etwinning project
Hello,my name is Albert Armstrong.I'm Neil Louis Armstrong's son. I am an astronaut. I like reading books and I like drawing pictures. I love space because I wonder space.
Earth is getting very dirty. When I woke up today, I had a hard time seeing the sun. Dark and dirty morning... 33 years after the Chernobyl disaster, its effects still continue. People pollute the air, water, the environment unconsciously
Unfortunatelly, People in the world pollute our world and my first mission is to find a new planet in which can be lived.
A couple of weeks ago, Me and my astronout friends discovered a new planet in our galaxy. We called as a "STEAM world"
" because we think there is a colony, if there isn't, we will change its name later.
I should prepare something which I need water, some cans of tunas,packets of coffee,some biscuits,a book,a pencil and an eraser to take some notes in my bag.
I created an amazing space ship to go to Steam planet.My ship's colors are black and yellow.
If everything is OK,ON THAT DAY finally, I am ready to go to "STEAM planet" SO, WHY ARE WE WATING FOR?
LET'S GO!!!!!
the Ground Control Center asked astronauts if they were ready to take off when everyone got a positive response, the countdown began. 3..2..1.. DEPARTURE'S ON!
The rocket was on the rise. we're already in the atmosphere. I'm so excited. The planet we're going to be is too far away. I already miss my family. I'm so happy to realize my greatest dream.
.*****2 weeks later***** our distance to the planet was gradually declining. Ground Control says we're approaching the planet.
We came to the STEAM World. Our journey was difficult and tiring. We parked our spaceship in a suitable place.we dressed up in our astronauts before we went out for research .we were ready to go out .
.STEAM world is beautiful. There are many forests, birds, animals and blue rivers, just like on Earth. Albert was thinking: we have to clean all the trash we made. It wasn't crowded, but there were something flying around.
We went down from our spaceship, the colors of the spaceship were not yellow black, it had changed. I started to take notes on why this might happen. I was away from the ship to investigate. I was wondering if there was any evidences of life and some soil samples could be guiding wasn't a good journey to STEAM Planet.
. there were lots of space(junk) pollution on the way. we tried not to collide them. we must clean them if we want to come back earth alive and comfortable. In a moment, the notepad and pencil flew away.
what is this?
Something was flying towards me. there was something flying all over. When I was planning to search the land and look for life signs, suddenly a man appeared. on a white apron and collar was written by doctor Stevensen. Objects were flying over us. The doctor pushes me at the last minute. If the doctor weren't there, the huge mass would take me away:(
There is a conversation between Albert and the doctor
Doctor:" Hi! Albert, I'm a space doctor.I'm pleased to meet you.How can ı help you?"said
Albert:" Hi! Nice to meet you . I feel worse than I came here first.I think my body system doesn't work well "said
Doctor:" I see,but you brought too much food with you. Their garbage pollutes the space and these parts of the spacecraft can hurt you."said; and keeping on;
Doctor:'Be calm, Neil!. Use the pills for the green packages. ı hope you will feel better soon. I will also get help from the "Environmental officer" to get a solution for the space junk.'
Albert:Thank you very much for warning me about this. I had never thought about space pollution before.
We can ask him how to solve this problem because space junk and pollution make us feel sick.
Heyy!! Environmental Officer , If you should offer something, What can you suggest for space junk and pollution?
From the dialogue between the doctor and the environmental officer
Doctor:Hi! Alex is speaking.
environmental officer:Hi! Alex. How are you?
Doctor:I am fine but our astranaut,Albert is very sick because of the orbital debris. He uses pills. I hope he will get better.
environmental officer:I hope so.
Doctor:What do we do for the space debris?
environmental officer:We should build a robot which exists the satellites. It may take a long time to create it. We need time.Albert should come back to Earth.
Doctor: He dosen't want to come back. He wants to research the planet, Steam. He has a lot of research about the planet. He thinks the Steam planet will be very important for humanbeing
environmental officer: I see. I hope everything goes well.
