Dedicated to all students and teachers
in our e-Twinning project.

Project Members
Serap Kutun - Ozan/ Defne(St.) Makbule Hasan Uçar Anadolu Lisesi (5th page)
Anna Klein-(St.)Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących nr 8 w Gdyni(6th page)
Martina Ferrario-Andrea Rigo (St.) Limbiate (MI), ItalyIIS "L. Castiglioni"(7th page)
Cansel Akel -Furkan/Leyla(St.) Nazilli Fen Lisesi (8th page)
Daniela Bobocea- Cernat/Livia (St.)GALATI, RomaniaLiceul de Turism si Alimentatie „Dumitru Motoc”, Galati (9th page)
Emine Altınsoy -Ceylin/Ayşenaz(St.) Aydın Fen Lisesi (10th page)
Anna Leszczynska-Amelia-Aneta(St.)Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących nr 8 w Gdyni(11th Page)
Bilay Güngör- Asya/ Ena (St.)Makbule Hasan Uçar Anadolu Lisesi (12th Page)
GIORGIA PAVAN-Andrea-Cecilia(Sf. ) Limbiate (MI), İtalya IIS "L. Castiglioni"(pagina a 13-a)
Graça Maria Barbosa casimiro-Sofia-Marta(Sf.) Agrupamento de Escolas de Cister, Alcobaça (Pagina 14)
Jolanta Dobska-Agata-Aleksandra(Sf.) Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących nr 8 w Gdyni (pagina a 15-a)
Meltem Kıryar-Nehir /Osman(Sf.)- Kuşadası Anadolu Lisesi(Pagina a 16-a)
Laura Volpati- Sara Pushjmai, Alessandro Mazzucchi (Sf.) - ICS „Via A. Botto” di Vigevano (Pagina 17)
Mariavittoria Isaja-Davide, Martina, Enrico, Samuele, Simone, Giuseppe, Francesco, Sara (Sf. )- Istituto "AM Gianelli" di Chiavari - Scuola paritaria(18thPage)
Nuri Cengel-Doğukan/Asya(Sf. )- Kuşadası Anadolu Lisesi(Pagina 20)
Valérie Mounien-2AGORA1, 2AGORA2, 2MRC3 (Sf.) - LPO Langevin-Wallon (p.21)
Gülhan Küçük-Defne E./ Elif Ö.(St.) - Nazilli Fen Lisesi (pagina 22)



A fost odată o perioadă în care toată lumea trăia pașnic pentru sine în țările de apă. Cu toate acestea, nu a durat mult. Acidoza și plasticoza au început să dăuneze orașelor de apă și oamenilor. Picătura care trăiește într-una dintre țările de apă a reușit să scape din atacuri. Ei s-au lovit de oamenii care și-au pierdut speranța din cauza atacurilor, și-au adunat prietenii și au plecat să-și aducă aliați din țările de apă. Au adus aliați și au plecat într-o călătorie pentru a începe războiul împotriva apei otrăvitoare.
Fighting that big amount of pollution isn't the best idea. To be honest, Droplet and her friends didn't want to fight. They spent lots and lots of days, discussing and arguing how to solve the conflict peacefully. And the time was slipping throuh their fingers. Finally, they sent Droplet to try and convince Plasticose and Acidose to move out from water. But they didn't want to listen to her. They laughed her off. "How can this one, weak Droplet make us leave this place?" they said. No matter how hard Droplet tried, Plasticose and Acidose seemed to not hear a single thing. Droplet had to retreat and think about new plan.

Droplet tried to argue many times but Plasticose and Acidose continued to didn’t want to listen to her until Droplet came up with an idea, he would have convinced Plasticose and Acidose to get out of the water using deception.
The plan was to tell Plasticose and Acidose that there was a magical place much more beautiful than water and, once they were convinced to get out of the water, with the help of RubbishDump, Droplet would be able to imprison them and never let them come back into the water.

In order to convince them, droplet thought like this: if the Planet were to get destroyed, Plactiso and Acidose would have been destroyed as well; so for also their sake, they must be diminished healthily in amount and used for better and more enviromental processes.
Plactiso and Acidose can be redused if we would recycle more. Recycling feels good. It seemingly gives us power to control our own habits for the benefit of our planet. Sure, recycling beats throwing something right in the trash, but tons of our recyclables still end up in landfills or oceans, making a mess of ecosystems.
Plastic recycling refers to the process of recovering waste or scrap plastic and reprocessing the materials into functional and useful products and not throw it into oceans and rivers. Once sorted and cleaned, plastic can either be turned into flakes or melt processed to form pellets before finally being moulded into new products. This way, Acidose would be killed, too and waters would be clean.
If we’re lucky, that plastic won’t be ingested by a bird, fish or any other mammal that we end up eating.
So why does recycling make us feel so damn good? Part of the problem, and persuasion, of recycling is the narrative developed to support it.

