Work-life Balance Books

  • Bob the Bustling Bee
    Bob the bee learns the importance of work-life balance and teamwork after observing squirrels and facing challenges.
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  • Gender Roles and Family Life
    A day in the life of a working dad and his daughter, highlighting their interactions and love for each other.
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  • Self Management
    This book explains what self-management is, why it's important, and the positive results and skills associated with it.
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    This story discusses the advantages and disadvantages of remote work, including saving time and money on travel, greater autonomy, flexibility, and productivity, but also dif…
  • My Life As a Reader
    Angela, a busy mother of three, shares her life as an optician and her love for reading children's books and Nicholas Sparks novels.
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  • Hard Work The key to success
    The story discusses the importance of hard work, positivity, and finding joy in one's work. It also explores reasons why some people may not enjoy working.
  • Money is not everything
    Nick, a 10-year-old boy, longs for quality time with his hard-working father. When an unexpected evening at home arises, Nick seizes the opportunity to connect and learns a v…
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    Lorena Quile, a 29-year-old married woman with two daughters, shares her experience in an English course and the importance of learning the language.
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