Ирина Львовна Мефокова
Where I Grew Up
As a child, I lived in: Saratov
Favorite Games: прыгалки
My Favorites as a Child
Movies: -
TV shows: -
Songs: "Пусть бегут неуклюже"
Food: Eicream
My Favorites as a Child
Books: Сказки братьев Гримм
When I was a child, I was a fan of:
School activities I was involved with: Mathe
Favorite Subjects: Deutsch
Favorite Teacher:
Валентина Борисовна
How I got to school each day: 5
What I did during the summer: swim
For Halloween, my favorite costume was: no
Holiday Traditions
How my family celebrated the holidays: together
Family members who I would typically see during the holidays: good
One challenge I faced when I was a kid: 5
And this is how I overcame that challenge: 10
What I wanted to be when I grew up:
My Family
What my family did on the weekends: walk
What I remember most about my parents is: good
My Home
Pets: Cat
Who lived in my home: Children
My Friends
Names of my friends: Татьяна
What we liked to do together: Kino
My Neighborhood
Description of my neighborhood: It is very well/
Popular places to go: Саратов
How about you?
How you would answers these questions?
Let's see what we have in common.
Ирина Львовна Мефокова
Where I Grew Up
As a child, I lived in: Saratov
Favorite Games: прыгалки
My Favorites as a Child
Movies: -
TV shows: -
Songs: "Пусть бегут неуклюже"
Food: Eicream
My Favorites as a Child
Books: Сказки братьев Гримм