These are the results of our eTwinning project, students from Greece and Spain have worked together, sharing data, discussing their common work and finally writing their conclusions (2017-2018)

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Team1( conclusions)

The Golden number value is 1.618033988.

Making the mean of the quotients in on the female group we found that this mean is 1,644196429

and Making the mean of the quotients in on the male group we found that this mean is 1,728571429.

The mean of the female group 

is closer to the golden number.


Team 2 (conclusions)

-The group of age that is closer to Golden number (1,62) is the 1st group (1,6)

-The mean of the height/distance navel-feet is of 1,68 and the Golden Number is 1,62 the difference is of 0,06 

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