to the Against Corona, Online Culture Show Project Partners and Students
Once Upon a time, there was a Phrygian King named Midas who ruled the region.
Midas heard a divine voice in his dream.He said; ''Go ahead and get up. Look for a decoy anchor on your land. Build a city where he is.
This city will bring you happiness." he called. Midas awoke with joy. He unleashed men all over his country. He ordered them to search the ship's anchor.
Eventually, one day, they found the anchor in the hills where the Ankara Castle was located. And soon they built a city here.
They called it Anker of Ankira, which means ship anchor. The anchor of the ship was hidden in the temple of this city for many years.
Once upon a time ,two teenagers named Monza and Ganey,who live in a village,fall in love with each other.But the parents of both teenagers are against this love.
After that,the two young people flee their homes and go up two separate hills,unaware of each other.
On these hills, they cry for 8-10 years without stopping.
Tears descend from the hills and accumulate on the bed of the current lake, forming a lake. Monza and Ganey's eye stocks dry out and they go blind.
This is a legend about a rock called The Bride's Rock, located on Mount Idris in Hasanoğlan, one of the settlements affiliated to Elmadağ, Ankara.
A young girl who is famous for her beauty has many suitors. One day, the daughter's heart slips to the son of a family who comes to ask for her, and the wedding day comes.
After all the preparations are completed, the young girl leaves with the bride's procession. However, the bandits cut off the wedding procession and killed everyone but they leave the bride alive.
umut ve ahmet
The bride is kidnapped by bandits and taken to the Highlands on the upper sides of the village. The bride somehow gets rid of the bandits and runs away to the rocks and throws herself down the cliffs, rather than being wife for bandits. Her veil remains ring-shaped and petrified there.
Emine NİGAR's Project Team
Umut Kaan
Fatma Selin
Arda Eren
Ahmet Armağan
to the Against Corona, Online Culture Show Project Partners and Students
Once Upon a time, there was a Phrygian King named Midas who ruled the region.
Midas heard a divine voice in his dream.He said; ''Go ahead and get up. Look for a decoy anchor on your land. Build a city where he is.
This city will bring you happiness." he called. Midas awoke with joy. He unleashed men all over his country. He ordered them to search the ship's anchor.