Every child like to play games. Gamification in education today is the great way to connect games that kids love with educational process. This can make lesson better and more interesting. In this project we are focusing on board games. The main aim is to create a board game about specific topic collaboratively using ICT tools. It can be not only games with dice, but and very popular today strategic card games or maybe something like Monopoly.
In this book you will find games that have been created by students during eTwinning project "Welcome on Board!"
Geography of the project
We worked for days. We wrote code, erased and erased. It just doesn't happen. Who do we ask for help?
Help us, my teacher. Help us. S.O.S S.O.S S.O.S...
We are bored with the code and it is time to find some material !!
And our game is the product of our labor.
Turn the next page :)
It ıs a card game that involves four different colours of cards and each colour has different types of questıons.
Green cards have questions that the student answers individually.
Red cards have gap filling questions that the student answers individually,too.
Yellow cards have a word and a list of banned words. The student try to describe the given word by not saying the banned words and group mates try to find it.
Blue cards have apicture of a word and the student ty to describe it just using his gestures and mimics and group mates find the word.
Each card get right is a point for your team.The aim is to get the highest point at the end.
Let's throw the dice for the game that our students love and develop. Measure your knowledge in informatics
The blue color has come. I'm telling you, let's see what part of this computer?
No you didn't know ... -10 points. It is in the 2nd group.
Yes, group 2 came in dice red. Guess what? We think, we will find it, of course. The correct answer should be the operating system. Let's see if your answer is correct.
Yess, our answer is correct. We congratulate ourselves.
Oh my god, Mr.Director can't get himself playing the game. To be honest, he is also very successful. Congratulations :)
The secret is to have excellent teammates :)
Vilnius Aleksandr Pushkin Gymnasium
Biolabyrinth is the game for four people who want to spend good time and check their knowledge in biology. The main goal of game is to find answer to your questions in labyrinth. But this labyrinth is crazy... Are you ready?
Original Biofounder game. How well do you now animals that live in our planet? Can you describe animal correctly? Check this all in this awesome game made by our students. Show your zoology knowledge to all friends.
Biobingo! Have you ever played bingo game? So what about BioBINGO? The rules the same, but now you have to find the right animal.
This game is "Biology World". This is simple game with very simple rules. You have to be the first player at the finish line. But you have to show your biology knowledge during this game to have an opportunity to win.
Do you know the answer? It is not only the name of this game, this is the main thing you have to do. You have to show your knowledge. There are two types of questions: simple and hard. Hard questions will give you faster win in this game. Who will be first? Only that who knows answers.
Tviologia is the mix of famous Twister game and biology. You have not only keep your stand, but and answer difficult biology questions to win.
BioMonopoly is the game which looks like Monopoly. But now this game is about biology. In every section there are questions. When you answer right, you will own this section and will receive the blue card. If you are wrong, you will receive the red one. Who will get more blue cards will win.
The name of this game sounds strange "Princess of Biology". Do you want to become Princess of Biology? In this game you have this opportunity. Just be the first in the game who will finish round or be the best in answering questions. In both cases you will get your own crown and become Priness of Biology. Good luck!
Mutated is unique game where you can create your own animal. Every correct answer will bring you new mutation for your animal. Show your knowledge and be creative in this game.
Institute Sainte-Marie Arlon
Eco Learn be the first to fill your bowl with 6 different coloured balls ! To get the balls you must answer questions on nature and science correctly, as you go around the board. Land on the prison square and you miss a turn!
Eco Learn
Be an eco winner by winning the most points possible. Points are accumulated with each turn and dice number. These points can be used to buy trees and wind turbines which cost different amounts to buy. The more turbines and trees you have the more points you will have.
The LED Game
Test and improve your knowledge on environmental issues. Be the one to get the most LED bulbs as you make your way around the board. Every correct answer gets you a bulb. Bonus boxes allows you a quick look at the answer booklet
The World of Waste
The aim of the game is to collect as many waste products as possible. During the course of the game you can land on a blank, question or action case. If you answer the questions or complete the action correctly you will win miniature waste products. The person who has the most waste products in their little bag at the end of the game is the winner. Questions are on science and the environment.
Truth or Dare
A game of truth or dare... will you dare to do the challenges on the dare card spaces and merit advancing through the game... or is your knowledge on the environment good enough to answer the questions correctly on the truth spaces.... do you dare to play?
Truth or Dare
Ecological Ball Shooter
A game of dexterity ... how good is your aim? Win points by getting the ball in the hole.... some holes are more valuable than other!
Who Is It?
Play with a partner, try to find the renewable energy source picked by your partner by deduction by asking questions on renewable energy. Includes two boards.
