for World Book Day
07 March 2019
Collaborative work of partners in eTwinning project
Hello! This will be an activity for your students
but you will login with your gmail to edit the book.
a)Students will write a quote/proverb common in your folk culture about books/reading first in their mother language and you translate it in English. Also a photo of the students working on this is not added IN the book but in the page's Twinboard on IN the page of this activity.
b) Students choose one partner's quotes and make a drawing for it and translate it in their language. They post the drawing (with their name and school under) in a page following partner's quote
(storyjumper is very easy tool but if you have problems do not hesitate to call me. Take care not to delete pages (X Page) on the bottom right but you can add (+ Page) as many pages as you like
Quote from Greece
"Φοβάμαι τον άνθρωπο του ενός βιβλίου"
Θωμάς Ακινάτης
"Timeo hominem unius libri"
Thomas Aquinas
(I fear a) man of a single book
By Christos,
Aquinas' words are generally quoted today in disparagement of the man whose mental horizons are limited to one book. Aquinas, however, meant that a man who has thoroughly mastered one good book can be dangerous as an opponent.
The Greek poet Archilochus meant something like this when he said that "the fox knows many things but the hedgehog knows one big thing"
Image for Petroupoli's/Christos quote created by Khust team, Ukraine
After some discussion we agreed this photo will best describe our knowledge: the more we read - the more we know and more flexible we are and then won't be "men of one book"...
Image for Petroupoli's/Christos quote created by partner:
Khust team, Ukraine
Quotes from Poland
1."Czytanie książek to najpiękniejsza zabawa, jaką sobie ludzkość wymyśliła."
“Reading books is the most beautiful game that humanity has come up with.”
Nobel Prize winner Wisława Szymborska, Poland1.
Quote by 53rd Primary School Team, Poland
Absolutely agreed as reading is not only an activity alone but offers many opportunities for starting interesting discussions even with strangers! (Memi, Petroupoli)
Interpretations of the Quote
Photo editing by 4th Junior high School of Petroupolis for Polish team's first Quote
2."W książce to tylko może znaleźć człowiek, co ma w sobie."
Józef Ignacy Kraszewski,
Polish writer, author of historical novels
Quote by 53rd Primary School Team, Poland
"We understand what we read depending on our beliefs"
image and interpretation by Eleni, Petroupoli
picture for Polish quote
from Maria and Yana, Lozova
"In the book, a man can find what he already has. "
Józef Ignacy Kraszewski
a picture-idea from Khust team, Ukraine
picture-idea for Polish quotation from
Alice and Alexandra Lozova, Ukraine
The picture to the Polish quote:
In the book, a man can find what he already has.
(made by Alexandra)
made by Alice (Lozova, Ukraine)
3."Smutne książki można wytrzymać tylko kiedy się jest młodym."
"Sad books can only be tolerated when you are young."
Maria Skłodowska-CuriMaria Skłodowska-Curie
by the Polish team
Image by J.Raiņa Daugavpils
6.vidusskola, Latvia
Sofija & Darya
"Skumjas grāmatas var izjust tikai tad,
kad esat jauns." (Translation of the Polish quote in Latvian)
Young people are more romantic and pure, not as grown up people with their experience and pragmatism.(By Daugavpils, Latvia)
picture-idea from Sophia and Ira
for Polish quote (Lozova, Ukraine)
Young people haven't got enough life experience
that's why they sometimes can't understand the
idea of the book.
Grāmatu lasīšana ir visskaistākā spēle, kuru cilvēce izdomāja
J.Raina Daugavpils 6.vidusskola, Latvia
Reading is to the mind
what exercise is to your body.
Lasīšana prātam ir tas pats,
kas treniņš ķermenim
translation in Latvian of the Polish quote by
J.Raina Daugavpils 6.vidusskola, Latvia
image by Irene, Petroupoli
image by Lina and Vera, Lozova
image by
Lito, Petroupoli
We agree that the human beauty means to be in harmony between the soul and the body... A rich mind and a healthy body.
Interpretation by Lidia s team for Latvian team s quote
Photo editing by Lidia' s (Romanian) Team for Latvian Team s quote
Romanian quote
(Lidia's team,
National College Grigore Ghica)
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for World Book Day
07 March 2019
Collaborative work of partners in eTwinning project
Hello! This will be an activity for your students
but you will login with your gmail to edit the book.
a)Students will write a quote/proverb common in your folk culture about books/reading first in their mother language and you translate it in English. Also a photo of the students working on this is not added IN the book but in the page's Twinboard on IN the page of this activity.
b) Students choose one partner's quotes and make a drawing for it and translate it in their language. They post the drawing (with their name and school under) in a page following partner's quote
(storyjumper is very easy tool but if you have problems do not hesitate to call me. Take care not to delete pages (X Page) on the bottom right but you can add (+ Page) as many pages as you like
Quote from Greece
"Φοβάμαι τον άνθρωπο του ενός βιβλίου"
Θωμάς Ακινάτης
"Timeo hominem unius libri"
Thomas Aquinas
(I fear a) man of a single book
By Christos,
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