Droplet's next stop was the sea country. He decided to make a submarine to go to the sea country. After making the submarine, the Droplet was ready. He began to make his way deep into the water. After a little while, he arrived in the sea country. Those who lived in this country had tails instead of legs. Knowing that Droplet was coming, one of the guards gave him a protective suit. Droplet put on this outfit and began to make his way to the palace. The king and queen were waiting for him there. When the droplet went to them, the king began to talk about a disease that had recently happened in his country. He said that a new virus has appeared in his country and its source has not been found, his people are very affected by this disease. He asked Droplet to find out the source of this disease.
Leo went to Africa with his parents last summer. While visiting the villages, he saw many thirsty people without running water. Then he realized how important water is. He also understood how he was wasting water for many years, which for some people is so valuable. Since then, he has decided to save water. Leo uses the shower instead of filling the bath with water . He turns off the tap while brushing his teeth. He also waters the plants with rainwater.
He makes his friends aware of the importance of saving water.
When Droplet saw it he was really happy!

Droplets' next stop was the Underground Water Country. He needed to find the queen and ask for help. Altough, when he went under the ground to find the country, he lost his way in the tunnels. He was lost. While he was desperatly thinking, he heard someone crying. He decided to follow the noise. A beautiful girl with tears in her eyes was standing in front of him. When he saw a drop of water in her hands, he guessed that she was the queen. Droplet asked why she was crying. The girl started to introduce herself. "I am Aquarium, the queen of the Underground Water Country. Acidose and Plasticose came here and destroyed my peoples' water sources. We can't reach the clean water anymore and we're all very desperate." Droplet proposed that he would help but he had one condition......
If the queen would have promised to help in her plan for defeating Acidose and Plasticose, she would have saved the Underground Water Country’s water sources.
The Queen agrees and together they start to set a plan to attack the enemies.
By spying the water sources they find out that only one of their enemies is there, he is Plasticose. The Queen calls some of her best soldiers and with the help of Droplet with a stealth attack, trying to take Plasticose from behind, to capture him, but nothing goes as planned, in fact Plasticose realizes that he is under attack, so he decides to attack first…
Plasticose didn't know that Droplet had super powers, which would only come to live if she was really furious or infuriated with something. In fact, Droplet couldn't bare anymore. That was the last straw!!!! She whirled around herself and there a cloud of magnetical wind which was vacuuming all the spots left by Plasticose and the more furious she became, the more she would vacuum.
Nothing would prepare Plasticose for something like this. There was nothing else to be done

Leo went to Africa with his parents last summer. While visiting the villages, he saw many thirsty people without running water. Then he realized how important water is. He also understood how he was wasting water for many years, which for some people is so valuable. Since then, he has decided to save water. Leo uses the shower instead of filling the bath with water . He turns off the tap while brushing his teeth. He also waters the plants with rainwater.
He makes his friends aware of the importance of saving water.
When Droplet saw it he was really happy!

Talking to her friends in other countries, Greta learned that there were having the same problem. Plastics and acids had greatly reduced the rate of clean water. They had to come up with a solution for this.
At that moment an idea came to his mind. Together with the scientists, they decided to produce a robot that would clean them. This robot traps plastics and other harmful substances and sends them for recycling. So that in time all impurity would be cleansed and we would be freed from darkness brought by thirsty.

One day Curly and Droplet decided to help all the people who needed water so they started to clean the lakes and the oceans with their purifying breath. At a certain point Plasticose and Acidose came and they made the water dirty throwing into it plastic and rubbish.
At first Droplet and her friend became demoralized, but after a while, Droplet had the strength to start fighting and encouraged her friend to do the same. They began to fight together, Droplet kicked Plasticose in its bottom and Curly punched Acidose on its nose.
They didn’t expect a similar reaction and were very surprised. In the meantime Droplet and Curly took some liquid soap and with a special automatic and powerful water can they sprayed it into Plasticose’s and Acidose’s eyes. They started to run, but, as they couldn’t see, they fell into a dunghill.
“All’s well that’s ends well” said Droplet and Curly, laughing out loud.
Plasticose and Acidose are harming the river spreading variuos kind of waste like dangeruous subtances that turn the water dirty and polluted.
Moreover, they want to break the rocks near the river because they know that Droplet will use them to help the environment around them. In that way, they can pollute without been bothered.
The rocks, who are alive, are crying. They are screaming by calling their hero to save the place they love. Droplet arrives. But how can he reach the water? It is impossible!!
The antagonists don’t know that he has adquired a new power: he can create what he wants with the ice. So, he creates a bridge to arrive to fight against them. But the hero is attacked by his enemies with pieces of rocks that break the bridge. And now? Droplet has an idea: he recognises that the rocks have the shape of a ladder and he turns the obstacle into an advantage. At the end, he passes through it and he battles Plasticose and Acidose. He is stronger so he wins the conflict and costricts them to clean up the water or he will kill them.
Oh Lord thanks! We were in deep water ! We are so grateful that you saved us Droplet. You are the hero of the world of rock : thanks to you, we are alive !if you hadn’t intervened these thugs could have destroyed our beautiful river and killed our fish friends ! I don’t understand how people can be so hateful when we just live peacefullywithout distrubing anyone ! What cruetly !What would we have done without you !