Find out who was killed by what and where. Solve the mystery and you are the winner!
8 Family
Deal the cards to each player, try to complete your environmental family by poaching cards from other players. The player to have 6 six cards of the same family wins.
If you want to test your general culture, you have come to the right place !
1. This game is played with a maximum of 6 players.
2. The game is without duration.
3. It ends at the end of 2 rounds and at the end of the game the player
with the most stamps wins the game.
4. The game continues until the last person finishes his/her turn.
5. Players do not have to respond to the card they draw.
6. Anyone who answers correctly the cards in the sections of "easy" and normal" wins a stamp.
7. The person who answers correctly the card in the "hard" section wins 2 stamps.
8. Each player reaching to the starting point wins 3 stamps.
9. When the 2nd round ends, the first player reaching to the starting point is given 2 stamps, the second – coming player is given 1 stamp.
How to play
Firstly, each player rolls the dice. The player with the most points will be the first to start the game. The first player rolls the dice again and moves the pawns on the playground as many as the number on the dice. The card is selected based on the color where the pawn is standing and the question is read. If he/she answers the question correctly, he/she is given the stamps. The game continues in this way with the next player.
Each player who comes to the purple zone draws a regular card.
The player who comes to the white zone draws a suprise card,
The player who comes to the pink zone draws an easy card.
The player who comes to the blue zone draws a hard card.
It's time to learn pro-verbs using the pictures.
Come on !!! You can do it !
Necessary Materials
A stopwatch
Playing cards
A pencil and some paper to note the score
How to play : Pro-verbs is a miraculous game that teaches proverbs in a fun way. This game is played with at east four players. First, Proverbs are reminded with a small presentation at the beginning of the game. Then, they are categorized according to their colors and and the team-mates try to explain each other the proverb on their cards. Also pictures on the back of the cards give clues about these proverbs. Cards are divided into colors according to their difficulty levels:Red color-hard (three minutes), Yellow color-medium (two minutes), Green color-easy (one minute)
The team that remembers the most cards in the specified time wins and learns the proverbs.
Do you know yourself?
Find out your identity !
The game is played in groups.
One person in the group puts a picture on his/her head without looking at what it is.
He/she asks some questions to his/her team-mates (ex. Am I a plant? , Am I an elephant? Can I walk? )
The team-mates continue to answer until a two-minutes time is over. If the player with the picture on head knows who he/she is, the pawn belonging to that team is moved one step further. The pawn can be moved further according to the correct number of the words that he/she knows. The first team reaching to the finish line wins the game.
Tell as many words as possible
to your partner
in the given time
ohhh pay attention to the jail !
Ready to go ?
If you can’t guess 3 words in 3 minutes , go back one step.
The game is played with at least 4 players.
Each player rolls both dices before she/he begins.
And the numbers are added together. The team scoring the highest number starts the game .
If the team coming to the corner on the game board does not say “THAT’S ME IN THE CORNER” the team must wait before the next move.
The game is played in teams
How to play:
First teams must roll dices and will move forward.
Players will tell words out of the category of words according to the color of square.
The player who rolled dices will try to describe the words to his/her teammate in 3 minutes.
The team reaching the finish square first wins.
Professor Asen Zlatarov
Specialized Language School
Základná škola Michala Tareka Abrahám
Irregular verbs board game
The aim of this game:
Here's an Irregular board game to play with your friends.
You need to print the board game.
The aim of the game is to get to the ´FINISH´, number 70 ast the first one.
If you want to succeed, you need to follow the instructions written on the blue and
yellow cards.
In this way you practise your English understanding of the given irregular verb cards.
The game contains:
A board plan game,
50 cards with the yellow cloud and 50 cards with the blue cloud instructions,
4 counters, at least one dice
How to play:
Each player puts their counter on the space that says 'start here'. Anyone can start. It depends on the agreement of the players.
You move your counter according to the number on the dice in the direction of the numbers.
When you get to blue cloud, you have to answer , complete the missing irregular verb form and use it in the sentence. If it is a correct answer, you stay on the cloud, you land on. I fit is not correct one, you move two spaces/ squares back.
If you land on the yellow cloud, you have to choose the correct option of the irregular verb. If your answer is correct, you stay on the cloud. But if it is not a correct one, you move one cloud back.
The winner is the player who gets to the finish as the first one.
Maximum number of players: 4, but we reccomend at least 2 players.
We hope you like it!
The authors of the game: R. Somogyi, J.Susko, class 6.
Základná škola Michala Tareka Abrahám, Slovakia
Food road
The aim of this game:
· Here's a Food road board game to play with your friends.
· You need to print the board game.
