Jennifer T. Sta Maria is 19 years old girl studying at Philippine Normal University-Manila under the course of Secondary Education major in Values.


What is the significant decision you've made this week?
I think the most significant decision I've made this week is to change my schedule at work. Before our summer vacation in school, I used to go to work from 6 am to 2 pm, but now that my weekly meetings and school works for school are back, I decided to change my schedule to 4 pm to 12 am.

Why did you make that decision?
My decision is based on the fact that all of my classes are in the morning. If my work and study are at different times, it will be easier for me to balance both. Furthermore, I do not want my work to come in the way of my academics, as studying is currently more important than working. I'm working so that I can go to school. I will be dissatisfied if my studies are affected as a result of my work.

How did you make that decision (Basis)
I arrived at that conclusion after reviewing my educational timetable. Because all of my classes are in the morning, I chose to work the closing shift, which runs from 4 p.m. to 12 a.m. When I was certain of my decision, I contacted one of our managers who are in charge of our company's labor scheduling and informed her of my decision. I am happy because she automatically agrees and fixes my schedule for me.

What are your insights from that decision you've made?
In this decision that I made, I've come to think about how understanding my managers are when It comes to my studies. They respected my decision when I told them about my new schedule, and they immediately did something to fix it without giving me any problem. I am lucky to be part of a company with working student-friendly policies and nontoxic co-workers.


From this To this

What is the significant decision you've made this week?
Cutting my hair was one of the most important decisions I made this week. I don't know why or how I did it, but I did. I have a habit of cutting my hair or changing something about my physical appearance whenever I'm unhappy. I cut some portions of my hair on the front side, and I also put some bangs on me.

Why did you make that decision?
I made that decision because I wanted to change something in how I look physically. Lately, I've been feeling ugly and down. My self-esteem is below the ground, and I wanted to do something to fix that. I changed my hairstyle in the hope that it will make me look good. So far, my friends have told me that my new hairstyle suits me, which makes me happy.

How did you make that decision (Basis)
I made that decision while staring at my face. I wanted to change something in the way I look, hoping that I will look better. I also searched for pictures of girls with the same hairstyle on the internet. They all look so pretty in the hair, that is why I decided to cut them. I also watched some tutorials on YouTube

What are your insights from that decision you've made?
It becomes a fresh start for me. It helps me to shed any baggage I've been carrying around. It also becomes a technique to exert some control over situations that appear to be beyond my control. It gives me more power over myself and It makes me feel that I can let go of anything no matter how important it is to me. If I can let go of my hair, what makes other things special. I also think that my new hairstyle looks good on me, and I'm so happy about it.


What is the significant decision you've made this week?
For this week, My whole family decided to put everything aside in our busy life in Manila to go to Sto. Thomas Batanggas for my niece's christening. My sister and her husband live there. We stayed for three days to assist with the preparations and spend time with my niece and sister, as it had been a long time since we had seen them in person.

Why did you make that decision?
We did that decision because we love my sister and niece. Even though it is difficult for me to travel there for three days due to my studies, it also needs me to take a leave of absence from my job, which is difficult for me because we are understaffed. I still made it possible, for I miss my sister, especially my niece that I took care of for months when she was a baby that suddenly moved to Batangas because his father said so.

How did you make that decision (Basis)
I made that decision because it is my responsibility as a sister and auntie to be present on their important day. I also think that I can use that three days in Batangas as my vacation away from my stressful days in Manila that revolves around school works, exhausting job, and issues.

What are your insights from that decision you've made?
I am happy with my decision because I got to spend time with my family and enjoy myself. During my last day in Batangas after my niece's christening, I visited some tourist attractions there, such as Milea Bee Farm and Monte Maria Shrine with my family. It was an exhausting yet happy day. I would like to do it again with my family, and I'm hoping that we will have more times like that.


What is the significant decision you've made this week?
My friends have been inviting me for bonding because they haven't seen me for days nor have been in contact with them because I am busy with different things. But as soon as I got home from Batangas, I told them to plan our bonding soon. We met at Vista Mall Global South, Las Pinas. We eat dinner, shop, and talk about life. We catch up about things that we don't know about each other.

Why did you make that decision?
I decided to hang out with my friends because I miss them and I wanted to relax. Casually eating, walking, and talking with my friends gives me an easy feeling that relaxes me. They can also help me stay calm, keep things in perspective, and deal with the issues that life brings my way. They also boost my sense of purpose and belonging that increase my happiness while lowering my stress levels. Simple bonding with them benefits me more than I can imagine with my mental health.

