Education Books

  • Emily's Dream of College
    A chicken's dream of going to college and the obstacles she had to face.
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    This book is for children who may suffer from low self-esteem, behavior issues, and those who always feel discouraged. Sometimes all people need is ENCOURAGEMENT! Parents/tea…
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    Winner of the 2019-2020 National PTA Reflections Award in the literacy category for the theme "Look Within". Jubody is about three siblings and their quest to get back home a…
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  • World Changers
    Come along with me to see what it means to be a climate activist and a world changer. Together we can live in a better world.
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  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • Learning About Autism Through Kids
    This short story is about a little boy befriending a classmate with Autism. This books encourages kindness, acceptance and awareness.
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  • Please! Raise My Bar
    A fun message to adults told from a child's perspective.
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  • Finding My Voice Autism Through My Eyes
    Learn about autism through the eyes of a middle school child who lives with it day to day.
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