
Why don't we ask children from all over the world about the Recipe for happiness?
Great idea, Gatto cat!
Let's go all over the world and look for happiness in schools!
It'll be a nice journey. Look, how beautiful it is here!
It's a forest where spirits live. They can be flowers or children ...
Hi! I'm Mavka, a forest girl from Ukraine. Meg is going to have a long journey all over the world. I'll accompany her in it.
Meg is a nice girl. We could become friends one day!
Happiness ... when you have lots of friends.
Meg goes to school to search for the jar of kisses
Here is a school
School ... What is it? I have never been here.
That school is a smiling school. Inside there were
happy pupils involved in a special eTwinning project.
Campobasso, Italy
Leaving this smiling school, Meg has a special feeling she has never had before.
And she decides to visit other schools in Europe.
I can find that original recipe of happiness in schools.
Here's another school. I'll come around and see what is going on there.
They are so happy and they are sending to me lots of smiles! What a joy for me!
Like me!
I found lots of smiles in all the lovely schools I visited ... I want to visit a school in Venafro now, maybe I will find a jar of kisses and lots of hugs!
Great idea, Meg! Let's go!
It seems to be a nice place!
Very nice, indeed!
Great !
I will follow this link ...
Dedicated to all the children of the World
Experiencing emotion is a human privilege, and learning to express their emotions will help our kids get closer to those they love.
eTwinning project 2017/2018
Be happy ...
Hello Meg, Where are you going?
I'm looking
for the
Happiness recipe!