This e-book is written by students from these countries;

Albania                         Ukraine                     Georgia

Croatia                          Turkey                       Romania

Hungary                        Italy                           Scotland 

                              Republic of Moldova      

Our lovely students in S.T.A.R.T. eTwinning project :-)

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We go to school from Monday to Friday. During the school day we usually get up at 7.15,  we wash our face and  we  have breakfast with milk and coffee, biscuits or croissants. Then we brush our teeth, get dressed and  go to school. Our lessons start at 8.00 a.m and finish at 2.00 pm. After school we go back home and have lunch with our family.  Our lunch consists of pasta, meat, vegetables, fish and fruit.

A typical day of an Italian teenager

On Saturday and Sunday , as we don't go to school, we can get up later,  go out with our family  or visit  our relatives.


In the evening we have dinner at 8.00- 8,30 pm , we watch Tv with our family and after we have a shower, we brush our teeth and at 10-10.30 pm we go to bed .


In the afternoon we do our homework and when we finish it , we have free time and we can  watch Tv, listen to music, go out with friends, read books, play videogames or chat with friends. 

We play sport twice or three times a week. Boys usually play football while girls go dancing or play volleyball. From february on, in the afternoon we attend some  school projects :            ( Latin , English, Spanish, Music, Art ecc.)

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