1) In my native language and few other languages my name means "resurrection".
2) I was named after my great-grandmother.
3) My parents couldn't choose one name, so they gave my grandfather a choice.
4) Yes, there are a lot of famous women, who share my name, e.g. Anastasia Davydova, Anastasia Romanova, Anastasia Tsvetaevas

1. My name is Pavel. It means "small", "humble" or "younger"
2. Name of my granfather is Pavel. I was named in his honour.
3. My parents gave me this name.
4. There were many famous people named like me. Apostle Pavel, Pavel Ardashev-professor and historian, Pavel I-the first russian emperor.

The Greek name Christina originally sounded like "Christina" and meant "Christian", "dedicated to Christ."
The name has experienced several waves of popularity.
At first, the peasants often called their daughters this way, the rest of the estates neglected this name. Over time, the situation changed - the name Christina acquired a shade of aristocracy. Famous duchesses, countesses, princesses and even queens in Northern Europe, Spain, France and several other European countries bore this name. And in other languages, the name Christina means: Generous, Merry,
Attentive, Friendly, Happy.
This name was given to me by my mother. She gave me this name, in hope that it will bring me happiness and she was not mistaken with that. The name Christina gives me good luck and happiness. I also know that the famous American fashion designer has the same name: Christina Perrin.

1) My name is Rachel, this name isn’t Russian, so I don't know meaning in Russian. The name Rachel is of Hebrew origin and is derived from the Hebrew word rāchēl, meaning "ewe."
2) Parents considered it a beautiful name.
3)This name was given to me by my older brother.
4) I share my name with the popular hero of the series "Friends".
And also with some of famous people: Rachel McAdams, Rachel Bilson and Rachel Weisz.

The name "Aliona" has different versions of the meaning that are directly related to its origin. According to the most common version, the name Aliona has an ancient Greek origin and means "sunny", "shining". There are some other variants of translation — "exciting", "inspiring", "attractive", "bewitching", "The Chosen One" or "The torch".
Why do I have this name? To understand why I became the owner of this magnificent name, you need to get acquainted with one story. I should have been born in just a week, so my mother was put on storage in the hospital. She still didn't know how she would name me, but she didn't think it was a big problem. Together with her, there was a woman in the ward, who was supposed to give to this world already the third child. It is worth noting that they communicated quite well with my mom throughout the hospitalization.
This woman gave birth to a baby a couple of days earlier than my mother. And here... My mother witnessed how a husband met his wife — with a huge bouquet of scarlet roses and a gold ring (as a token of gratitude for their happiness).This woman in labor knew that my mother had not yet figured out how to name her baby, and said: "You know, my parents named me Aliona. And I have never regretted it. After all, no one calls me in such way! For everyone, I am Alionushka! Do you feel how fabulous?"
All these events left such an imprint on my mother's soul that she already clearly saw that she would give birth to a happy girl who would constantly live like in a fairy tale. And she will call her — Alionushka!
Who gave you this name? Considering the fact that relations in my family are based on care, mutual understanding, and concessions, my father, giving credit to the fact that my mother had been carrying me for all nine months under her heart, said that he would gladly accept any name suggested by her. As a consequence, my mother gave me my delightful name.
Are there famous people/persons who share your name? There are many famous personalities who share my name: 1. Aliona Azernaya — a Russian artist working in the genre of naive art. 2. Aliona Vrzaneva — Czechoslovakian figure skater who competed in women's single skating; two-time world champion (1949 and 1950), as well as European champion in 1950; was engaged in social and humanitarian activities; participated in various television shows. 3. Aliona Yurievna Yakovleva — Russian theater and film actress. 4. Aliona Akhmadullina — the most successful young Russian fashion designer and the youngest of the most successful. 5. Aliona Evgenievna Apina — Russian pop singer, composer and poet.

1)Valeria or Valéria is a female given name dating back to the Latin verb valere, meaning strong, brave and health "to be strong". 2) When my mother was in a position with me, she watched a series where the main character was named Valeria and my mother called me
that because the heroine was very beautiful.
3) My parents gave me this name
4) Yes, of course but I know only one Russian singer Valeria
Valeriya, Russian pop star
Valeria Bertuccelli, Argentine film and television actress
Valeria Cavalli, Italian actress
Valeria Ciangottini, Italian actress

1. The name " Alexandra " in my native language and in other languages means " defending men " ( its Greek origin meaning)
2. I have this name because my parents really like it and they cannot imagine that I can be named in other name.
3. This name was given to me by my parents
4. I do have celebrities with whom I share my name. For instance, Alexandra Pavlovna - the grand duchess and Alexandra of Denmark, danish princess, queen of Great Britain and Ireland, as well as the Empress of India.
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1) In my native language and few other languages my name means "resurrection".
2) I was named after my great-grandmother.
3) My parents couldn't choose one name, so they gave my grandfather a choice.
4) Yes, there are a lot of famous women, who share my name, e.g. Anastasia Davydova, Anastasia Romanova, Anastasia Tsvetaevas

1. My name is Pavel. It means "small", "humble" or "younger"
2. Name of my granfather is Pavel. I was named in his honour.
3. My parents gave me this name.
4. There were many famous people named like me. Apostle Pavel, Pavel Ardashev-professor and historian, Pavel I-the first russian emperor.
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