· The aim of the game is to get to the ´FINISH´ ast the first one.
· If you want to succeed, you need to follow the instructions written on the cards.
· In this way you practice your English understanding of the given instructions and questions.
· You also get better knowledge about the shops serving the food.
· It is up to you to decide in your real life if you want to buy the food in the fast food restaurants, or prefer more healthy food.
· Keep in mind your healthy lifestyle.
How to play:
Each player puts their counter on the space that says 'start here'. Anyone can start. It depends on the agreement of the players.
· You move your counter according to the number on the dice in the direction of the arrows.
· When you get to the food box, you have to answer the question from the food box pile of the cards. When your answer is correct, you stay on the square you are standing on. But if it is not correct, you have to move 3 steps back.
· When you land on the question mark, you have to pull out the card from the question mark pile of the cards. You have to follow the instruction written on the card. Sometimes it is a good one , sometimes i tis a bad one.
· The winner is the player who gets to the finish as the first one.
· Maximum numebr of players: 4, but we reccomend at least 2 players.
The game contains:
· A board plan game,
· 12 cards with the questions mark and instructions,
· 10 cards marked with the name of the shop, Fast food and 3 blank cards with the questions in the same pile of the cards
· 4 counters, at least one dice.
We hope you like it!
The authors of the game:L.Kondakorová, K. Bošanský, V. Rosinecová, M.Hitka, class 6. Základná škola Michala Tareka Abrahám, Slovakia
Snakes and ladders
The aim of this game:
Here's a Snakes and ladders board game to play with your friends. You need to print the board game. The aim of the game is to get to the ´home´ ast the first one. If you want to succeed, you eed to follow the instructions written on the cards. In this way you practice your English understanding of the given instructions.
How to play:
· Each player puts their counter on the space that says 'start here'. Anyone can start. It depends on the agreement of the players.
· Take it in turns to roll the dice. Move your counter forward the number of spaces shown on the dice.
· If your counter lands at the bottom of a ladder, you can move up to the top of the ladder.
· If your counter lands on the head of a snake, you must slide down to the bottom of the snake.
· If your counter lands on the purple, yellow, or blue square, you have to choose a card and follow the instruction.
· The first player to get to the space that says 'home' is the winner.
The game contains:
- A board plan game,
- 50 cards with the questions and instructions,
- 4 counters, at least one dice.
We hope you like it!
The authors of the game: S. Ekeši, R.Guldan, Š. Švihorík, T. Marák, Základná škola Michala Tareka Abrahám, Slovakia
The Star wars game, Get to the baby Yoda
The aim of this game:
- to practise and review English vocabulary, giving instructions, following the instructions, asking the simple questions and answering them
- to have fun and enjoy the English classes
- to get to the baby Yoda as the first one.
The rules and instructions :
- the student or group of students choose their character / counter colour,
- they put their 3 characters on the colour of their characters ´planet,
- they move with their characters around the stars and collect points,
- they move just one step / one star
- when they get 7 points, they can use their next character in the colour of their planet,
- then they move with all their 3 characters around the stars,
- when all the players have all their 3 characters on the board, the level 2 begins,
- the goal is to get all their characters to Yoda as the first one.
Meaning of the symbols and further explanation to the rules of the game:
1. Meaning of the stars:
- Yellow stars: no special meaning, if you land on it, you are lucky, you just get one point for it,
- Blue star: you have to follow the instruction of the other game players, if you do it correctly, you get one point, if not, you have to mobe to your previous star,
- Red star: you have to imitate someone from the Star wars / just for fun, you get one point for that, if you cannot do the action, you move to your previous star
- Green star: you have to choose the card from the pile of the cards and follow the instruction / it can be a question, instruction, or a special move with your counter.
2. Special rules to follow:
- You cannot move across the walls,
- You can only move on stars next to you, in any direction,
- You should be at least 7 years old to play the game, it is our recommended age, but if you are brave enough, you can try it also if you are younger,
- Max. number of players: 4 / or 4 groups of students,
- You should prepare a chart / where you count the points of the players.
We hope you like it!
The authors of the game: S. Hatiarová I. Jambrichová, T. Kočíková, V. Mrvová
Class 6., Základná škola Michala Tareka Abrahám, Slovakia
Every child like to play games. Gamification in education today is the great way to connect games that kids love with educational process. This can make lesson better and more interesting. In this project we are focusing on board games. The main aim is to create a board game about specific topic collaboratively using ICT tools. It can be not only games with dice, but and very popular today strategic card games or maybe something like Monopoly.
In this book you will find games that have been created by students during eTwinning project "Welcome on Board!"
Geography of the project