― Pushpa Rana
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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It was very dry in the jungle and my Mommy decided
to bring us down to the river for some water. I was
joined by Mommy, Aunties, and sisters Ella and Eliza.
"Stay close" Mommy warned, "I don't want you girls to
wander off into the jungle."

I had never really explored the jungle before but I
didn't want to get lost so I tried to keep close. That
was until I was distracted by some colourful snakes.
They were so pretty to look at. Their skin wasn't slimy
like I thought. It actually felt smooth and silky to the
touch. I said goodbye and went to rejoin my family but
I couldn't find them. "Mommy?"

I was starting to get worried. I was all alone in the
jungle. I started to run but ended up walking
through a spider's web. It was sticky. I saw a lot of
creepy looking spiders. The jungle is full of them
and they are huge!

I was really lost now. I ended up meeting a family of
chimpanzees. I asked them if they saw my family pass
by. They said they would only tell me if I helped them
get some bananas with my trunk. "Go ask Archie the
aardvark. He knows everything that goes on here" one
of the chimps told me. And so I continued on my

I was lucky to find Archie because he usually only
comes out during the night. He was in the middle of
eating some ants for lunch. Yucky! "Mr. Aardvark have
you seen my family?" I could barely hear him as he had
such a quiet voice. He then shrieked and began
burrowing a hole to hide in. Strange fellow.

When I turned around I saw King Lion and his wife
behind me. Lions are known as the "Kings of the
Jungle." Soon he was joined by a few more lions
including his cubs. A group of lions is called a Pride.
He was old and wise. If anyone knew where my family
had gone, it would the King.

I was a little nervous around the King. Lions are very
majestic in person. They are large and have flowing
manes of fur around their faces. "I would go see the
giraffe. With her big long neck, she may be able to see
where your family has gone."

As I began to search for the giraffe, I started to
notice that there weren't that many animals
around. The jungle was actually pretty quiet. Was it
always like this? Where did everybody go?

"Ahem! Excuse me. Down here!"
Gigi the giraffe was so tall. She had
such a long neck. it helped her to
reach the leaves that she was
munching on. "Have you seen my
family?" "Why yes. They are
heading down to the river. You're
actually quite close." Whew! I was
so relieved and yet why did I feel
that something was wrong?

Again I heard more loud noises off in the distance. And
whose voices were those? It was starting to worry
me. I was concerned about my family. I encountered a
group of monkeys who seemed a little upset. They
were always a silly bunch but they were acting very

After leaving the monkeys, I ran into Larry the lemur.
He told me that I should find a safe place to hide.
Something bad was happening but I didn't know what.
Before I could ask him why, he had disappeared. But I
had to find my family. I couldn't stay and hide with the
other animals.

A family of tigers went zipping by me. They were the
bravest cats I knew but they looked to be running away
from something or someone. What was going on?
Everybody seemed to be in such a hurry. The jungle
was always full of all kinds of animals. But now all was

As more and more animals passed by me, I started that
maybe I should just hide with them. Whatever had
frightened them must've been pretty scary. But I
couldn't. I had to find my family. "You're going the
wrong way you silly elephant!" Larry the Leopard said
as he ran by me.

Finally I made it to the river but my family wasn't
there. I saw Harry the Hippo and asked if he had seen
them. "They're on the other side of the river Ellie. But I
don't know if you should go over there." "Why not?" I
asked. They are in danger. There are some bad people
over there. "Oh no!" I screamed.

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― Pushpa Rana
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

It was very dry in the jungle and my Mommy decided
to bring us down to the river for some water. I was
joined by Mommy, Aunties, and sisters Ella and Eliza.
"Stay close" Mommy warned, "I don't want you girls to
wander off into the jungle."

I had never really explored the jungle before but I
didn't want to get lost so I tried to keep close. That
was until I was distracted by some colourful snakes.
They were so pretty to look at. Their skin wasn't slimy
like I thought. It actually felt smooth and silky to the
touch. I said goodbye and went to rejoin my family but
I couldn't find them. "Mommy?"
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