Danger Books

  • Toy Time
    Saige, a girl with talking toys, sneaks out to the park through a portal. They encounter Vortex, who wants Captain Lazor. Saige's brother and sister save her, but they end up…
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  • Stranger Danger
    Lucy is approached by a stranger at the park who asks for help finding his lost puppy. Lucy, remembering her parents' advice, refuses and runs home.
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    A bedtime story about the animals at the zoo after the sun starts to set. The rhyme was written by an expectant father for his unborn baby daughter.
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  • Megasaurus
    The tiny, multi-colored bean-shaped bears of Beandom are under attack by a monster. Even the King's wisest advisors seem unable find a solution. Who will save Beandom? Can an…
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  • The Mysterious Secrets of the Universe
    Inferno and his swamp monster companion embark on an exciting adventure through outer space. They encounter various celestial bodies, face dangers, and meet new characters. T…
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  • Little Red Riding Hood
    Little Red Riding Hood goes to visit her grandmother, but encounters a wolf who pretends to be her grandmother. A woodcutter saves the day.
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    I really hope you enjoy this book. This book means a lot, please share this book with your friends and spread it to the word! I hope you enjoy this book! Stay safe, social di…
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  • The Three Little Fish
    Three little fish encounter a big bad shark and use their wits to outsmart him and live happily ever after in the Great Coral Reef.
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