Neo and his friends, Marcus and Sophie were 15 that summer. They were out in the woods playing behind their neighborhood like they usually do. It was around noon and they were right in the middle of a game of tag when all of a sudden they heard a crash out deep in the woods.

“Hey what was that?” Marcus yells.
“I don't know,” Neo replies, “but it sounded like it came from the creek.”
“Let's go check it out,” Sophie says. After about 10 or 15 minutes of walking, they got to the creek. It was a pretty large creek with a stone bridge across the water. The water had a bunch of stones in it that were perfect to hop across.
“Look over there” says Sophie. She points straight ahead. There appeared to be a big hole or crater with scorch marks all around it. It looked like an explosion happened. They all move across the creek towards the hole. Once they get to it they realize that it is deeper then they expected.
“Woah,” Marcus gasps, “What happened here?”
“I have no clue,” Neo says, “but look in the middle. There is some sort of metal pod or something.”
“What is that?” Says Sophie.
“Let's check it out.” Marcus says. He jumps down the side of the crater and slides most of the way down. Neo and Sophie reluctantly follow after him. When they get to the bottom Marcus is already next to the pod.
“Guys,” Marcus calls them over, “look! There's a door.”
The door was right on the front of the pod. The door was open and it looked like it slid to the side. The inside was dark and looked futuristic. They could see several control panels and it looked like the back was a huge screen. There were 4 seats and they were all empty. In fact, the entire pod was empty.
“This is cool.” Neo exclaims as he pokes his head in the door and looks around. “Lets go inside.”
“NO.” Sophie says, “That is a terrible idea. What if whatever was in here comes back?”
“Eh,” Neo replies, “It'll be fine.” Neo walks in the door and Marcus follows after him.
“I guess we’re doing this huh.” Sophie sighs.
She followed in after them. The inside seemed to be a lot bigger than they thought. If they had to then they could fit at least 20 people in it standing up. Sophie stayed close to the door while Marcus and Neo looked around the control panels and the rest of the pod. There were shelves on the right and what looked to be lockers on the left.
Neo was inspecting some of the items on the shelf while Marcus was looking at the control panels. He was running his hand over the panel when he accidentally pressed one of the buttons. The door slid shut and the lights turned on. Several lights and meters came to life on the panels and the screen turned on.
“What did you do Marcus?” Sophie cried. She started banging on the door and tried to pry it open. “Now we are stuck here.”
“I'll just find which button opens the door.” Marcus replies. He presses several buttons and a face came on the screen. It was blue without pupils. It looked vaguely feminine.
“Hello,” The face said. It sounded robotic and kinda like alexa. “My name is Adora. I am the AI of this vessel. What may your names be?”
“My name is Marcus,” replies Marcus, “and these are my friends, Neo and Sophie.”
“AI?” Neo interrupts, “I thought we were years away from AI.”
“You are,” Adora replied, “but I am not from this timeline. I am from the Markseen timeline. That is Several hundred years into the future and we are much more technologically advanced.”
“What do you mean in the future?” Sophie asked,”You are right here in the present.”
“Actually,” Adora replied, “To me this is the past. I come from a time in the future so to me this is the past while for you it is only the present.”
“Wait a minute,” Marcus interrupts, “So what you're saying is that you can time travel?”
“Precisely.” Replies Adora. “Take a seat and I will show you.”
Reluctantly, they all sit down in a seat. Adora’s face disappears and several diagrams and graphs show up on the screen. It seems like Adora is Checking the systems and calculating something. After a few minutes the graphs and diagrams disappear and her face comes back on to the screen.
“I have completed the calculations.” Adora says. “I will take you to a famous speech by one of the world's most renowned dictators.”
“Wait, are you talking about hitler?” Neo asks. “Are we going to see hitler?”
“Yes Neo,” Adora replies, “We are going to visit his most famous speech, the Nuremberg Address. It took place on september 15. 1935. Make sure you buckle up. I am initiating the jump process now.”
They all checked that they were buckled into their seats. Adora said she initiated the jump process and they all felt a pull in their guts. After a few seconds they felt like the world was spinning. A few minutes later the spinning slowed down and the pull in their stomachs lightened up.
“We have arrived.” Adora said. “You may now exit your seats and head toward the door.”
They got up and were pretty disorientated. Marcus was trying to stumble toward the door while Sophie was holding onto her chair to regain her balance. Neo had sat back down so he wouldn't fall over.
“I must have forgotten to mention that jumping for the first time is a little taxing.” Adora said.
“Well thanks for the heads up,” Neo said. After a few minutes they were all back to normal and were able to walk again. They all went to the door.
“Adora,” Sphie called, “can you open the door?”
“Yes, Sophie.” Adora replied. The door slid open in a futuristic way to reveal the outside world.
It was very bright and sunny. It seemed like there wasn't a cloud in the sky. They all stepped out of the pod. They were a short distance in a wooded area and they could see the tree line to a clearing right in front of them. Right past the tree line, they could see a bunch of people standing and looking in the same direction.
“I wonder what they are doing.” Neo said.
“Well let's find out,” said Sophie.
They walked out towards the people. Once they were out of the tree line they could see that the clearing was huge. It looked to be as big as 5 football fields side by side. In the clearing were hundreds of thousands of people. All of them were looking toward the front of the clearing where a podium stood. Standing on that podium was none other than hitler himself.
“Hey look, it's hitler!” Marcus said, pointing to the podium. “He looks much different than in the books.”
You're right.” Sophie says, “He looks a lot younger than the pictures.”
“Guys be quiet.” Neo says, “We don't want to draw attention to ourselves.”
“You're right,” says Sophie. “Hey, what's he saying?”
All three of them quieted down and listened closely to what he was saying. It was kind of hard to hear him since the speakers could only be loud from so far away. They couldn't make out a single thing he was saying and they got really confused.
“Wait a second guys.” Neo said, “He is speaking german.”
“Your right.” says Sophie. “That's why we haven't been able to understand what he is saying.”
Hitler seemed to finish saying something and the whole crowd started cheering. One of the men in front of them glanced over his shoulder and started talking to the people next to him.
“We better gte out of here.” Neo says, “I think they are getting suspicious.”
They head back to the pod and climb inside. Behind them they could hear footsteps of people following them.
“How was the speech?” Adora asked.
“It was great.” Neo replied. “But there is no time for chit-chat. Some of the people followed us to the pod.
“Affirmative.” Adora said. “I am closing the door.” The door slid shut and they let out a sigh of relief. “Where would you like to go next?” Adora asked.
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Neo and his friends, Marcus and Sophie were 15 that summer. They were out in the woods playing behind their neighborhood like they usually do. It was around noon and they were right in the middle of a game of tag when all of a sudden they heard a crash out deep in the woods.

“Hey what was that?” Marcus yells.
“I don't know,” Neo replies, “but it sounded like it came from the creek.”
“Let's go check it out,” Sophie says. After about 10 or 15 minutes of walking, they got to the creek. It was a pretty large creek with a stone bridge across the water. The water had a bunch of stones in it that were perfect to hop across.
“Look over there” says Sophie. She points straight ahead. There appeared to be a big hole or crater with scorch marks all around it. It looked like an explosion happened. They all move across the creek towards the hole. Once they get to it they realize that it is deeper then they expected.
“Woah,” Marcus gasps, “What happened here?”
“I have no clue,” Neo says, “but look in the middle. There is some sort of metal pod or something.”
“What is that?” Says Sophie.
“Let's check it out.” Marcus says. He jumps down the side of the crater and slides most of the way down. Neo and Sophie reluctantly follow after him. When they get to the bottom Marcus is already next to the pod.
- END >
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