Poland, Greece, Turkey, Italy, Ukraine and Spain have written a wonderful collaborative story for the
"Cool School Project"
Primary School in Zbelutka, Poland
TED Kayseri College Secondary Grade 5 Kayseri / Turkey
TED Kayseri College Secondary Grade 6 Kayseri / Turkey
I.C. Oreste Giorgi - Valmontone / Italy
24th Primary School of Acharnes- Athens Greece
Dolyna Academic Lyceum 6, Ukraine
Escola Ronçana, Spain
Kardeşler Secondary School, Turkey
Gazi Mustafa Kemal Primary School, Turkey
Drawn by I.C. Oreste Giorgi
Valmontone (Italy)
It was a dark and stormy night ...
my three brothers and I didn’t go out when the weather was bad. That night was
different from all other nights! Something was very strange in the air.It was very
cold outside, when we looked out the window we saw that the sky was very dark, there weren’t any stars and the air was heavy. We were astonished! We looked at
each other without no words left!!
After having a fast dinner, we went to bed. We lived a night full of anxiety and fear.
When we woke up in the morning, we had breakfast and we got ready for school. We packed our school bag and walked to school.
Strangely there was no one walking through the streets.
When we arrived at our school, we realized that it was disappeared and in its place there was a supermarket.
Next to the entrance door a big poster said: “Schools are abolished!!!” We couldn’t believe our eyes! We felt very strange. We were happy and sad at the same time. We immediately went back home and..........
By I.C. Oreste Giorgi
Valmontone (Italy)
Narrated by Gazi Mustafa Kemal
Primary School (Turkey)
Drawn by I.C. Oreste Giorgi
Valmontone (Italy)
...............and rushed into the living room.
Our mother asked in surprise: “What’s the matter? Why are you here?” Antonio, my eldest brother said: “Mum,our school disappeared. There is a supermarket in its place and a poster: “Schools are abolished.” Mum laughed and asked: “How funny! What kind of joke is this?” Matteus, my youngest brother, said: “Mum he is right.I already miss my friends.” Matteus was crying ...Omer told Matteus: “Come on, don’t cry. We will be together, playing fortnite, monopoly, football and dolls with Afroditi! No homework,no tests,no projects! Lucky us!”.
“Omer,I don’t play with dolls anymore,do you? Silly boys!’’ I answered angrily. “We’ll miss our teachers,our friends,the play during the breaks, the projects, the school trips, the beautiful moments in the classroom..”.
Mum looked at us seriously: “Calm down, kids.We have to find out what’s going on. Let’s go to the Town Hall.” Suddenly they heard a noise coming from the roof of their house.
By 24th Primary School of Acharnes
Athens Greece
Narrated by Primary School in Zbelutka,Poland
Drawn by TED Kayseri Secondary Grade 5
Drawn by TED Kayseri Secondary Grade 5
They go out and they saw a big monkey on the roof. The monkey jumped onto the ground and run away. The children followed it. The monkey come into a huge machine used to teleporting. The door wasn’t closed so the children could come in. What was there? There was their school in the future. It looked fantastic but all the students were sad. The children understood that they had to change it. But how could they do it?
By Primary School in Zbelutka
Narrated by I.C. Oreste Giorgi
Vamontone (Italy)
They were sure that they could do this situation better. They believed in themselves. They decided to talk with the sad students and find out the problem. They asked “ Your school is fantastic but you are sad. What’s the matter ?” Yiğit and Mehmet shouted that “ We have got lots of homework.” Selen and Göksu said “ We don’t like tying our hair.” and all the others added “ Our breaktime is really short.” “We got the problem” said the children. And we have got a great solution. Afroditi, Matteus, Antonio and Omer looked around and found a magic key. It was written “ Etwinning Power” on it. And the children said “ Let’s all go to the head teacher and share our ideas about our new ideal school. They used the magic key to enter the head teacher’s room and...............
By TED Kayseri College Secondary Grade 5
Kayseri / Turkey
Jordan 24th Primary School of Acharnes Greece
by Georgia
by Joanna
They decided to go to the future by getting into this time machine, which looked like a monkey. Their mother supported them. Three brothers were teleported 200 years later by adjusting time. They could not believe their eyes. People had chips in their arms. There was no police or security guard anywhere because everywhere was very peaceful and there was no war around the world. Antonio was very happy about this. "What a beautiful world but where are the schools?" he said. Matteus couldn't talk. People didn't talk to each other, they agreed with telepathy. Everybody had robot friends and they both learned, played and had fun together.
Omer saw an old shop left alone in the middle of the city. The sign said, “The schools are without walls!” 3 brothers went into that store immediately. Inside there was an old man. When he saw the children, he realized that he was not from the time zone, and excitedly, “Thank God, you are finally here.” Immediately, Omer asked him his name.
