Meanings Books

  • Meaning
    A lonely boy seeks the meaning of life from a witch, who teaches him to find beauty everywhere, transforming his perspective.
    Eye Icon 380
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  • A Christmas to Remember
    For people who would like to know the true meaning of Christmas!
    Eye Icon 996
    Star Icon 61
  • Oh My Christmas Cookie!
    A lesson about the true meaning of Christmas! I hope you enjoy my book!
    Eye Icon 829
    Star Icon 55
  • Why are there symbols for the UNITED STATES?
    Ann learns about various symbols of the United States, their meanings, and significance.
    Eye Icon 132
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  • the meaning oof mother
    A heartfelt poem expressing love and gratitude for a mother on Mother's Day, emphasizing the special bond between them.
    Eye Icon 136
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  • Mother's Day
    A poem celebrating Mother's Day and expressing gratitude towards mothers.
    Eye Icon 28855
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  • Ashley's Virtual School
    Ashley is starting a new virtual school and doesn't know how it's going to go. She made many friends but along the way, she found out two girls were making fun of her. She do…
    Eye Icon 27254
    Star Icon 1587
  • The Best Presence
    Agnes learns the true meaning of presents when her grandpa teaches her that the best gifts are the presence of loved ones.
    Eye Icon 16
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