everyday and give A's on midterm projects.
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It was a cold chilly day in the North Pole. Inspector Pop the
Polar bear and his trusty sidekick Pablo the Penguin were
enjoying a nice hot cocoa while playing an exciting game of
checkers. KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK, came from the front
door of their igloo. “Who could that be on this chilly
chilly day, Pablo?” asked Pop.
“I don’t know Pop,” Pablo replied. “Why don’t we find
out!” added Pablo.
Pop opens the door. Sammy the snowflake shivers in the
cold in the doorway. “Can I c..c…come in Pop?” asked the
shivering Snowflake.
“Why of course Sammy, Pablo and I were just playing a game of
Checkers” answered Pop. “Can I get you some hot cocoa?” he
“I wish I could do the same, my igloo has been
mysteriously destroyed,” he sadly said.

“I think ill take that cup of cocoa Pablo,” he added.
“Yes of course Sammy I’ll get it in a jiffy!” replied Pablo the
“So you say your igloo been destroyed? Tell me more Sammy” said
“Well you see I came home yesterday and I found my igloo half
crushed. Nothing was stolen but almost everything was ruined”
“So it happened yesterday?” asked Pablo.
“I believe that Sammy only just saw his igloo yesterday, it could
have happened while he was visiting his brother in the South Pole any
one of these past 5 days” said Pop coolly. “Isn’t that right Sammy?”
he added.
“Why that is exactly right, Inspector Pop! How amazing, you are
the best of best that why I came to you Inspector Pop the Polar
Bear! I went down to my brother, Samson the Snowflake’s, house for
his daughter Sandra the Snowflake’s birthday” Sammy said.

“Interesting. I need to see the scene of the crime. Can you
bring me there?” replied Pop.
“Yes, it’s down the road. Follow me.” said Sammy
Sammy leads Pop and Pablo down the road to his small igloo on
the corner of the block. The igloo was badly destroyed, with only
the door and the fireplace remaining. Sammy was very upset.
Sammy showed Pop and Pablo all the damage and said, “Look,
what someone has done. It is terrible. I have nowhere to live.”
“Yes, it is terrible. I am going to have a look around,” said
“Good idea, Pop” said Pablo.
As Pop searches in and around the igloo, something catches his
eye. A patch of green cloth and footprints lead to a cave on the
edge of town that sits on a lake. “Aha! A clue at last” bellows

“What does it mean?” Pablo asks happily.
“It means we have a suspect. Elvis the Elf lives in that cave and he’s known to
be a troublemaker in town. He might have something to do with this,” Pop said.
“Oh my goodness! That is wonderful. All I want is a home and justice against
whoever destroyed my house,” said Sammy.
“Well let’s look into it” Pablo said hesitantly.
The three of them trek up a long windy road through the forest and into the
outside of town. They finally reach the cave. It is dark and gloomy. There is a
sign that reads NO TRESPASSERS “This is it,” said Pop.
“Good let’s finally get this guy” said Sammy the Snowflake.
Pablo and Pop look at each other with suspicion but stop before it begins to
mean something. Pablo knocks on the door. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. The door
opens and Elvis stands at the entrance of the door. “Can’t you read? It says no
trespassers,” said Elvis.
“I’m Pop the Polar Bear and I have been asked to investigate a certain case.
This man’s igloo has been destroyed,” he says pointing to Sammy the Snowflake.

“Well I don’t have anything to do with
that. I’ve been fishing on the frozen lake
two towns over for the past week. I just
got back an hour ago,” said Elvis.
“Can you prove that?” said Pop.
“Look over here” he says while walking
over to a pile of fish in his container.
“Thank you, that’s all we needed to
hear,” said Pop.
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everyday and give A's on midterm projects.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

It was a cold chilly day in the North Pole. Inspector Pop the
Polar bear and his trusty sidekick Pablo the Penguin were
enjoying a nice hot cocoa while playing an exciting game of
checkers. KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK, came from the front
door of their igloo. “Who could that be on this chilly
chilly day, Pablo?” asked Pop.
“I don’t know Pop,” Pablo replied. “Why don’t we find
out!” added Pablo.
Pop opens the door. Sammy the snowflake shivers in the
cold in the doorway. “Can I c..c…come in Pop?” asked the
shivering Snowflake.
“Why of course Sammy, Pablo and I were just playing a game of
Checkers” answered Pop. “Can I get you some hot cocoa?” he
“I wish I could do the same, my igloo has been
mysteriously destroyed,” he sadly said.

“I think ill take that cup of cocoa Pablo,” he added.
“Yes of course Sammy I’ll get it in a jiffy!” replied Pablo the
“So you say your igloo been destroyed? Tell me more Sammy” said
“Well you see I came home yesterday and I found my igloo half
crushed. Nothing was stolen but almost everything was ruined”
“So it happened yesterday?” asked Pablo.
“I believe that Sammy only just saw his igloo yesterday, it could
have happened while he was visiting his brother in the South Pole any
one of these past 5 days” said Pop coolly. “Isn’t that right Sammy?”
he added.
“Why that is exactly right, Inspector Pop! How amazing, you are
the best of best that why I came to you Inspector Pop the Polar
Bear! I went down to my brother, Samson the Snowflake’s, house for
his daughter Sandra the Snowflake’s birthday” Sammy said.
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