for making this all possible
(and my publisher and my creativity/imagination).
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

This book traverses the theme,
Wanting to Learn from a Young
Age, and discusses my early
literacy experiences up until the
present and then into the future.

When I was a baby, after many months of listening
to my mom say, "Say Mommy, Sydney, say
Mommy," I finally uttered my first word. I said,
Part I: Childhood Literary Experiences.

Once when I was a few months old, I wanted to
change my diaper, I remember making some kind of
gesture to the diaper bag and yelling at my mom to
get her attention. She looked at me and said, "Wait,
Sydney, I have a few things to do." I started
grumbling to her telling her, "No, now mommy. I
want it now." She replied, "If you want it so bad, do it
yourself." I told her I would, and left the room.
When my mom was finished, she came in to check on
me and what she found was me struggling to put on
my diaper.

When I was a little older, around five, I would
always listen to the music cassettes my older
sister love to make. Whenever she was going out,
she always popped in a cassette of her favorite
My first song that I partially memorized was one
of my sister's favorites. My mom, sister, and I
were in the car and when the song came on, I
belted out the lyrics. I sang, "Y'all gon' make me
lose my mind. Up in here, up in here."

When I was six, I was dancing in the living room near
the stereo, and not listening to my mother's warnings
of getting myself injured. When I tripped and started
crying my mom rushed towards me. She noticed I was
bleeding and after failing to stop the blood flow, I
went to the hospital.
When I was going in for snitches, I heard my mom tell
my sister to sing me to sleep, so I wouldn't be scared.
My sister sang the song, "Jesus loves me this I know,
for the Bible tells me so..."

During the summer before I entered elementary
school, I stayed with my grandmother.
My grandmother wanted to prepare me for school, so
she read me sections of the Bible and had me recite
them. She also showed me how to count money.
Soon, I could read sections of the Bible by myself. I
could also count money very well.

Part II: Elementary School Literacy Experiences.

When I first entered elementary school, I had
never practiced writing before. And like most
kids, I had problems with letters and spelling
my name. My biggest problem was writing my
"S" backwards when trying to spell Sydney.

When I entered elementary school, our teacher
gave us a reading assessment the first day. The
assessment was to let us read a book of our own
choosing and writing/answering questions about
the book we chose.
Our teacher gave us a week to finish the book
and questions, and when I finished the
assignment in three days, she seemed surprised.
When I spoke to her to ask her if I could do
another assessment, she let me.

When I was in second grade, I usually had bad
marks in Writing class. I was a very orderly kid,
and nothing made me feel more out of sync
than my penmanship growing up.
I was listening when my teacher said why I was
getting bad marks was because, "I liked to go
over my writing assignments multiple times until
I liked my penmanship, and that was slowing
me down from advancing in my class."

Part II: High School Literary Experiences.

I was very nervous entering high school, and
from the things I had heard; I thought it would
be good for me to really listen to all my
This was especially true on the first day when
my teachers went over their syllabuses, and I
had to really listen when they went over it in
class and asked us to get our parents to sign it
as well.

My high school did daily announcements
throughout the day like Morning Prayer, School
Announcements, Saying for the Day, Lunch
Prayer, Announcements for Students, Closing
Prayer and Principal Saying.
You always had to be listening to the
announcements because if they said your
name and you weren't listening, you would've
missed something important that pertained to
yourself or your parents.

When my school gave the students of 2014
computer tablets, they encouraged us to use
the ThinkPad system.
I really had to work hard a second time on my
penmanship while operating the computer's
touchscreen system if I wanted my class notes
to be legible at all.

When my English teacher announced that we
would read, The Great Gatsby; I was really
excited. When I started reading the book, I got
such a thrill. It remains one of my favorite
books to this day.

The most common thing that happened when I
was in high school was pronouncing my name
for people.
One day, I was accepting an award and the
teacher, who was introducing me, asked me
how to say my name. I told her, to make it
less complicated on yourself, just say, "Yellow
Tea-Paul", instead of "Yelity-Paul".
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for making this all possible
(and my publisher and my creativity/imagination).
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

This book traverses the theme,
Wanting to Learn from a Young
Age, and discusses my early
literacy experiences up until the
present and then into the future.

When I was a baby, after many months of listening
to my mom say, "Say Mommy, Sydney, say
Mommy," I finally uttered my first word. I said,
Part I: Childhood Literary Experiences.

Once when I was a few months old, I wanted to
change my diaper, I remember making some kind of
gesture to the diaper bag and yelling at my mom to
get her attention. She looked at me and said, "Wait,
Sydney, I have a few things to do." I started
grumbling to her telling her, "No, now mommy. I
want it now." She replied, "If you want it so bad, do it
yourself." I told her I would, and left the room.
When my mom was finished, she came in to check on
me and what she found was me struggling to put on
my diaper.
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