When uncle Vincent introduced himself, Antonio said, “Are you 250 years old?” “Yes, uncle Vincent.” And he added: “You must be the children who are curious about why the schools are abolished, Antonio, Matteus and Omer. Isn't that right? Omer said, “Well, how do you know these things?"
Uncle Vincent sat with the children and told the story everyone was curious about.
By Kardeşler Secondary School
Uncle Vincent was about to start talking and suddenly we heard the alarm clock go off and we woke up at home. My brothers and I ran to the kitchen and we couldn’t find our parents. We went outside and saw flying cars and magical unicorns. We were scared but surprised; we went inside and closed the door. Our younger brother Matteus started crying and we tried to calm him.
When he stopped crying, we all went to the garage and found a flying car in it. We got inside the car and saw it was easy to drive, so we started the engine. We drove to the school and there was no school and no supermarket, but we found a hotel and the receptionist was a robot!! We were very scared so we went back home, and surprisingly we found that same machine which teleports people in our living room..........
By Escola Ronçana, Spain
( Narrated by TED Kayseri College Secondary School , TURKEY Grade ( 5 & 6 )
Drawn by TED Kayseri College Secondary School Grade 6
Suddenly the phone rang. Afroditi answered it and she heard her mum'S suddenly the phone rang. Afroditi answered it and she hears voice : “Hello, my dear girl. It’s mum. How are you and the boys? Dad and I are very well but trapped in another dimension. Please help us’’ “Ok, mum, we’ll do our best” answered Afroditi and explained to her brothers what mum had said.
Omer said: “Ok, let’s calm down, think and act”. “What about the magic key?” asked Matteus. Antonio and Afroditi shouted: “Great idea! Let’s get into the time machine and use it”. All four entered the time machine. They moved in a hall with many doors. They tried to open the first door on the right but it was locked. As they moved on they saw the sign “Headteacher” on a door. They looked at each other and heard people talking from inside the room. They couldn’t understand and tried to open the door. But it didn’t.
Matteus said: “The key, the key”. They used the key and got into a room where headteachers from all schools were having a vivid talk. They recognized their own headteacher.
As soon as they saw the children they stopped and asked: “Who are you? What are you doing here? “We are children who are looking for their school. Why was our school abolished?’’ αsked Afroditi. Their headteacher answered: “It’s not only our school. All schools disappeared, my dear children. “Why is that?” asked in one voice all 4. The headteachers started explaining: “Hackers had blocked central school systems and schools disappeared”.
Matteus asked the headteachers to bring technology experts to restore the systems and school websites. Their head teachers pointed to a team of experts working on computers.
The children offered to help. The experts informed them that they had located the hackers and the Crime Dept were on their way to arrest them. ‘We are working on restoring the websites.’ reassured the children.
The children got out and opened the next door. They saw a central computer with lots of buttons. Omer said: “Oh, here we are! Let’s turn the time back and pressed the sign past”. Suddenly they heard their parents’ voices. All doors in the time machine have opened. They all went to the room where headteachers were.
Suddenly the time machine disappeared and the children were in their sitting room with their parents.
They hugged and kissed each other.”Thank God! We are all together again! I was so scared” said Antonio. They discussed what had happened. Dad asked:”What about to your school? “Mum suggested :”Let’s go there have a look”.
They ran to their school and saw it was back in its place and the schoolyard full of students running and playing and laughing. They hurried to the headteacher’s office. She hugged them andthe bell rang. All children stood in their lines in the schoolyard. The headteacher said: ”Dear students. We are so happy to have you back to our school and our school in its place. Schools disappeared because of hackers and criminals who sabotaged the Ministries of education and wanted children without education and critical thinking. Everything is back in order. From now on you can join the etwinning platform and the new group Cool School Box Group. There you can collaborate with students from other countries and suggest any changes for your ideal school!”
The students applauded and formed the words Etwinning and Cool School Box in the school yard.
The future of schools looked very promising!
By 24th Primary School of Acharnes
6th grade class 1
Narrated by Primary School in Zbelutka, Poland
Poland, Greece, Turkey, Italy, Ukraine and Spain have written a wonderful collaborative story for the
"Cool School Project"
Primary School in Zbelutka, Poland
TED Kayseri College Secondary Grade 5 Kayseri / Turkey
TED Kayseri College Secondary Grade 6 Kayseri / Turkey
I.C. Oreste Giorgi - Valmontone / Italy
24th Primary School of Acharnes- Athens Greece
Dolyna Academic Lyceum 6, Ukraine
Escola Ronçana, Spain
Kardeşler Secondary School, Turkey
Gazi Mustafa Kemal Primary School, Turkey
Drawn by I.C. Oreste Giorgi
Valmontone (Italy)