WEBBY, on the first planet-Adanatanya
WEBBY -the green object
One day, something very interesting happened. An object from the sky
landed on earth. The place where he landed was a schoolyard.
Students began to surround him. The falling object had two eyes , two
ears and two arms and it was green. and he could speak. The children
asked what his name was.

’ I found your name.Webby! ‘
‘Webby Webby Webby waoouuw the green creature loved that name. All the students applauded Webby. One of them said to Webby
you can learn about web2 tools on each planet. And you learn a lot more

Webby was so curious ,it was flying towards a new planet.It wondered that what to expect to it.By the way the Aykaç Web2 Team was on the road to the Toy museum.When they entered the garden of the museum,an unknown object ,suddenly fell down the garden of the museum.
Students went to near it and they saw a green creature. They wondered that whether it speaks or not.At that time the green creature looked at the children and introduced itself."Hello,My name is Webby."it said."What is the name of this planet?"The students were surprised at first.Then they said the name of the planet.And they said;"Welcome to Gazitanya."All of them were so happy.

After they met,they visited the toy museum.At the museum,they introduced some old and new toys to Webby.By introducing them,they used some Web2 tools like chatterpix,pixtoon,animate anything,bitmoji,etc. Webby liked these Web2 tools.
Webby was very hungry.They went to a restaurant together.They ate kebap,baklava and pistachio.Webby liked these food.
At the end of a beautiful day,Webby not only met new friends but also learnt new Web2 tools and ate delicious food.And Webby promised its new friends ,it will come to Gazitanya again.It said "Good bye" and flew towards a new planet...

The first planet it encountered after a long journey was Mucurus. The weather was very cold and it was snowing. Its vehicle was running out of fuel and its signals were also broken.
It landed on a large area. It was the garden of the Hacidervus school. But there were no children at school. He was very surprised by this.

At that time, Nazirus teacher and her students were doing online lessons. During online the lesson, something very interesting happened. A green creature suddenly appeared on the screen. The students were both scared and curiously asked:
- Who are you?
Webby introduced itself. It said that the signal of its vehicle was broken and It suddenly found itself on this screen while repairing. It asked the kids what they were doing here.
Children introduced themselves first. Then they said that they learned the CRAM web 2.0 tool in the online lesson with their teachers. Webby:
- Why aren't you in school? Isn't the lesson in school? Asked.
The children said that there is a pandemic disease in the Mucurus Planet and that they cannot go to school because of this and that they do their lessons online.
- They named me Webby on the first planet I went to. I set out on this road to learn about Web 2.0 tools. Can I learn with you too? Asked.
Teacher: “Webby, of course,” she said. They have learned to prepare games with the Cram web 2.0 tool and played games together.
Meanwhile, Webby's fuel is up and the signals have been corrected. It had to go. The children loved its very much. They didn't want to leave. But it had to go. It said goodbye to all and set out to new planets.
(Nazire ÇİÇEK - Hacı Derviş Rasim Ünsal İlkokulu)
Curious webby At Hacıdervis primary school, nazirus left her teachers and students and took a spacecraft to her planet. Looking around he was running through the clouds, what's that? each saw something big, big with three arms, constantly spinning. His journey was long but he could not overcome his curiosity. He looked around and saw a schoolyard. A group of children and their teachers were doing something in the garden. Webby went down to the schoolyard. The children in the schoolyard looked towards Webby with a confused expression. They saw a green creature for the first time in their lives.
They asked "Who are you, what are you doing here?"
“I am an enthusiast webby living on a planet far from you,” he said.
Driving around here in my vehicle, I couldn't stand when I saw these things with big arms ahead. they are so big and they keep spinning, what are they? 'said Webby
Webby On The Red Planet
Children and their Teachers
- 'Welcome webby, this is the red planet. Webby, what you see is wind turbines and we call them weather vans. They said they were constantly spinning and generating electricity.
Webby was quite surprised, but was delighted to learn new information. The kids loved Webby and Webby them. The kids told Webby about the Wen 2.0 tool, the wordar, and together they created a word cloud.
It's time to part. Webby embraced the
children and invited them to his planet. He got
into his
car and waved to the children and windmills.
Goodbye children, goodbye, weather vines,
goodbye Red Planet ...

Webby on the 5th Planet - The Green Land
After a long drive, Webby came across The Green Land.He wondered about the place and searched on platform ‘Wooble’. He read a note that it was a bad place with bad people. He believed this wrong note but still he wondered about the place.
He saw some children in a schoolyard,playing happily and friendly.He landed beside them.The children were so surprised when they saw Webby.They became friends immediately.
Webby said them ‘ I read a note on a website that
The Green Land is a bad place with bad people.
But I realized that it’s wrong.The Green Land is
so beautiful and you are so friendly.

Oh Webby,You shouldn’t believe everything you read on
internet.There may be wrong information.You should be careful about
e-safety rules.For example, ‘Think before sharing the information’ ,
‘Keep your personal information secret’ , ‘Don’t reply the messages
you don’t know’.
‘Thanks friends,I will be careful from now on.’
said Webby.He got on his spaceship ,
waved his new friends and
left The Green Land in happiness.

