©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.

A birthday story for Sara!

nce upon a time, on the island of
Puddingtop there lived a grasshopper named
Hank, and an ant named Harold.
They were good friends and often shared in
adventures with each other.

One day Hank was standing in his field collecting acorns
when Harold came by.
"Hank, do you know what today is?" asked Harold.
Hank thought for a moment and then answered, "I think
today is March 4th."
"You're right," said Harold. "Do you know why it's
"Is it because today is Make Lots of Noise Indoors Day?"
asked Hank.
"Well, yes but…"
"Or is it because today is Give Your Sister a Dollar Day?
asked Hank.
"Well, yes, but…"
"Oh I know. It's Sara's birthday today!" yelled Hank.
"Yes," said Harold. "It is Sara's birthday."

"What shall we do for her?" asked Harold.
"Shall we bake her a cake?" suggested Hank.
"Can you bake a cake?" asked Hank. Harold shook his head.
"Neither can I." said Hank.
"Oh I know," said Harold, "Let's make her Magic Pancakes!
"Magic Pancakes?" said Harold, "That sounds great! Do you
have a recipe?
"Well, yes," said Hank, "I have a very special, secret recipe
that I will share with you."
"Oh really?" said Harold, "A secret recipe?"
"Yes, really. It was handed down from my great-great-
grandmother. She was the Royal Chef for the King of Denmark,"
said Hank.
"Really?" said Harold.
"Probably," said Hank, "Well, maybe not. Actually no, she was
not a royal chef for the . But she did make very good pancakes.
You'll see!"

"Ok," said Hank, "So then what do we need?"
"Let's see… According to this recipe, we will need...
cottage cheese...
baking soda...
... and a pinch of fairy dust."

"Fairy dust?" said Harold. "Where in the world will we
find fairy dust?"
Harold thought for a moment. "From the Fairy Dust
"I'm skeptical," said Harold.
"What does 'skeptical' mean?" asked Hank.
"It means I don't think there really is such a place as a
Fairy Dust Store," said Harold.
"Oh really? Actually I think I know where there is one."
"Posh!"said Harold.
"C'mon," said Hank, "I have a map."

So Hank and Harold set out across the
field in search of the Fairy Dust Store. They
walked for quite a long time, until finally they
thought they might be lost.
"Oh no," said Hank as he looked at the
map, "I think we went the wrong way."
"Oh no," said Harold. "Maybe we should
ask someone for directions."
"But who?" said Hank.

They continued walking until finally they came to
small brick house on the edge of the forest. From
across the way, they could hear a low voice shouting,
"Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!"
"Not by the hair of our chinny-chin-chins," replied
tiny voices from inside the house.
"Hey," said Hank, "that sounds like the Big Bad
Wolf. Let's ask him for directions."
"Do you think that's a good idea? He seems kind
of busy," said Harold.
"Sure," said Hank, "I know him from the Topix
"Ok," said Harold "If you say so."

So Hank and Harold walked up to the house and greeted
the Big Bad Wolf.
"Hi Wolfie," said Hank.
"Oh, hi there Hank," said the Big Bad Wolf, "Where are
you going?"
"We're trying to find the Fairy Dust Store. We're making
magic pancakes."
"Oh really?" said the Wolf. "Who's birthday is it?"
"It's Sara's birthday today."
"Oh, I think I know Sara. Is she the one that likes
"Yep, that's her. Wanna come to the party today?"
"Yes!" said the Wolf. "Hey pigs, you guy want to go to
Sara's birthday party later and get yer drink on?"
"Yes by the hair of our chinny chin chins!" cried the

"Great," said Hank, "we'll see you there."
"Errr…, any chance you know where we can
find the Fairy Dust Store?" asked Harold.
"Oh yeah," said the Big Bad Wolf, "Just keep
going down this path and keep to the left."
"Thanks," said Harold.
"See you at the party," said Hank.
And so the two continued down the path in
search of the fairy dust store.

The two walked for a ways until they came to a fork in
the road.
"Should we go left or right?" puzzled Hank.
"I think the Wolf told us to go left." said Harold.
"Really?" said Hank. "I think that the Wolf told us to
keep right, and that the store would be on the left."
"No, I'm quite sure I'm right. It's left."
"You think we should go to the right, then?" asked
"NO," said Harold.
"But you just said right," said Hank.
"I am right about left." said Harold.
"I am confused," said Hank.
"Me too," said Harold.
So after arguing some more, the two agreed to go to the
right, thinking it must be the right way.

Before long they were deep in the forest. After
walking quite a ways, the two came across a pretty
young girl and an old woman.
"Hey," said Harold, "It's Snow White."
"Yeah, you're right," said Hank. "Hi Snow!"
"Hi Harold. Hi Hank. Where are you two going?"
"We're heading to the fairy dust store."
"Are you making magic pancakes?" asked Snow
"Yep," said Hank. "It's Sara's birthday today."
"Oh, I know Sara. She's the girl with red hair that
lives in the 408? Next to the guy with chickens?"
"Yep," said Harold. "Wanna come to the party?"

"Yes, I'd love to," said Snow White. "Oh, by the
way, you're going the wrong way. You need to go
back the way you came, and then take a right at the
fork in the road."
Hank looked at Harold, but Harold was too busy
staring at the giant, yummy looking apple that the
old woman had just pulled out of her pocket.
"Would you two like to have a bite of apple
before you go?" cackled the old woman.
"Well, since you're offering..." said Hank, licking
his lips.
"NO THANKS!" said Harold, pulling Hank away
with him, down the path.

Soon Hank and Harold found themselves back at
the fork in the road.
"Snow White said right didn't she?" asked Hank.
"Yes," said Harold. "Anyway, since we've been
down the other two paths, right the only path left."
"Path left?" puzzled Hank. "Should we go left
"NO," said Hank.
"But you just said…"
"Never mind that," said Hank. "Let's go right!"
So the two headed down the path two the right, which
of course was the only path left.
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A birthday story for Sara!

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