How did you make that decision (Basis)
I decided to go out with my buddies after communicating with them over messenger and told them that I would go the next time they invited me to a hangout. We schedule our bonding and adapt everyone's schedules to accommodate our bonding. We also plan where to meet, go, and hang out. We talked about what to eat, who would pay, and what to wear during our bonding.

What are your insights from that decision you've made?
I'm glad I met up with my friends since I got to see them and catch up on their lives. I also notice that I grew closer with them,

especially my best friend, Ramelyn. She has been my best friend for years and due to my loss of contact with them most of the time, I felt like there has been a gap between us but after our bonding, I felt like nothing has changed because she is still the best friend of mine that I once knew.


What is the significant decision you've made this week?
My whole family and I decided to gather even with our busy schedule to visit our grandfather in heaven for All Soul's Day. Even though we can't come in the exact date of All Soul's Day because of the pandemic, we still tried our best to be there and update him about our lives. We also offered him some prayers, flowers, and candles.

Why did you make that decision?
We made that decision because it's all soul's day and also, we haven't visited him for so long and visiting him will all serve as our family bonding where we get to see and talk to each other about the current happenings in our life.

How did you make that decision (Basis)
We arrived at that conclusion after obtaining information on the health protocols for when the cemetery will be open to the public. My auntie is the one who planned everything. She contacted us and ask us about our schedule and if we are available to visit our grandfather. We set the date of our visit in our schedule, we visited on Sunday because it is when everyone is free.

What are your insights from that decision you've made?
I am happy about the decision we've made because I got to see my family and at the same time, I had the chance to talk with my grandfather. To be honest, I miss him, and I felt relieved to talk to

him and tell him all about my problems and worries in life. We've always been close before when he was alive, he was like a friend from the other world for me now. I hope he's doing fine in heaven just like how we're doing fine here on earth.


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory

Maslow's hierarchy is well-known as a pyramid, with fundamental requirements at the bottom and humanistic needs at the top. Physiological demands such as food, water, sleep, and warmth are at the bottom of the pyramid's needs list. We can then move on to the next tier of requirements, which is the desire for safety and security if these lower-level needs have been met. That is precisely what I do daily. First and foremost, I am concerned with my physiological demands, and once those needs are addressed, my drive shifts to a higher level. So I've learned that if a person's basic physiological requirements aren't addressed, they don't require self-actualization or esteem.



What is the significant decision you've made this week?
For this week, I decided to have a photo shoot of myself in my room. Taking photographs is essential because it preserves memories. I am the type of person who loves taking pictures, especially pictures of myself. I believe that I am only young and beautiful once. It captures a moment in time that you'll remember and treasure for years to come. When you look at the images that people save, you'll notice that they mostly preserve photos of their loved ones, including family, friends, places, and their selves.

Why did you make that decision?
I wanted to take a lot of images of myself while I was still young to remind myself of how lovely I used to be, especially when I'm older and no longer attractive. I am a sentimental and emotional person who wished to keep memories alive. I wanted to be able to reflect on something. I'm almost 20. It makes me sad to think that I will be old soon.

How did you make that decision (Basis)
I made that decision during my day off when I was staring at my room and noticed my ring light, which inspired me to take adorable images of myself to share online. My make-up, lighting, and angles were all done by me. It still works out fine, and I am pleased with the outcome. I also received a lot of great feedback from my online friends, who complimented me on how attractive I am in the photos I posted. It made me happy, so I spent my day off doing it.

What are your insights from that decision you've made?
I am pleased with my decision. This is just one of the many easy things we can do for ourselves. It made me pleased and gave me more self-assurance. It taught me to appreciate myself more and see how wonderful I am. In my opinion, we should do everything we can to make ourselves happy, even if it is only in the simplest way possible because it affects everything, including how we react, thinks, and live our lives. When we're joyful, good things will continue to come our way.

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Jennifer T. Sta Maria is 19 years old girl studying at Philippine Normal University-Manila under the course of Secondary Education major in Values.


What is the significant decision you've made this week?
I think the most significant decision I've made this week is to change my schedule at work. Before our summer vacation in school, I used to go to work from 6 am to 2 pm, but now that my weekly meetings and school works for school are back, I decided to change my schedule to 4 pm to 12 am.

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