Self-discovery Books

    Winner of the 2019-2020 National PTA Reflections Award in the literacy category for the theme "Look Within". Jubody is about three siblings and their quest to get back home a…
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  • The Loneliest Not Lonely Bear
    A bear's journey of self-reflection and through the forest he calls home.
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  • My Reading Family
    Charlotte, a hearing-impaired girl from a reading family, shares her love for books and how they have shaped her life.
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  • The Tiger Who Lost His Roar
    You may not realize the value of something until you have lost it.
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  • The Three Nails
    The story of a nail that refuses to be hammered down. A tale of determination and perseverance against incredible odds.
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  • Three Perfect Princesses
    Three princesses with different personalities embark on a quest to save their sick father and learn the importance of kindness and being true to oneself.
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  • Love in a Year
    A bear and a bunny discover relationships can have their ups and downs.

    Background: I had started this book as a first year anniversary gift for my girlfriend but as…
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  • The Cat Who Could Fly
    Zenix, a winged cat, is bullied by other cats in his village. Despite his differences, he remains positive and adventurous. When he saves a smaller cat from bullies, he learn…
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