This short story was written as part
of a project on Halloween
I'm hungry. I want my favourite sweets!
Oh, no! He will eat us!
It was a dark dark night on 31st October 2002. Bill, a spooky wizard, was walking in the "scary street" to find brain and eye sweets. He walked and walked and walked to find at least one sweet.
A haunted house. Maybe I'll find some friends there!
Spooky, spooky,
we're so spooky!
But at the end of the street, he discovered a haunted house. He went past the black and spooky skeletons and the pumpkins.
I'm so beautiful!
I'm the lord of darkness!
We want brain, brain, brain!
Behind the door he saw many famous characters from horror movies, such as the clown from "It", Lord Voldemort and Belatrix from "Harry Potter" and more. They chased him to eat him. They walked like zombies!
What is this potion? Let me try it!
No, don't drink it!
He was terrified! He started running up the stairs. He ran and ran and he found a room with magic potions. He went in. There was a big purple potion.
Oh, no! It's so hot!
They will be human now with this potion.
Out of the room the zombie characters knocked on the door.
After a while they broke the door and got in. But he was lucky, he dropped the potion on them and they became humans again.
It's very late. I must go home. I will tell everyone how brave I am!!
Ha, ha! I will find you!
Then he took some autographs from them and he went back home!
Happy Halloween
It was a dark dark night on October 31st and I was at my best friend's house. We were having a good time ... until we heard wings. Suddenly we woke up and we saw something black with red eyes on the window. it was looking at us like it wanted to kill us.
Did you hear anything?
I'm scared!
We were so scared but the only way to make the scary black thing fly away was to open the window.
So we went to the window but then we heard voices. The black thing was a bat and it was talking too! it said that it must take us somewhere to find its mummy and we said yes. So the bat took us to a garden and left us there.
You must help me find my mommy!
Oh, my God!
Suddenly we saw a rake fly and it took us on it. We were flying for five days without water and food. But one night the rake threw us down near a haunted house.
I'm hungry and thirsty!
It was 1 o'clock and no one was there. We were alone in the dark, only I, Evina and the haunted house with lots of red balloons.
Something behind us started pushing us into the haunted house. We looked around but no one was behind us. The worst thing was that we were inside the house. We decided to unlock the door to get out but the door didn't open. We were walking in the haunted house for a week and we saw Samara, Anabelle, Pennywise and many more.
It doesn't open!
What can we do?
We couldn't sleep at night because of the noises and the screams. We also had trouble with Pennywise because he said that we will float, too. And he started hunting us.
You will float, too!
After a few days we went to the kitchen to see if there is something to eat. But then we saw a spider and it told us that a magic potion is in the freezer.
There is a magic potion in the freezer. Drink it!
We drank it and BOOM we were outside the house and it was day. After that we thanked the little spider. We also found our rake to get back home. We were so happy!
Thank you, little spider.
We can get back home now.
The next morning
Thank God, it was not true!
Yes, it was in our sleep!
This short story was written as part
of a project on Halloween
I'm hungry. I want my favourite sweets!
Oh, no! He will eat us!
It was a dark dark night on 31st October 2002. Bill, a spooky wizard, was walking in the "scary street" to find brain and eye sweets. He walked and walked and walked to find at least one sweet.
A haunted house. Maybe I'll find some friends there!
Spooky, spooky,
we're so spooky!