Find Great Informative / Expository Writing Projects

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Students introduce, present, organize, and publish a research project or demonstrate mastery of a skill/subject/topic taught.

Saved by: Shannon Letterman, Lena Blair, Lori Pearson, and 100 others
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Students get to know each other by sharing facts and details about themselves. They'll learn what they have in common with other students, fostering new friendships.
Saved by: Michelle Madrid, Yasemin Doğan, Karikatürlerle Matematik, and 304 others
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Each student contributes a page to this collaborative class yearbook, ensuring no special memory is overlooked. Students add their thoughts, memories, pictures, and narrations from the school year for various categories (Favorite Lesson, Best Field Trip, Best Class Moment, etc...). To expand this class yearbook to be a grade-level yearbook, invite other teachers in your grade to your StoryJumper class so their students can contribute, too. As each classroom adds their content to the grade-level yearbook, students get a more complete representation of the year.

  • Grade-level yearbook
  • Field Trip Report
Saved by: Michelle Madrid, Michele Croft - Tribune Drive PS (1446), Ronia Chang, and 230 others
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Divide and conquer with jigsaw research. Break up those bulky research projects into smaller sections. Each student is responsible for being an expert of a different subtopic - researching, drafting, publishing, and teaching their peers. By the end, students contribute their learnings to a final group book and are knowledgeable about an entire topic.
  • State Reports
  • Animal Reports
  • 13 Colonies
  • Presidents / World Leaders
  • Ancient Civilizations
  • States of Matter
  • Human Body Systems
Saved by: Kelly Hylton, Michele Croft - Tribune Drive PS (1446), April Woolsey, and 168 others
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A pen pal from another time and place! At the culmination of each lesson within a topic, each student becomes a character from that time and place, develops a voice and back story, and writes to their pen pal (in a different classroom) describing key events and the impact on their life. Pen pals respond back and forth, considering different perspectives, until the unit is complete in this creative way to summarize learning and empathize with others.
  • American Revolution: Colonist and British Soldier
  • Early Exploration: Natives and Explorers
  • Missions: Native Americans and Spaniards
  • Civil War: Northerner and Southerner
Saved by: Lena Blair, Kevin Boozer, Cressie Reickenbacker, and 95 others
Students work in groups. Like popcorn popping and bouncing around, one student starts a story and then hands it off to another student to continue. Frequent changing of hands allows for fun and surprising shifts in the story. This continues until a target number pages are completed (e.g. 16).
  • Tall Tales
  • Fractured Fairy Tales
  • Fables
  • Human Body Systems
  • Historical Fiction
Saved by: Kelly Hylton, Michelle Madrid, Ashley Bailey, and 230 others
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Online diary entries, written from the perspective of a person at a specific time in history, is the perfect way for students to understand, internalize, and summarize their learning. Students have the opportunity to empathize and develop a voice and identity for their character as they keep this diary throughout the project. They can bring their historical character to life by adding their voice to their online diary.
  • Colonist's Diary
  • Native American's Diary
  • Ancient Egyptian's Diary
  • Slave's Diary
  • President's Diary
This project provides a fun and engaging review opportunity and is flexible for any topic or subject. Working with a partner, one student writes a summary or narrative about what they've learned and then passes it to their partner who illustrates it. Students alternate writing and illustrating, reviewing content and solidifying learning as they go.
  • Lesson Reviews
  • Book Reports
  • Check for Understanding
  • Figurative Language
Saved by: Maria Teresa Iacuzzo, Kevin Boozer, Eva Hovhannisyan, and 165 others
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In this collaborative "mindhive" activity, students contribute their unique experiences, knowledge, and insight, helping to build a more complete picture of a given subject or their previous learning.
  • Map My Community
  • Analyze a character, symbol, or theme of a book
Saved by: Josey Dennis, Kevin Boozer, ΑΓΓΕΛΙΝΑ ΠΕΤΡΙΔΕΝΑ, and 143 others
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Write books with other students around the world!

Students learn what it's like to grow up in each other’s country, providing an authentic, cross-cultural experience. They can write their collaborative books using a language that is common among the teachers and students. For example, an American student learning Spanish could be paired up with a student from Mexico learning English.

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Saved by: Eva Hovhannisyan, Jane Ellis, Carolyn Steele, and 113 others
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Memory tricks and visual cues are a great way to retain information. Students identify the key learnings from a recent lesson and draw a visual image, comic, mneumonic, etc... to help remember them later. Students upload their drawings to a shared class book, allowing all students to use this collaborative book as a study aid and review tool.
  • Grammar / spelling tricks
  • Science sketchbooks
  • Causes of key historical events
Saved by: Xatuna Dzneladze, Eva Hovhannisyan, Katie Underwood, and 98 others
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Students write a narrative story or informational book about their favorite holiday traditions, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Diwali, Kwanzaa, New Year's, etc... A graphic organizer is provided for the prewriting phase.

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