Once upon a time, there was a little boy with blonde hair. He lived in a small planet. He had a book but the pages of the book were empty. He called the book " The Little Prince" But the name even wasn't written on it. He always looked the pages with a deep sadness. He wanted a full book. One day he fell asleep after watching the sunset. he had a dream about a planet where people were very happy and knowledgeable.
This was called Dream Planet. People always read stories and books, so they lived happily. When they slept, their dreams were always happy because there was never any evil on the planet. It seemed impossible to have a nightmare.
He woke up and said " how people can stay so happy and they have many full book" and he was surprised to see that reading was all of the results.
He had to find out the planet and in this planet he was sure that he could find a full book or he could even fill his own book. He was very excited. However, he didn't know how to go there. He had to visit other planets to gather information thereby he could find the Dream Planet. He got on his flying bike and started this dream journey.

Fortunately, he had a flying bike, and his greatest helper and support during his time would be the flying bike.He did not know how long to fly and which direction to fly, all he knew was to reach Dream Planet and live his dreams to the full. This journey was also an opportunity to think about his own planet.The planet where he lived very different from the planet he had imagined.
Asteroid B-612 they called his own planet. He didn't know why it was given this name. It was a planet with roses without thorns, where the sun shines all day with its unmatched beauty. It was a planet without limitations Asteroid B-612.It was beautiful, but something was missing. The little prince wanted the lines he longed to read in the leaves of the numerous flowers surrounding him, or if the blue sky were a book for him.The planet he missed for and dreamed about shouldn't be too far away.
Little Prince thought ‘’ it was close to me because it was in my dreams.’’ He loved painting since he was young. He wanted to paint the books he had now read. Little Prince would talk to animals and plants in Asteroid B12 planet . Now he was more excited because now he would tell the creatures around him.The Little Prince would now count the books he would read in a day instead of watching the sun go down 44 times a day in Asteroid B-612.
While he was floating in the sky with his flying bike, he could not stop daydreaming.He had been flying for a long time and he had no idea where he was now, but the sight that appeared in front of him excited him. Asteroid B-612 was a house-size planet, but the planet he saw in front of him was 10 times bigger than his own planet. He slowly landed on the Dream Planet with excitement and joy in his eyes.

