Writing Lesson Plans

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  Narrative Writing with StoryChat
  Informational Writing
Narrative Writing with StoryChat - Lesson Plan

Approximate Duration: 4+ sessions

Summary: This plan takes students through the planning, writing, editing, and publishing stages of creating their own narrative story.



I. Set Up

To set up for this lesson, make sure you've created your StoryJumper account.

Set up your class

Click “+ Create a Class” on your home page to set up your class.

On the class page, add your students to your class.

For more information on setting up your class, read through the Teacher’s Guide.

Students learn how to use StoryJumper

If your students are new to StoryJumper:

  • Start by watching the StoryJumper Tutorial as a class to learn the basics of creating a book on StoryJumper.
  • To reinforce the basics, walk through some of the steps, such as uploading an image or adding a text box. As you carry out each of these actions using a projector, have each student perform the same steps on their own computer.
  • Students can find more "How To" information in the Author's Guide.
II. Pre-Writing Planning with StoryChat

StoryChat is our AI Tutor (see below) that makes it easier, faster, and more fun for your students to plan their narrative stories.

Through a conversational chat interface, it helps students to creatively think through the elements of a complete story , but doesn't do any writing for them.

The output of the chat is an organized outline of the student's thoughts that they can review with you before they start their actual writing.

Entire Class Does StoryChat Together

To get everyone familiar with StoryChat, you could project your computer on a screen and do a StoryChat together as a class.

To do so:

  • Log into your StoryJumper account
  • Click "+ Create New Book"
  • Click "StoryChat"
  • StoryChat
  • Follow the directions in the chat
Students Do Their Own StoryChats

Now that your students have done a StoryChat together as a class, they're ready to do it on their own.

Students should log into their StoryJumper accounts and then follow the same steps that you did above.

When they're done with the chat, they'll have an outline of their story inside a StoryJumper book that they can review and edit with you before they start writing.

III. Writing
Start Writing and Illustrating

After students finish their StoryChat in the previous planning step, they'll have an outline inside a StoryJumper book that they can review and edit with you before they start writing.

When they're ready to start writing, students should first create their cover page, change the cover color and pattern, add the title, and add their name. They can come back to add an image later.

Using their StoryChat outline, students can then add text and images to each page as they write their stories. They may prefer to either write all of the text or create all of their images first. Allow flexibility as to how each student prefers to work, ensuring they are making sufficient progress in the allocated time.

For images, give guidance as to how to source these online or use the props and scenes provided. Remind students that their images should help the reader to understand the story. Images can used on either side of each double page and also include text. Students can look at some example books from the StoryJumper library to see how text and images can be integrated.

Make sure that students are referring to their outline as they write and are structuring their stories appropriately.

  • All students: Require different lengths of writing on each page or a different number of pages, depending on student ability.
  • English Learning or struggling students: Consider using the “Voice” feature so they can orally narrate their stories before they start writing. Then they can add text afterwards.
  • If time is available, or just with the advanced students, you could require the inclusion of dialogue. This could be added through speech bubbles as well as using indirect speech in the text.
  • Additionally, you could require examples of transitional words and phrases to be included. Provide examples as necessary.
IV. Finish and Publish
Finish Books

Students should finalize their text and images in order to complete their books.

They may also have time to adjust the layout to make their books more visually appealing. Books from the StoryJumper Library can be used as examples.

Final Review

Students can peer review other's books. Pair up students to carry out these reviews.

When students are finished, they should click the “Finished” button below their book on their home page. You will then see the “Finished” label under their book on your class page.


Perform a final review of each student’s book, perhaps sitting down with the student during an appropriate time.


Publish the students' stories as hardcover or paperback books for students to keep.
Knowing their books will be published adds a level of accountability to their work and encourages higher standards of writing.

More information about publishing student books can be found in the Teacher’s Guide.


Students can narrate their books to demonstrate reading fluency.

This voice narration tutorial video shows you how to narrate a book.


Books should be shared with parents online so they can purchase a hard copy of their child's book - a great keepsake gift.

More information about sharing student books with parents can be found in the Teacher’s Guide.

You could even hold an Authors Open House for students to showcase their published books to their parents!

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to use a lesson plan with your class
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