Holiday Homework: Lexicon Dictionary
Presented by: Jaidith Rajesh
Class & Division: 4E

Abacus- An abacus has beads that slide on rods. It can be used to count, add, subtract, multiply and more.
Acceleration- How fast velocity changes.
Acute angle- An angle less than 90° (90° is called a Right Angle).
Add- To bring two or more numbers together.
Addition- Finding the total, by combining two or more numbers.
Adjacent- Lying next to each other.
Algebra- Algebra uses letters or other symbols in place of values, and then plays with them using special rules.
Algorithm- A step-by-step solution.
Balance- When both sides have the same quantity or mass.
Bank- Banks look after peoples money, give loans and have other financial services.
Bar graph- A graph drawn using rectangular bars to show how large each value is.
Base- The surface a solid object stands on, or the bottom line of a shape such as a triangle or rectangle.
Bias- A systematic (built-in) error which makes all values wrong by a certain amount.
Billion- A thousand millions.
Binary- Binary Numbers use only the digits 0 and 1.
Calculate- To work out an answer, usually by adding, multiplying etc.
Calendar- A diagram that shows what day and month it is.
Capacity- The amount that something can hold.
Cardinal Number- Cardinal numbers say how many of something there are, such as one, two, three.
Celsius- Celsius is a temperature scale.
Century- One hundred years.
Closure- Closure is an idea from Sets.
Data- A collection of facts, such as numbers, words, measurements, observations or even just descriptions of things.
Date- The exact day, month and/or year.
Day- The 24 hour period from midnight to the next midnight. Or any 24-hour period.
Decade- A period of 10 years.
Decimal- Based on 10.
Degree- How precise a measurement is, often shown as the number of decimal places or significant digits.
Denominator- The bottom number in a fraction.
Edge- A line segment on the boundary joining one vertex (corner point) to another.
Element- A member of a set.
Equal- Exactly the same amount or value.
Equivalent- Having the same value.
Error- The difference between the actual and measured value.
Estimate- To find a value that is close enough to the right answer, usually with some thought or calculation involved.
Face- Any of the individual flat surfaces of a solid object.
Factor- Numbers we can multiply together to get another number.
Finite- Not infinite. Has an end. Could be measured, or given a value.
First- Before anything else.
Formula- A rule or fact written with mathematical symbols.
Fraction- Parts of a whole.
Gallon- A unit of volume for measuring liquids.
Geometry- The branch of mathematics that deals with points, lines, shapes and space.
Goniometer- An instrument for measuring angles between surfaces.
Gram- A Metric measure of mass (which we feel as weight).
Graph- A diagram of values, usually shown as lines.
Grid- A set of lines used to help us accurately draw graphs etc.
Half- One of two equal parts of a whole.
Handspan- The distance from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little finger on your outstretched hand.
Hectogon- A 100-sided polygon (a flat shape with straight sides).
Height- The distance from top to bottom.
Hexagon- A 6-sided polygon (a flat shape with straight sides).
Horizontal- Going side-to-side, like the horizon.
Hour- A period of time equal to 1/24 (a twenty-fourth) of a day.
Hundred- Ten times ten
Identity- An equation that is true no matter what values are chosen.
Inch- A measure of length (or distance) in US units.
Income- Money earned from working, investments or doing business.
Increase- Make something bigger (in size or quantity).
Infinite- Without an end. Not finite.
Integer- A number with no fractional part (no decimals).
Intersect- To cross over (have some common point).
Kilogram- A Metric measure of mass (which we feel as weight).
Kiloliter- A Metric measure of volume. Equal to 1,000 liters.
Kilometer- A Metric measure of distance. Equal to 1,000 meters.
Knot- A unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour, or 1.151 mph (approximately), or 1.852 km/h (exactly).
Lakh- One hundred thousand.
Least- Smallest.
Length- Distance. How far from end to end. Or from one point to another.
Line- A long thin mark made by a pen, pencil, etc.
Liter- A Metric unit of volume.
Mass- A measure of how much matter is in an object.
Math- The study of numbers, patterns, space, and change.
Maximum- The largest value.
Measure- To find a number that shows the size or amount of something.
Meter- The basic unit of length in the Metric System.
Millennium- A period of time of a thousand years.
Minute- A unit of time equal to 60 seconds.
Multiplication- Repeated addition.
Number line- A line with numbers placed in their correct position.
Numeral- A symbol or name that stands for a number.
Numerator- The top number in a fraction.
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Holiday Homework: Lexicon Dictionary
Presented by: Jaidith Rajesh
Class & Division: 4E

Abacus- An abacus has beads that slide on rods. It can be used to count, add, subtract, multiply and more.
Acceleration- How fast velocity changes.
Acute angle- An angle less than 90° (90° is called a Right Angle).
Add- To bring two or more numbers together.
Addition- Finding the total, by combining two or more numbers.
Adjacent- Lying next to each other.
Algebra- Algebra uses letters or other symbols in place of values, and then plays with them using special rules.
Algorithm- A step-by-step solution.
Balance- When both sides have the same quantity or mass.
Bank- Banks look after peoples money, give loans and have other financial services.
Bar graph- A graph drawn using rectangular bars to show how large each value is.
Base- The surface a solid object stands on, or the bottom line of a shape such as a triangle or rectangle.
Bias- A systematic (built-in) error which makes all values wrong by a certain amount.
Billion- A thousand millions.
Binary- Binary Numbers use only the digits 0 and 1.
Calculate- To work out an answer, usually by adding, multiplying etc.
Calendar- A diagram that shows what day and month it is.
Capacity- The amount that something can hold.
Cardinal Number- Cardinal numbers say how many of something there are, such as one, two, three.
Celsius- Celsius is a temperature scale.
Century- One hundred years.
Closure- Closure is an idea from Sets.
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