Yeah! It was as easy as a duck soup for you !”Luckily you came in time Droplet! We are so proud to have met you , you are a wonderful person, endowed with great bravery ,I want to be like you in the future and liberate people from jinks and woes !

Don’t worry that’s my job. I have to go help people. I'll always be here to fight Acidose and Plasticose !

The two villains had escaped silently, TOO LATE FOR DROPLET ! they’had gone ! He ran to his HQ in the sky fastly, but on his way he saw them arguing on a cloud. It’s the icing on the cake
Each other for losing to droplet while droplet was listening to them insidiously. After a while they started planning plasticose said to acidose.
-We have to go to the sea again and pollute a lot more and this time the droplet can't beat us.
And at that time the droplet hears all of this and sets out to prevent it.

Droplet uses the power of the wind and creates a hurricane to lift Acidose and Plasticose and to put them in a cloud filled with storm.
A thunder smashes the two villains and turns them into rain.
The undrinkable water falls into a water treatment plant. Then it goes out of the plant as good for health and goes down to the groundwater in order to provide water for everyone on Earth.

Water is very important and precious. We haven't been able to protect the water well until now. But from now on, I'm sure everyone will work hard to conserve water.
And it happened just as the Droplet said. After that, no one polluted the water and everyone lived happily.

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Dedicated to all students and teachers
in our e-Twinning project.

Project Members
Serap Kutun - Ozan/ Defne(St.) Makbule Hasan Uçar Anadolu Lisesi (5th page)
Anna Klein-(St.)Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących nr 8 w Gdyni(6th page)
Martina Ferrario-Andrea Rigo (St.) Limbiate (MI), ItalyIIS "L. Castiglioni"(7th page)
Cansel Akel -Furkan/Leyla(St.) Nazilli Fen Lisesi (8th page)
Daniela Bobocea- Cernat/Livia (St.)GALATI, RomaniaLiceul de Turism si Alimentatie „Dumitru Motoc”, Galati (9th page)
Emine Altınsoy -Ceylin/Ayşenaz(St.) Aydın Fen Lisesi (10th page)
Anna Leszczynska-Amelia-Aneta(St.)Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących nr 8 w Gdyni(11th Page)
Bilay Güngör- Asya/ Ena (St.)Makbule Hasan Uçar Anadolu Lisesi (12th Page)
GIORGIA PAVAN-Andrea-Cecilia(Sf. ) Limbiate (MI), İtalya IIS "L. Castiglioni"(pagina a 13-a)
Graça Maria Barbosa casimiro-Sofia-Marta(Sf.) Agrupamento de Escolas de Cister, Alcobaça (Pagina 14)
Jolanta Dobska-Agata-Aleksandra(Sf.) Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących nr 8 w Gdyni (pagina a 15-a)
Meltem Kıryar-Nehir /Osman(Sf.)- Kuşadası Anadolu Lisesi(Pagina a 16-a)
Laura Volpati- Sara Pushjmai, Alessandro Mazzucchi (Sf.) - ICS „Via A. Botto” di Vigevano (Pagina 17)
Mariavittoria Isaja-Davide, Martina, Enrico, Samuele, Simone, Giuseppe, Francesco, Sara (Sf. )- Istituto "AM Gianelli" di Chiavari - Scuola paritaria(18thPage)
Nuri Cengel-Doğukan/Asya(Sf. )- Kuşadası Anadolu Lisesi(Pagina 20)
Valérie Mounien-2AGORA1, 2AGORA2, 2MRC3 (Sf.) - LPO Langevin-Wallon (p.21)
Gülhan Küçük-Defne E./ Elif Ö.(St.) - Nazilli Fen Lisesi (pagina 22)



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