This short story was written by Stefania and Georgia as part of a Halloween project of the sixth grade of 19th Primary School
It was a dark, dark night on October 31st. Two girls Stephania and Georgia got stuck inside an old scary house.
Every evening they listened to music from inside the house so they wanted to see who played the piano.
They got into the house which was dark with spiders on the walls and a black cat in front of the piano. But when the cat got away, they understood that the house was haunted!
Boo! Boooooo!
I will make a magic
potion and turn the girls
into ... bats!
The curious girls started screaming and they ran to the door. They tried to open it but it didn't open. A witch, who was very ugly, appeared with her magic wand.
They started running and a few minutes later a scary ghost tried to catch the girls.
I'm scared!
Welcome, little girls!
Georgia saw a big window and Stephania saw a big rope. Georgia opened the huge window and Stephania threw the strong rope under the window.
They climbed down the rope, fell down and started running. Suddenly a skeleton jumped down a tree but it didn't catch the girls.
They were lost in a thick forest and they walked through it.
Stephanie almost fell on a big pumpkin.
Ouch! I didn't see the pumpkin.
Just then the girls saw a wizard and he told them how to get out of the forest.
Can you help us?
Was it a dream?
After this adventure our two friends went back to Stephania's house and they had a sleepover!
Where did they go?
They looked delicious!
This short story was written by Stefania and Georgia as part of a Halloween project of the sixth grade of 19th Primary School
It was a dark, dark night on October 31st. Two girls Stephania and Georgia got stuck inside an old scary house.
Every evening they listened to music from inside the house so they wanted to see who played the piano.
They got into the house which was dark with spiders on the walls and a black cat in front of the piano. But when the cat got away, they understood that the house was haunted!
Boo! Boooooo!
I will make a magic
potion and turn the girls
into ... bats!