After leaving the Green Planet,Webby was in thought about what kind of planet I would visit.Suddenly Webby noticed that his spacecraft was shaking.Several small meteor rocks hit his spacecraft.
Thanks to his own teleporting device,he teleported the nearest place.This place was very cold and windy.Webby realized that many kids were looking at him.They were smiling and
waving at him.They were not afraid of him.
_What is your name ? one of them asked
_Hello my nameis Webby.I’m wandering
planets and learning many things .Where am I ?
asked Webby
-Here is Planet Saturn.We are at school.Our
school name is Öz-Gür eTwinning Project and
Web2 Tools Primary SchooL.Would you
like to join our lesson ?asked one of student.

_Yes,I like Web2 Tools I’m really happy to learn new things saiid Webby.
That day’s lesson subject was Kahoot and using Twinspace .They were doing many eTwinning Projects with other planetsThanks to this Project ,they knew each other better on Twinspace .
Webby really had fun with students in this school.He was excited to race against time in Kahoot.Anymore it is time for Webby to leave.But Students didnt want him to go.
Webby got his new spacecraft with teleportation device.He would never forget this great place.He was ready for new adventures.

Webby was floating in outer space, and far away he saw a white object glowing like a pearl. He decided to land on the white planet that caught his attention.
He looked curiously at the white cover he had seen. When he got out of the spacecraft, he was surprised by the cold and crushed white matter of the environment. Looking around he saw children running ahead. The children looked in amazement at the approaching Webby while playing with the white matter. Finally they caught eye to eye.
Webby immediately introduced himself and asked the name of the planet. The children in unison:
- Eskitanya! They shouted.
They told Webby how to play snowballs, saying
that the white blanket covering was also snow.
They all started running with the bell ringing.
--Hey where? He called. One of the children:
-- We forgot to invite you to our school with
the excitement of snowballs. Come with us.
A very fun lesson is waiting for us.
Webby on 7th Planet- Eskitanya

The children introduced Webby to their teacher. The lesson started. His subjects were the web2 tools Canvas and Linoit application. Webby was thoroughly curious. They learned painting and drawing with canvas. The children even painted pictures of their new friend Webby. His teachers had another very nice activity done. He taught me to paste these pictures on a digital board called "Webby" created with the Linoit application.
Webby and the children uploaded their writings and pictures to this board. Webby was elated. Now when he missed his new friends, he would look at this board and share his feelings with
It was time for Webby to go. Their new friend
gave Webby a gift they made of Meerschaum,
the precious stone of this planet.
Webby was sad but happy while leaving
Eskitanya with good memories and valuable
information ...

Webby on the 8th Planet- Sparton
When he landed on the planet, he realized that there were millions of trees on these lands. I wonder what tree these were. He looked around and saw a park with children a little ahead and walked towards them. The children looked at this green creature approaching them with fear and surprise. Webby introduced himself to them and told them not to be afraid of him. It was so cute already….

After leaving Eskitanya on a snowy and cold winter day, Webby traveled for two days. He had seen such beautiful places and people had known. All of them came to life . This journey made him both very tired and hungry. And when he looked from above, he decided to land the spacecraft on this large land planet.
They had a little chat . The children introduced themselves. They were students from Çünür Toki Primary School.Webby asked them what trees they had just seen. One of the children said that the apple of this planet is very famous. That's why he said there are always apple trees in those gardens. Webby remembered that he was very hungry. I wonder if the taste of apples was good. The children understood Webby's mood and offered him an apple and rose-flavored Turkish delight.
Webby thought the kids on this planet were very hospitable, friendly and generous. What great values these children had.

After filling his stomach with these delicious foods, he had to continue on his way. The children gave Webby a souvenir bottle of rose water. As you smelled this rose water, they said, remember the planet Sparton. Webby happily got into his vehicle and continued his journey as he knew these beautiful children with spiritual values…
Webby on the 9th Planet Goldenhorn
Webby had traveled for a long time since leaving Sparton, the 8th planet, and this journey had exhausted him considerably. He should have landed somewhere as soon as possible. He checked around by the sea and in this lush place he could pause. He found a flat area to lower his vehicle and parked. There was nobody around. He read the sign, using the Turkish language he learned from the children in the places he went to: "Haliç Primary School".
If this is a school, he thought, where are the children. Çiğdem Teacher, who left the building, immediately recognized Webby, whom she heard from her friends.
-Hello Webby. I am Çiğdem Teacher. Welcome to the Goldenhorn planet. Our school is closed due to the pandemic and we do our lessons online. “If you wish, come with me and let me introduce you to my students,” she said.
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WEBBY, on the first planet-Adanatanya
WEBBY -the green object
One day, something very interesting happened. An object from the sky
landed on earth. The place where he landed was a schoolyard.
Students began to surround him. The falling object had two eyes , two
ears and two arms and it was green. and he could speak. The children
asked what his name was.

’ I found your name.Webby! ‘
‘Webby Webby Webby waoouuw the green creature loved that name. All the students applauded Webby. One of them said to Webby
you can learn about web2 tools on each planet. And you learn a lot more

Webby was so curious ,it was flying towards a new planet.It wondered that what to expect to it.By the way the Aykaç Web2 Team was on the road to the Toy museum.When they entered the garden of the museum,an unknown object ,suddenly fell down the garden of the museum.
Students went to near it and they saw a green creature. They wondered that whether it speaks or not.At that time the green creature looked at the children and introduced itself."Hello,My name is Webby."it said."What is the name of this planet?"The students were surprised at first.Then they said the name of the planet.And they said;"Welcome to Gazitanya."All of them were so happy.

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