Climate chanGE....................7
Global warming..........13
Industrial and agricultural production activities........21


Did you know that overpopulation has caused a great impact on our environment?

Population growth leads to environmental problems. Population growth is putting heavy pressure on the global environment. The area of the earth has barely changed, but the population has increased many times. Rapid population growth makes the environment unable to meet basic human needs.

In order to survive, humans are forced to clear forests to expand farming areas and raise livestock. On most continents, grasslands are exhausted. In places where the number of cows and sheep was in excess, the grasslands gradually turned into wastelands. This phenomenon has occurred in countries with livestock economies in Africa and Central Asia. The degradation of livestock land makes many people lose their jobs, be forced to move to cities, or live on food relief.

The growth of the urban population and the formation of large cities - megacities put the urban environment at risk of serious degradation. The supply of clean water, houses, and trees cannot keep up with population growth. Air and water pollution increases. Social evils and problems of social management in urban areas are increasingly difficult.

_Birth control (family planning).
_Education and propaganda.
_Implement family planning policies, population policies.
_Propagating and disseminating about the benefits of having few children.
_Increase people's intellectual level and help them understand population problems.

Besides overpopulation, climate change is also one of the environmental problems that do harm to our lives. So what's climate change?

Earth's climate change is the change of the climate system including the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, lithosphere now and in the future, by natural and man-made causes in a certain period.
Climate change causes significant adverse effects on the composition, resilience, or reproduction of natural and managed ecosystems or the functioning of socio-economic systems, on human health and welfare.

Factors that can cause climate change to occur are changes in atmospheric radiation, including processes such as changes in solar radiation, deviations of Earth's orbit, mountain tectonics, tectonics, etc. continental drift and changes in greenhouse gas concentrations. Various environmental responses to climate change can either enhance or reduce the initial changes. Some components of the climate system, such as the oceans and ice caps, respond slowly to changes in solar radiation because of their high mass. As a result, the climate system may take centuries or longer to fully respond to external changes.

The main cause of the earth's climate change is the increase in activities that generate greenhouse gas emissions, the over-exploitation of greenhouse gas sinks and reservoirs such as biomass, forests, marine, coastal, and other terrestrial ecosystems.
The warming of the atmosphere and the earth in general.
The change in the composition and quality of the atmosphere is harmful to the living environment of humans and creatures on earth.
Sea level rise due to melting ice leads to inundation of lowlands and small islands in the sea.

The movement of climate zones that have existed for thousands of years in different regions of the earth poses a threat to the life of living species, ecosystems, and human activities.
Changes in activity intensity of atmospheric circulation, natural water cycle, and other biogeochemical cycles.
Changes in biological productivity of ecosystems, quality, and composition of the hydrosphere, biosphere, and geosphere.

_Limit the use of natural fossils.
_Infrastructure improvement and upgrade.
_Work close to home.
_Save, reduce spending.
_Eat smart, increase vegetables and fruits.
_Stop deforestation.
_Save electricity.
_Discover new sources of energy.
_Application of new technologies in protective earth.

Global warming
Despite global warming being one of many types of climate change, it has been concerned the most and beyond all environmental problems. Why?

Global warming is the source of all-natural disasters and the most common environmental issue that people are still anxious about these days. There are many factors that lead to global warming. However, it is claimed that humans were the one to be blamed for this environmental problem.

For instance, daily, we usually see so many people driving a car and riding a motorbike on the street. Although using either one of them will help you go to the place wherever you want to go faster, there’s still a detrimental effect on our environment. Exhaust fumes from vehicles lead to the greenhouse effect, which brings about the increasing temperature in the globe. Not only that, we might die from receiving so much unhealthy gas in the air.
We can also see these gases from many factories, some old trains, and many more production activities related to agriculture and industry such as burning fossil fuels for energy, rice production, livestock.

Another reason that results in rising temperature around the world is using something very often that is related to plastic and a great number of wastes came from plastic. Because plastic will take a long time to be decomposed. And if it happens to be broken down by sunlight, it will provide methane and ethylene that will puncture the ozone layer and the world might be hotter than usual.
Overusing electricity is also counted as the cause that results in heat effects on Earth due to the burning of fossil fuels to charge electricity that serves human activities.

Despite all of that, there are things that we can do to preserve our environment as well as improve our lifestyles and address this environmental issue. Recently, the government is making an effort to protect the environment :
Imposing a tax on taxi drivers and many means of transport services will encourage us to use public transportation more frequently.

Every factory is forced to use energy that is claimed to be unharmed to humans like solar energy or wind energy.
The government also demands every supermarket to provide customers with less plastic packaging and offer customers to use bags made from paper and many recycling items.

However, every individual can also take part in combating this environmental problem.
For example, we can use plastic, but use it for rational reasons and don’t use it very often. Planting more trees will preserve our environment more efficiently due to a scientific study that every tree or plant will absorb carbon dioxide and give us oxygen, and it will make our environment cooler.
Saving electricity can also contribute to preventing the world’s temperature from rising. For example, if you don’t need to use that electricity, you will have to turn it off.

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Climate chanGE....................7
Global warming..........13
Industrial and agricultural production activities........21


Did you know that overpopulation has caused a great impact on our environment?

Population growth leads to environmental problems. Population growth is putting heavy pressure on the global environment. The area of the earth has barely changed, but the population has increased many times. Rapid population growth makes the environment unable to meet basic human needs.

In order to survive, humans are forced to clear forests to expand farming areas and raise livestock. On most continents, grasslands are exhausted. In places where the number of cows and sheep was in excess, the grasslands gradually turned into wastelands. This phenomenon has occurred in countries with livestock economies in Africa and Central Asia. The degradation of livestock land makes many people lose their jobs, be forced to move to cities, or live on food relief.

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