Doctor: I hope so. See you later soon.
environmental officer:See you later
Ok. It is a big day. Two days ago the Doctor called me and said that there is a problem in STEAM planet . The problem is about space pollution. And today we are going to have a meeting about space pollution. Today is very important for me because of this meeting. I’ve been Environmental Officer for 10 years. Me and my colleagues are going to find a solution to this problem. ***door knocked*** The doctor came to the room.
Doctor: Hello sir. Did you find anything?
EO (Environmental Officer): Not yet. But I invited my colleagues. They’ll come soon.
***They arrived. We sat on the round table and we began to talk***
EO: There is a pollition in the STEAM planet. We need to find solution. Do you have any idea?
Person 1: I think we can put all of this junk into the black hole.
Person 2: I have better idea than him. It was not hard to find better idea than him. *** laughings *** We can make a robot. This robot will collect the junk.
EO: That’s a good idea. But what will we do after the robot will collect the junk? Any ideas?
Doctor: We can build a recycling fabric . So we can contribute to the recycling. Maybe there are some materials for my inventions.
EO: That sounds good. We will start as soon as possible!
*** The robot was made by engineers. And fabric was built. In this way we’ve contributed to the recycling also we found a solution to environmental pollution.***
At the end they realize that Earth can't be replaced with another planet. Earth is our only home to all of us, and if we don't care, don't try to stop the pollution, continue making trash, cut down trees and plants. For what? For the money. I wish that people would just open their eyes and see what they're really doing, badly we're killing our planet Earth. If we at least try to care, there will be a change. Earth is the home to all of us.At the END of the mission on the STEAM planet, the crew realised that the Earth is a wonderful planet, just a wonder of the Universe and we have to take care of our home.
Written by:
Zeynep Aksoy/Yavuz Selim Secondary School( Bilal Cansu,Kerem mede,Sudenur Özay)
R.Özler Özseçer/Şehit Ahmet Oruç Secondary School(Kerem5a saoo)
Dilşad Ergen/Adana Science and Art Secondary School( Dila Uğurbekler)
Hakan Tatlı/Durak-Havva Demir Secondary School(Belinay Ülkü)
Betül Esen/Mustafa Bülbül Secondary School(Mehmet Ali Türkoğlu)
Damla Güder/Şehit Selim Topal Secondary School(Gülce Bilgin,Ilgın Sertkaya,Saadet Serra Çay,Makbule Acar)
Bilgen Taş/Müncübe Cıngıllıoğlu Secondary School(Nisa Nur Özyüksel,Barış Ateş,Yiğit Ateş)
Burak Aydın
Hasibe Atasever/Cumhuriyet Science High School(Yağmur Ece Erdener,Melisa Süer,Elifnaz Gökgöz,Sude Koyun,Berfin Dinlemez)
Blagorodna Sotirov/Skopje, North Macedonia OOU Kiril i Metodij, Stajkovci( Maksim Kirandziski,Mihaela Vasilevska)
Elena Vladescu/Liceul Teoretic "Nicolae Titulescu" Slatina (Lavinia n,Livia f,Stefi manta,Delia b,Sebi b,Bianca2,Daria d, Bianca m,angy s,Adelin b.)
Filiz Eser/Fahrettin Aslan Secondary School(Nihat Emin Mehdiyev,Sudenur Dündar,Sudenur Erginer)
Alkım Can Kalyoncu/Fatih Sultan Mehmet Religious Vacational Secondary School( Makbule Biçer)
Illustrated by:
Selda Topal/Hamidiye Secondary School(Berkan Düzgün,Elif Akman,İbrahim Çetin,Sudenaz Bayram)
Ferat Topal/Mehmet Akif Ersoy Secondary School(Sude Gül Erdem,Selma Karayiğit,Burak Kayacan,Alper Aydoğdu,Arif Aydın)
Story title by:
Anıl Toros/Erciyes College(Melike Kaya,Berra Batur)
Dubbing by:
All the students in this project
etwinning project
Hello,my name is Albert Armstrong.I'm Neil Louis Armstrong's son. I am an astronaut. I like reading books and I like drawing pictures. I love space because I wonder space.