The Little Prince found himself on neighboring planets, he decided to visit all of them. On the planet there was a mighty king. The king with urple silk clothes said “ Ah! The Little Prince”. The Little Prince wondered how he knew his name when they never met. The king added,
“Come so I can see you clearly”. He came close and tried to find a chair to sit in but there were none because the king's cape covered the whole planet ! The Little Prince started to yawn but the king shouted,
But I can’t stop it. I’m really tired.
Fine ! Then I command you to yawn.
You are scaring me. I don’t think I can yawn anymore.
So be it. I allow you to yawn some ti-tim-time.
He couldn’t finnish his sentence because he was coughing. He found his authority really important. That made him a great king. The planet was empty. Who was this king ruling ? He was puzzled.
Sire, who do you rule ?
Everything ?
The king showed all the planets and stars.
When the Little Prince remembered the little planet he abandoned, he felt sad. He gathered his courage and asked;
The Little Prince yawned. He was bored because he had to wait until the sunset. He decided to leave. Just when the king found
someone to give orders to he didn’t want to lose him so he said;
The king was silent so he started leaving. The king shouted behind him;
The Little Prince murmured “ Grown ups are so weird” and went on his way.
So what will I be if I become the ruler?
_ You will make your dreams come true
Tell me how and what do you mean right now!
Well then let me tell you, do you see the opposite planet? Yes, that dream planet is actually
a self-righteous planet. Actually, the facts are not like you think. If you are my little prince I
will tell you the secret of it
So why should I believe you then prove it to me
Well, you know, the little prince, whenever we
summon a planet they respond to us, but let's
never see the dream planet calling him now
_ Dream planet, dream planet please answer!
He did not answer you, ha ha ha, you see it, but you think that it is a planet that decorates
your dreams, the secret of this planet is known to those who live here.
Okay, I believed you, now what will happen? Now I will tell you the secret of the planet.
Once upon a time, the baby of two very beautiful planets, Dream planet, was born The
parents of the dream planet, as they did, were making people's dreams beautiful without
separating them from good or bad. Anyway, time has passed but what happened one day,
whatever happened, the planet Dream lost its parents in a war that broke out from the world
to the planets. Ever since that day Dream planet hated people.
Ayy! Dream planet please look at me, don't worry, I'm a child, I won't do anything to you
have no such intention, I'm Little Prince
Are you really the Little Prince, my ruler, please forgive me
_What a ruler, I am only a child, I will not be a ruler or something
Sir, he is you, the prince who will come to us after years and lead us
Well then, since I am the ruler of this place, I want you to give good dreams to all people
_Oh! Ask me for everything, but don't ask for it, I don't give a dream to those who take my
parents from me.
Okay then just give it to the children, they love you very much and I am a child too, we love
you very much.
Well, that's what happens, but I have a small request from you, I want to be seen from the
world and I want to have rainbow colors.
It's a really great idea, let's realize it right away, said the little prince, and then everyone fell
asleep, of course, our little prince read his story again and lived as ruler of the planets for
The little prince decided to continue his journey. He was thinking about the planets he had visited until now, the king he met, the dream planet and his family, but now he came to a new neighboring planet to experience a new and different adventure.
This planet looked different from other planets it had traveled before. From the moment he first set foot on the ground, a different smell began to come to his nose and it was as if he was breathing a scented air instead of wind. With great curiosity, he continued to walk with fast and curious steps both to explore the planet and to find the source of the smell that came to his nose.
After moving forward for a while, he saw a huge pool and a table right next to it. At this table sat a fat man with an interesting round hat on his head. At first, the little prince did not want to approach, but he also wanted to talk and get to know. "Hello, I am little prince," he called the man after he approached the man with small steps and the pool
As the little prince was calling out to the man sitting, the closer he looked at the pool, the more he realized that the one in the pool did not look much like water. The man looked up at the little prince. The man was talking without looking into the little prince's eyes, and as he spoke, he was drinking something from the bottle that stood in front of him. The man looked sad, saying that because he was ashamed, he could not look into the little prince's eyes. "Why are you upset, in pain, or have they left you?" Asked the little prince. The man said, "No, I'm just ashamed of myself", and then dipped his bottle into the pool and filled it.
As the little prince was calling out to the man sitting, the closer he looked at the pool, the more he realized that the one in the pool did not look much like water. The man looked up at the little prince. The man was talking without looking into the little prince's eyes, and as he spoke, he was drinking something from the bottle that stood in front of him. The man looked sad, saying that because he was ashamed, he could not look into the little prince's eyes. "Why are you upset, in pain, or have they left you?" Asked the little prince. The man said, "No, I'm just ashamed of myself", and then dipped his bottle into the pool and filled it.
The little prince realized in astonishment that the water in the pool was alcohol. He asked the man, "Sometimes he does things to be ashamed of, so why do you feel ashamed?" The man replied, "Why would you not see, I am ashamed of drinking and getting drunk, and I have to forget that, drink helps me forget." Surprised and unable to understand this situation, the little prince said, "The answer is simple, if you do not drink, you will not be drunk so you will not have to be ashamed of yourself." just kept watching the man.
He was surprised and saddened by the fact that the man was so closed to change and that he actually created and created the problem and constantly upset himself. But he could not do anything else. Sometimes he realized how important simple solutions were, and before he set out on his new journey, he decided to leave the planet hoping that the man would see the solution to the problem before he left the planet.
The little prince decided to continue his journey. He was thinking about the planets he had visited until now, the king he met, the dream planet and his family, but now he came to a new neighboring planet to experience a new and different adventure.

The hopeful Little Prince went on with his journey.
So he found a planet where a very busy man lived: a business man. The man was always working: he had so many calculations to do that he didn’t have time for anything else. His life was filled with numbers.
The little prince liked maths and calculations and wanted to understand something more about the business occupation.
As one of the boy’s main features was asking questions, he asked the man
“What are you calculating?”
the business man answered:
“I’m an adult. I haven’t time for your questions. I can’t waste my time with you. I haven’t got time at all. Why don’t you help me? If we count together, we’ll count more stars and I’ll be richer”.
The little prince looked at him and saw that his beard was long, his hair was unkempt, his clothes were dirty and he didn’t want to become like the businessman.
“I have to count lights in order to own them” said the man.
“Lights?! Those aren’t lights. Those are stars, you can’t own them, you can only dream them.”
“I don’t mind dreaming, I count them so I own them… dreaming is a loss of time!”
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Once upon a time, there was a little boy with blonde hair. He lived in a small planet. He had a book but the pages of the book were empty. He called the book " The Little Prince" But the name even wasn't written on it. He always looked the pages with a deep sadness. He wanted a full book. One day he fell asleep after watching the sunset. he had a dream about a planet where people were very happy and knowledgeable.
This was called Dream Planet. People always read stories and books, so they lived happily. When they slept, their dreams were always happy because there was never any evil on the planet. It seemed impossible to have a nightmare.
He woke up and said " how people can stay so happy and they have many full book" and he was surprised to see that reading was all of the results.
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